sorry for all these tren posts but today is day 9 (rest day) not feelin it rly... just have bad insomnia and dreams.... whats wrong? thought it kicks in week 2
sorry for all these tren posts but today is day 9 (rest day) not feelin it rly... just have bad insomnia and dreams.... whats wrong? thought it kicks in week 2
Trust your Source? And I usually feel it after day 3 but some are different!
Sounds like the tren is legit. Hows the diet and training?
insomnia and bad dreams are all part of the tren experience i would say the gear if definitly legit
Just be happy those are your only sides. Give it time and you will see results hopefully not more sides
well as far as pumps/strength gains not much has changed but ive tooken 2 days rest today finally backin well see how the strength is..... its an oil based tren so maybe that has something to do with kick in time compared to fina pellets?
Hope you're taking some test with it. Was the 2 days off planned or were you just tired? Back in the day (03) i ran it by itself and was wore out all the damn time. Not to mention couldn't get it up and stuff.
I think you got the real deal.
im about 6 weeks in my prop/tren cycle, the ONLY sides ive had so far is weird ass dreams/SLIGHT insomnia which isnt even that bad.. one or 2 pimples on my traps/shoulders here and there. THATS IT. and i made my tren from finaplix pellets, so im pretty sure its legit. be patient man
lol of course 500mg test prop per week... ahh 6 weeks you are your results..? muscle/fat burning /size?
dude, give it 3 full weeks
no size really, maybe a tiny bit, strength is great, im cutting though and really going at it with cardio/diet, so to gain strength, well im really happy about that. i havent really seen tren help out in fat burning though like everyone says it does, i mean im dropping pounds, but it seems like its at the normal rate id drop BF dieting. still very happy with the results thus far
ahhh good to hear bro. Tell me is your stomch/belly shrinking? thats the only problem with bodyfat i rly have
It's all diet dependant guys. Trust me, i could be a fatass on 150mgs ed of tren if my diet wasn't on. C'mon.
i know that but im talking bout like stubborn belly fat..... i got a solid diet and cardio. but also cant spot reduce fat so maybe tren help burn a lil of it off
No. Cardio, ab work and diet. Tren and other supps only help if you do the work. They're not magic pills that you get and then all of a sudden you start to lose weight or get stronger. You have to do the work first. The juice only speeds the process up a little.
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