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Thread: BodyBuilding

  1. #1
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    why does everyone hates bodybuilding, they say it's no good for you and go on and on about how it's not good, i'm on a bulking cycle now, and most the people that i know think i'm fat or that building muscle is so lame now, my status is :

    195 lb

    i don't know about you guys but BB has changed my life, i quit smoking, drinking and been eating healthy and i feel great and happy with the results, but why the f.uck do people say shit like that, i hate those ignorant mother f,uckers.

  2. #2
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Because most are uneducated about BBuilding...and all can not realise or understand the dedication behind it........most of the haters drink alchol every week......smoke 10 tabs a shit all day and think they are the shit!!!!!!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by energizer bunny View Post
    Because most are uneducated about BBuilding...and all can not realise or understand the dedication behind it........most of the haters drink alchol every week......smoke 10 tabs a shit all day and think they are the shit!!!!!!
    i don't know bro, some of the guy's i know there 30+ body fat and they tell me i'm fat, and they say there healthy because they swim once a week

  4. #4
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    Because people dont like diversity and want everyone be like them.

  5. #5
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Quote Originally Posted by rocafella View Post
    i don't know bro, some of the guy's i know there 30+ body fat and they tell me i'm fat, and they say there healthy because they swim once a week
    Exactly my point mate......uneducated.......

  6. #6
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    don't you hate when your going out with your friends and you get some healthy food and water to drink with it, and they have extra large of everything at mcdonald's or kfc or any fast food restaurant and they start to say : " like what the f.uck your eating " " drinking water " and some don't drink regular pepsi but drink diet loool

  7. #7
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    i rarely go out for food.....when i used to id get grief off my mates werent really bothered they would just rub it in my face.........

    when i do start going out again i will make sure it lands on my cheat day so i can eat what i like....

  8. #8
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    Most people are arseholes! (except for us)

  9. #9
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    Just ask them who they think gets laid more (even if you don't pretend).......Lmao, end of story

  10. #10
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    Bodybuilding is no good!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Older lifter View Post
    Just ask them who they think gets laid more (even if you don't pretend).......Lmao, end of story
    I have had a few friend ask Why, then I show them a few photos of some of the girls I have hit since I started working out and they say Ohhh damn... One guy at work last week said I am now his hero. LOL The next shift even told me he told them the same thing.

    Yes it's 99% jealously. I have friends all the time (even yesterday) ask my why do I want to get any bigger. Most of the time I just explain it like OK different people have different hobbies or goals. Some people like to go to school and learn as much about everything as possible, some are into extreme sports, some into cars etc. I have ALWAYS dreamed of getting BIG like a body builder or close and since Im 46, almost 47 it's now or never even with all my limitations due to injuries.

    I still like to do all the other stuff also, the extreme sports, cars and have toys though. LOL

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by rocafella View Post
    why does everyone hates bodybuilding, they say it's no good for you and go on and on about how it's not good, i'm on a bulking cycle now, and most the people that i know think i'm fat or that building muscle is so lame now, my status is :

    195 lb

    i don't know about you guys but BB has changed my life, i quit smoking, drinking and been eating healthy and i feel great and happy with the results, but why the f.uck do people say shit like that, i hate those ignorant mother f,uckers.
    To me, you should no be concerned regarding other's thought, unless these others are "first league" doctors.
    The only concern you must have is related to the fact if an endocrinologist is following you throughout your cycle and beyond...

    Eating bad food when you are at your age, hardly can cause irreversible problems to your liver and/or kidneys.
    While, taking aas when you are too young and your "growing up" process has not yet come to its natural end, can compromise your future health.

    I hope you already took this considerations for yourself.

  13. #13
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    Bodybuilding made me a better person I used to drink and smoke a lot and I'm not nutrition conscious. Now I don't smoke I rarely drink and I'm health conscious.
    Most important my looks changed.... lolol!

  14. #14
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    i think people say that cause there a jealous that people can sculpt there bodies. and take care with there physic.

  15. #15
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    Yeah, I guy @ work said that the stress of BB takes a couple years of your life expectancy. He heard it somewhere so it must be true. It has been a total life style change for me. I'm able to eat every 3 hrs regardless of situation, don't smoke ( never did ) don't drink & look forward to work'n out everyday, with weekends off.
    I must be sick!!

  16. #16
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    Reminds me of when i went for my health examination before i joined the police, the nurse did a BMI on me and said i was "seriously clinically obese" - you what!?!?!?

    Seriously, people don't believe that BMI crap anymore do they?

    Anyway she told me weight lifting was BAD for your health, increases blood pressure, and puts on excess weight - in the end she said that I should stop lifting...well...thanks for the "health" check but I'm gonna keep lifting, thank you!

    PS. she wasn't exactly Miss Universe herself!

  17. #17
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    They're just jealous, nobody is satisfied with the way they look.

  18. #18
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    ^^^ yuor BMI was high. but were you fit? as in extra muscle than normal people?

    did you still get in the force?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-gunz View Post
    ^^^ yuor BMI was high. but were you fit? as in extra muscle than normal people?

    did you still get in the force?
    The BMI was in the red zone, but i was really fit, it was all the muscle adding to the weight. She let it through, I would have put up a fight otherwise if I didn't get in for some lame reason like that.

    I still got in the force with no problems, passed the fitness beep test, and sailed through the push and pull test (seated bench press, and seated cable row). for a pass it was only 30kg, so as you can imagine for someone who lifts that was light as a feather.

  20. #20
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    I will tell you from my experience. You have a big dude, weighing about 230. He spends his whole paychecks on chicken, tuna, rice and supplements. He spends his days researching bodybuilding and he lives in the gym.

    Now small people, look at him like he is retarded. They think he is wasting his money, and has no life. But then something happens... that skinny punk starts slowly going into the gym. He wants to be like the big guy. He lacks knowledge and discipline. He fails miserably because he knows nothing about nutrition or working out. He takes his own anger out on others. He is a failure, so he hates those who make progress. I have never met a strong - fit dude that hates bodybuilding. It is a way of life, and it sets us all above the food chain

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