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Thread: Progress pictures>>>>>>>>

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Progress pictures>>>>>>>>

    [ATTACH]Click image for larger version. 

Name:	me2.jpg 
Views:	322 
Size:	42.1 KB 
ID:	111694[/ATTACH]

    Only 3 month no Gear
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Me 2.jpg 
Views:	330 
Size:	30.6 KB 
ID:	111693  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Good work man!

    Whats the goal?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sunny Australia!
    starting to cut the fat, good on ya

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    Shoulders looking more defined, well done!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    All, Thanks for the comments,
    Big Ron nailed it. I am trying to drop bf% and cut. appreciate feed back

  6. #6
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    keep up the good work!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Post your diet and workout programs, so we can help, if you'd like us to.

  8. #8
    shoulders/traps are really coming along! Arms too! keep it up!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    nice job! keep it up

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Post your diet and workout programs, so we can help, if you'd like us to.

    Food intake
    Night shift
    Calories /Carbs /Protein /Fat
    14:00 1/2 cup Oatmeal with water
    150/ /27 /5 /0
    4 Egg white 1 Whole egg
    210/ 3 /18 /13.5
    Protein Drink 1 Scoop with Water
    120 /3 /24 /1.5 Calories Carbs Protein Fat
    Total for meal
    480/ 33 /47 /15

    15:00 Gym Cardio 30 min

    16:20 Protein Drink 1 Scoop with Water
    172 /40 /3 /0
    Tatal for meal
    292 /43 /27 /1.5

    18:15 Tuna 1 Can 7oz. 2 servings
    120 /0 /26 /2
    Extra virgin Olive oil 1Tbs
    120 /0 /0/ /14
    Roll Molti grain flat roll
    100 /24 /4/ 1
    Total for meal
    340 /24/ 30/ 17

    20:15 Protein Drink 1 Scoop with Water
    120/ 3/ 24/ 1.5
    172 /40 /3/ 0
    Total for meal
    292 /43/ 27/ 1.5

    22:15 4 oz. Pcs of chicken
    100 /0/ 22/ 1
    Broun rice 1 cup
    150 /33 /4/ 1
    Onion 100 grams Cooked
    35 /3/0/0
    Extra virgin Olive oil 1Tbs
    120 /0/ 0/ 14
    Total for meal
    405/ 36/ 26/ 16

    0:15 1/2 cup Oatmeal with water
    150 /27 /5/ 0
    Total for meal
    150/ 27/ 5/ 0
    Calories Carbs Protein Fat
    Total as of 00:18 BMR-2386 TDEE-4323
    1959 /206 /162/ 51

    2:15 4 Egg white 1 Whole egg
    210 /3 /18/ 13.5
    Onion 100 grams Cooked
    35 /3/0/0
    Total for meal
    245 /6/ 18/ 13.5

    4:15 Pack of Peanuts
    330 /9 /15 /29
    Total for meal
    330 /9/ 15/ 29

    6:30 Casein Protein drink 1 scoop in water
    120/ 3/ 24/ 1
    Total for meal
    120 /3/ 24/ 1

    Calories /Carbs/ Protein/ Fat
    10/16/2010 Total for the day
    2654 /224/ 219/ 94.5

    Sets/rep 60-90 second rest
    Week 1 A Program On day 1and 3 B program on day 2
    Week 2 B program on day 1 and 3 A program on day 2
    8 Week program

    A program
    Legs-walking Lounge 2/12
    Chest-Flat bumbbell Press 2/12
    Back-Bent-over rows 2/12
    ABS. hanging knee raises 2/12
    Triseps-Push downs 2/12
    Shoulders-Lat. raises 1/12

    B program
    Full body-dead lifts 2/12
    Shoulder-over head press (dumbbell) 2/12
    Triceps-dips 2/12
    Bask-pulldowns 2/12
    Core Obliques wood chopper 2/12
    Biseps- dumbbell curls 2/12

    On off days
    Cardio 30 min
    20 min run at 5.0 speed
    10 min bike ride
    Last edited by Stake; 10-19-2010 at 07:42 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Starbucks in Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Stake View Post

