Good work man!
Whats the goal?
starting to cut the fat, good on ya
Shoulders looking more defined, well done!
All, Thanks for the comments,
Big Ron nailed it. I am trying to drop bf% and cut. appreciate feed back
keep up the good work!
Post your diet and workout programs, so we can help, if you'd like us to.
shoulders/traps are really coming along! Arms too! keep it up!
nice job! keep it up
10-16-2010Post your diet and workout programs, so we can help, if you'd like us to.
Food intake
Night shift
Calories /Carbs /Protein /Fat
14:00 1/2 cup Oatmeal with water
150/ /27 /5 /0
4 Egg white 1 Whole egg
210/ 3 /18 /13.5
Protein Drink 1 Scoop with Water
120 /3 /24 /1.5 Calories Carbs Protein Fat
Total for meal
480/ 33 /47 /15
15:00 Gym Cardio 30 min
16:20 Protein Drink 1 Scoop with Water
172 /40 /3 /0
Tatal for meal
292 /43 /27 /1.5
18:15 Tuna 1 Can 7oz. 2 servings
120 /0 /26 /2
Extra virgin Olive oil 1Tbs
120 /0 /0/ /14
Roll Molti grain flat roll
100 /24 /4/ 1
Total for meal
340 /24/ 30/ 17
20:15 Protein Drink 1 Scoop with Water
120/ 3/ 24/ 1.5
172 /40 /3/ 0
Total for meal
292 /43/ 27/ 1.5
22:15 4 oz. Pcs of chicken
100 /0/ 22/ 1
Broun rice 1 cup
150 /33 /4/ 1
Onion 100 grams Cooked
35 /3/0/0
Extra virgin Olive oil 1Tbs
120 /0/ 0/ 14
Total for meal
405/ 36/ 26/ 16
0:15 1/2 cup Oatmeal with water
150 /27 /5/ 0
Total for meal
150/ 27/ 5/ 0
Calories Carbs Protein Fat
Total as of 00:18 BMR-2386 TDEE-4323
1959 /206 /162/ 51
2:15 4 Egg white 1 Whole egg
210 /3 /18/ 13.5
Onion 100 grams Cooked
35 /3/0/0
Total for meal
245 /6/ 18/ 13.5
4:15 Pack of Peanuts
330 /9 /15 /29
Total for meal
330 /9/ 15/ 29
6:30 Casein Protein drink 1 scoop in water
120/ 3/ 24/ 1
Total for meal
120 /3/ 24/ 1
Calories /Carbs/ Protein/ Fat
10/16/2010 Total for the day
2654 /224/ 219/ 94.5
Sets/rep 60-90 second rest
Week 1 A Program On day 1and 3 B program on day 2
Week 2 B program on day 1 and 3 A program on day 2
8 Week program
A program
Legs-walking Lounge 2/12
Chest-Flat bumbbell Press 2/12
Back-Bent-over rows 2/12
ABS. hanging knee raises 2/12
Triseps-Push downs 2/12
Shoulders-Lat. raises 1/12
B program
Full body-dead lifts 2/12
Shoulder-over head press (dumbbell) 2/12
Triceps-dips 2/12
Bask-pulldowns 2/12
Core Obliques wood chopper 2/12
Biseps- dumbbell curls 2/12
On off days
Cardio 30 min
20 min run at 5.0 speed
10 min bike ride
Last edited by Stake; 10-19-2010 at 07:42 AM.
Wow man huge progress gotta feel good. Good luck on your journey bro!
Grats Bro !
Shoulders look great. Nice work
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