Let me say first I am 37 6'1 now up to between 223-228..not ripped but still in pretty good shape but do look pretty big...I will be dieting soon for a strength event so don't beat me up too bad for my weight..
started HGH about 8 weeks ago only at 2iu a day..experience some numbing in the hands at night didn't think nothing of it...went to 2.5iu's a day and the night time numbing is driving me crazy...I wake up 4-5 times a night and have to hang my hands over the bed to get them going again...so further reading and I just went back to 2iu's a day..I will do this for a couple of weeks and see what happens...
For my size it seems that this small dosage should have no effect at all..I read people taking allot more iu's before having this issues...
what excactly causes the numbing of the hands??? obviously it seems to be a blood flow issue..but why.. is there something I should do differently???I do know it is a sign of good product...there has to be a logical explanation...
I am on a AAS cycle also...again small doses weekly...
I know GEAR would have a perfect explanation..thanks