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Thread: new member with 1st pics... 5'8 / 195lb

  1. #1

    new member with 1st pics... 5'8 / 195lb

    this is me now...
    pictures was taken yesterday...have not been eating right...was not doing different exercises -lifting(UNTIL) -I started searching around the net/youtube & learning new moves & feeling new muscles I never knew was there..

    I dont know my BF ratio...but from the calculators it seems to hit 30%...but I believe its about 30-35...

    I was weighing 215lb back in the day...2005
    then dropped to 170lb back in dec. 2007
    now I'm sittin at 195lb today...

    I'm wanting to bulk up & rip...not soo much abs...but a 4-6 pak don't look bad...
    my guess is I'm wanting to weigh 220-235...being only @ 5' I limited?
    & this is talking years (maybe) down the road.
    all natual...4now ..maybe will stay...maybe not...but AS has crossed the mind..& theres no rush..but I had to join & research first./

    I've been using & working out with the old natual whey protein, creatine(cycle) & daily multivitamins..
    just recently started eating right...
    so I'm guessing my BF should start to I continue to eat the way I am & keep doing the exercises I'm doing..

    shoot at me
    & thanks for giving me the option to list my photos!..

    & the 2 months progress I've made from 183lbs to 195lbs (which to me looks like nothing....)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    You are thick. How old are you?

    Anyway before trying anything I would drop some bf.

  3. #3
    ^yea..I forgot to post that,
    I'm 23...
    & yea...I need to lose some BF...
    I was eating really nothing but steak....drinkin pop...&...I guess everything...

    since the past 4 days...
    I've been on a pretty good diet I guess.

    oatmeal/banana/eggs in the morning..
    somtimes a full breakfast..toast,eggs,

    protein shake before & after workout...(gramming

    nothing super greased out...
    honestly drinking a gallon of water a day when I'm on that creatine.

    maybe a burger here & there..but I hope & think it should drop a bit....

    from the calculators I'm needing 3300 calories to gain weight...(a day)...
    so ...I guess I need to eat less then that a day...
    & I think on what I'm eating will accomplish this.
    Last edited by Randall6; 09-12-2008 at 02:33 PM.

  4. #4
    Nice , get cut and youll look huge...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Sam's Club
    At comp weight, you're about 155-160lbs @ 5-7%...

    Keys to attain your physic goals:

    1.Keep your diet simple.
    2.Find the macro ratio that work for new muscle and fat loss.
    3.Buy a food scale and weigh all your food. If you dont do this, you will never reach your goals. 90% of the battle is diet.
    4.Understand your macros and what to eat: EFAs for fats, lean meats for Protein, Greens and Fruits and whatever for Carbs.

    1. 3 sets per muscle group PERIOD
    2. Lift heavy heavy heavy
    3. No need to train longer than 35 minutes
    4. Find your training splits that compliment ea other (Chest, Tri, Caps)

    1. Wait until you plateau and have been lifting for a few years.
    2. Test is all you will ever need

    1. Get your bloodwork done every 6 months. Fix your problems through diet and watch yourself grow.

    Do things right and you will hit your goals in 3-5 years. Good luck.

  6. #6
    thx alot for that info!
    & them were some nice compliments above!
    keeps my motivation goin

    & yes.. Johny-too-small

    thats a good list to shoot out at me.
    I was training for 45mins to somtimes 1hr & 15min.
    I was doing more then 3 sets...more like 5...
    I was using lighter weights...weights are expensive...
    I only have 150lb on the bench...
    I done 230lb on my brothers machine about week ago...

    & buying a food scale and weighing my food will be accomplished today...
    my big dumb head was always wondering how some people would say...6oz of this & 8oz of this...

    but "Wait until you plateau and have been lifting for a few years"

    is a good one! but I didnt wanna hear that
    but thx for much great info!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    You're a big guy. If you cut you'll look great.
    IMO i don't think you're 30-35% bf. I think its less.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    your about 20%bf.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    You have a good base to work with, I would suggest cutting down. And you are nowhere near 30% BF..much less.

    Head on over to the DIET forum and have a look around.

    ***No source checks!!!***

  10. #10
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    the three oh!
    Bro you have potential there.....up the cardio and hit the sit-ups hard!!! I prefer decline sit-ups with a 45lb plate on my chest....start out just with body as many as it takes for you to feel like puking...then do 100 more. Seriuosly won't take much for you to get where you wanna be....just be consistant!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    South Carolina
    i noticed your XIV tat what part of north cal

  12. #12
    ^ says northend...for ohio..
    wish I was over there though.....haha (sounds hot & sunny)

    2 months ago I had this Bench Press everyday thing goin' on..
    slacking the abs & legs...
    but the more I looked around the web & see pictures & how working out legs can affect the upper body major ways...(it became more of a interest to me..)

    I usally lay on the bench & pull my lower body up to a small curl...
    I do 50 of them...2-3 times a week ...feels great to my stomach..
    but I will up the reps! & make improvments sooner then later!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post
    At comp weight, you're about 155-160lbs @ 5-7%...

    Keys to attain your physic goals:

    1.Keep your diet simple.
    2.Find the macro ratio that work for new muscle and fat loss.
    3.Buy a food scale and weigh all your food. If you dont do this, you will never reach your goals. 90% of the battle is diet.
    4.Understand your macros and what to eat: EFAs for fats, lean meats for Protein, Greens and Fruits and whatever for Carbs.

    1. 3 sets per muscle group PERIOD
    2. Lift heavy heavy heavy
    3. No need to train longer than 35 minutes
    4. Find your training splits that compliment ea other (Chest, Tri, Caps)

    1. Wait until you plateau and have been lifting for a few years.
    2. Test is all you will ever need

    1. Get your bloodwork done every 6 months. Fix your problems through diet and watch yourself grow.

    Do things right and you will hit your goals in 3-5 years. Good luck.
    100% agree.

    Also cut that BF down before you bulk. Too many times in the past i bulked before cutting and after cutting i lost close to all gains.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    i think wat johnyy has said is good advice but pushin ur own theories on trainin onto someone else really isnt the best idea imo...
    sayin 3 sets per bodypart period for some people wouldnt be enough. everythin else given to u is sound advice tho!! and yeah get some food scales..
    i just think u need to find a way of factorin in a good diet and find a split which suits ur needs and based around solid compounds.. but u already look 'thick' so ur obvioiusly incorporatin them into ur routine a lot which is good!1
    but like jas been said, u have a good thick physique, get on a calorie defecit diet mate and u'll lean up nicely and unearth the muscel u obvioiusly have!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Killer base bro! You eat right and hit the gym like an animal it'll all come together!

    Not sure about the Tat though? What is it?


  16. #16
    the tattoos somthing I made up myself...
    I'm a big fan of tattoos....& I'm an occasional tattoo artist for friends & family.

    I love my sleeve to death & plan on adding & re-doing soon as my arms/chest get bigger & stretch out the tat...(if thats an issue)

    &...I ALMOST regret the sleeve... just for the fact that I like to look at my muscles on the arm without tats..because I can see my muscles more defined & shaped
    its hard to see the shape of my arm with the sleeve.

    but its all good...\ -doesnt look bad at all @ certain angles with being a little bit built


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