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all test with ranges:
Thyroid screen (tsh) 1.83 IU/ml [0.35-5.50] some concern here? Not enough info without other exams
FT3: ?
FT4: ?
HTG: ?
FSH, Serum 2.4 IU/ml [1.4-18.1]
free testosterone 10.0 pg/ml [>14.0] this sucks!
LH, Serum 1.7 iu/ml [1.5-9.3] low end of range
prolactin, serum 4.0 ng/ml [<25.0}
testosterone, total 555 ng/dl [241-827]
DHT: ?
wbc count 5.3 k/ul [3.8-10.6]
rbc count 5.52 m/ul[4.4-6.0]
hemoglobin 17.8 g/dl[13.5-17.0]
hematocrit 51.1 %[41-53]
mcv 92.6 fl[80-100]
mch 32.3 pg[26-34]
mchc 34.9 g/dl[31-37]
rdw 13.1 %[<14.5]
platelet count 192 k/ul [150-450]
glucose 92[70-110] mg/dl
sodium 140[135-145] mmol/l
potassium 4.4[3.5-5.0] mmol/l
chloride 101 [95-108] mmol/l
carbon dioxide 29[24-32] mmol/l
anion gap 10 [8-16]
bun 22[10-25]mg/dl
creatinine 1.2[0.6-1.3] mg/dl
ast/sgot 32[15-35] iu/l
alt/sgpt 55 [30-65] iu/l
alkaline phosphate 109 [0-100]iu/l
GGT: ?
bilirubin, total 0.9 [<1.2]mg/dl
calcium, serum 8.9[8.2-10.2]mg/dl
protein, total serum 7.5[6.4-8.2] g/dl
albumin, serun 4.6 [3.7-4.8] g/dl
globulin 2.9[2.5-4.1]g/dl
a/g ratio 1.6[0.9-1.8]
corrected calcium 8.8 [8.7-10.1] mg/dl
gfr nonafrican amer >60 [70-162]ml/min/1.73m2
gfr african american>60[70-162] ml/min/1.73m2
cholesterol 218[120-200] mg/dl
triglycerides 119 [30-150] mg/dl
hdl chol 58[>40] mg/dl
ldl chol 136 [70-130]
vldl 24
glucose fasting, bld 92 [70-100] mg/dl