    Food intake
    Night shift
    Calories /Carbs /Protein /Fat
    14:00 1/2 cup Oatmeal with water
    150/ /27 /5 /0
    4 Egg white 1 Whole egg
    210/ 3 /18 /13.5
    Protein Drink 1 Scoop with Water
    120 /3 /24 /1.5 Calories Carbs Protein Fat
    Total for meal
    480/ 33 /47 /15

    15:00 Gym Cardio 30 min

    16:20 Protein Drink 1 Scoop with Water
    172 /40 /3 /0
    Tatal for meal
    292 /43 /27 /1.5

    Kick the banana, No fruit while cutting. On second thought kick this whole meal.... Change it to 7oz of Chicken or Turkey with 15grams of fat from oil

    18:15 Tuna 1 Can 7oz. 2 servings
    120 /0 /26 /2
    Extra virgin Olive oil 1Tbs
    120 /0 /0/ /14
    Roll Molti grain flat roll
    100 /24 /4/ 1
    Total for meal
    340 /24/ 30/ 17

    Drop the roll, its not good at all. eat 2 cans of tuna here as well

    20:15 Protein Drink 1 Scoop with Water
    120/ 3/ 24/ 1.5
    172 /40 /3/ 0
    Total for meal
    292 /43/ 27/ 1.5

    Same Suggestion as your 16:20h meal. You can also have a nice lean cut of beef about 7oz or extra lean ground beef, but if you do, don't get any other fat sources

    22:15 4 oz. Pcs of chicken
    100 /0/ 22/ 1
    Broun rice 1 cup
    150 /33 /4/ 1
    Onion 100 grams Cooked
    35 /3/0/0
    Extra virgin Olive oil 1Tbs
    120 /0/ 0/ 14
    Total for meal
    405/ 36/ 26/ 16

    Go with 7oz of chicken, drop the onion and the olive oil. Your macros seem off on your rice, make sure you double check them that sounds like some low carbs for one cup of rice, I only eat 1/2 cup and its 70g of carbs. Also many experience members have told me to stay away from rice and go with Sweet Potatos.... about 4oz. I do agree it is a better choice but either way is ok.

    0:15 1/2 cup Oatmeal with water
    150 /27 /5/ 0
    Total for meal
    150/ 27/ 5/ 0

    Have a Casein protein shake with this meal or 8 egg whites, or something... you need some protein here.
    Calories Carbs Protein Fat
    Total as of 00:18 BMR-2386 TDEE-4323
    1959 /206 /162/ 51

    2:15 4 Egg white 1 Whole egg
    210 /3 /18/ 13.5
    Onion 100 grams Cooked
    35 /3/0/0
    Total for meal
    245 /6/ 18/ 13.5

    Double everything in this meal.... 8 egg whites & 2 whole eggs

    4:15 Pack of Peanuts
    330 /9 /15 /29
    Total for meal
    330 /9/ 15/ 29

    Eat real food here... lean protein source.... fish, chicken or turkey get 50 grams of protein and about 15 grams of fat,

    6:30 Casein Protein drink 1 scoop in water
    120/ 3/ 24/ 1
    Total for meal
    120 /3/ 24/ 1

    Assuming you're going to bed after this, I like this meal

    Calories /Carbs/ Protein/ Fat
    10/16/2010 Total for the day
    2654 /224/ 219/ 94.5

    Sets/rep 60-90 second rest
    Week 1 A Program On day 1and 3 B program on day 2
    Week 2 B program on day 1 and 3 A program on day 2
    8 Week program

    A program
    Legs-walking Lounge 2/12
    Chest-Flat bumbbell Press 2/12
    Back-Bent-over rows 2/12
    ABS. hanging knee raises 2/12
    Triseps-Push downs 2/12
    Shoulders-Lat. raises 1/12

    B program
    Full body-dead lifts 2/12
    Shoulder-over head press (dumbbell) 2/12
    Triceps-dips 2/12
    Bask-pulldowns 2/12
    Core Obliques wood chopper 2/12
    Biseps- dumbbell curls 2/12

    On off days
    Cardio 30 min
    20 min run at 5.0 speed
    10 min bike ride
    Nice progress, keep up the hard work.... I made suggestions on your diet above in bold.

    Good Luck
    Last edited by Bertuzzi; 10-20-2010 at 12:05 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Wow man huge progress gotta feel good. Good luck on your journey bro!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Grats Bro !

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Planet of the Drums
    Shoulders look great. Nice work

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