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Thread: trying to put hear in order! help

  1. #1

    Cutting Cycle Advice!

    Ok guys I'm looking to start cycle and I am going to cycle for 10 weeks I plan on running Test Prop for 10weeks at 400mg a week I also want to run masterone at 400mg week as well as NPP 400mg week.
    My idea is this:
    Prop 400mg week x 10 weeks
    Npp 400mg week weeks 1-5
    Methyltren 500Mcg weeks 1-5
    Materone 400mg week weeks 5-10
    Liv 52 for entir cycle

    This is what I had in mind for my cutting cycle?
    How's it look this is my 6th cycle
    Last edited by CoreyJoseph; 01-09-2010 at 07:09 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Methyl tren huh.... stats and cycle experience?

  3. #3
    27 5'9 230lbs 15 to 20 percent bf 6 previous cycles I have taken test p test e tren a sus 250 eq winni clen t3 not all at once of course I was thnking of runing the methyltren for 30 days and pulling a blood pannel at work 2 ck my liver and hdl ldl . I'm not a newby by any means just new to the fourm.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    i just ordered some MT as well... when do you plan on starting?

  5. #5
    As soon as it gets here about a week or so.

  6. #6
    So does this cycle look like a good cutting cycle?

  7. #7
    So is this a good cutting cycle ?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    id say man... have u ever used MT before? ive heard great things but no one has actually told me how much weight i will actually lose... i will be also running MT at 500mcg/day weeks 9-12 of my 12 week test e cycle

  9. #9
    Yea what are people opinions on the NPP

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by CoreyJoseph View Post
    Prop 400mg week x 10 weeks
    Npp 400mg week weeks 1-9 ~50mg ED or 100mg EOD
    Methyltren 500Mcg weeks 1-5
    Materone 400mg week weeks 5-10
    NPP is a great compound; and an excellent addition. I would want to run it w/ the masteron to get it's synergistic effects. And I would want to extend the NPP For 8 - 9 weeks... 5 is too short IMO..Otherwise cycle looks good. Keep us updated on the run w/ M.T. should be an intense one! and BTW, yes it can be used for cutting definitely... Think of its effects similar to tren-ace.

  11. #11
    Ok so this is the cycle after edits any FINAL THOUGHTS??
    Prop 400mg week x10 wks
    NPP 400mg wk weeks 1-9
    Methyltren 500mcg ED weeks 1-5
    Masterone 400mg wk weeks 5-10
    clen 100mcg thgough out
    t3 100mcg through out
    Keto 1mg every night

    Hows this looking fellas?

  12. #12
    it looks good. you should be hard as a rock throughout the whole cycle.

    hopefully you can handle the M.T. for 5 weeks. If not, and you discontinue it early; I would just start the masteron (since it can be run for much longer then 5 weeks w/ positive results.)

    Have fun

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    yea man looks good... i was told to run the MT for 3-4 weeks but def not longer than that. im excited to use MT as well.. ive heard it blows tren a out of the water

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