I'm a bit worried my back is fricken sore. I'm fine standing or sitting but anytime I bend over there is a lot of pain. Wtf did I do...
I'm a bit worried my back is fricken sore. I'm fine standing or sitting but anytime I bend over there is a lot of pain. Wtf did I do...
rest it until its better
you think it's just a muscle issue? I'm fairly new to the deadlift.
well dead lifts always hurt the first couple times I do them in the year.
Its normal.
Just let it heal, start light and work on your form
Your FORM is the most important thing in deadlifts
Try to do it facing the mirrior sideways
Is it upper or lower back? If it's upper you should be fine. You're prolly just sore. I get real sore sometimes right in between my shoulder blades after doing deadlifts and bent over rows. If you're hurting in the lower section give it a good rest, a week or maybe even two depending on how bad the pain is. I hurt my lower back about 8 months ago really bad and I gave it a weeks rest then went back and went back to hitting it hard again and was out for another 3 weeks on top of that. Just make sure you're better before you lift again.
Its lower and man is it bad today. 3 aleve, 2 advil and I can still hardly walk... I'm going to go get a massage in a few min to try and loosen up the muscles. If that doesn't help much I think I'm going to make it in to the dr.
might have slipped a disc if you're hunched over. having l4/l5 issues i don't do deads or bent over rows. too much stress trying to hold. but, i'll do squats. weird.
Dude I hurt my back too doing deadlifts when I first started them, which was a while ago. Bad form was the culprit. Just keep on the whey protein if your back is hurting. If it is because of something in your muscles other than a tear or something, then the protein should help heal the torn fibers faster. Thats what I remember doing at least. And it hurt for a good week after too. But this was many years ago and since then I havent had any pain.
I have pretty sever back issues due to 3 ruptured disks. I do light dead lifts starting not long ago. I get massive back pumps/pain after only a couple sets. I find that doing decline sit-ups after every set of dead lifts helps a LOT otherwise I can hardly walk.
on a similar note (i mentioned l4 / l5 issues that i have). when doing squats i'll sit down on the ground and lift my feet off the ground a little bit - anything to get the low abs firing just a little bit. seems to "pull" the spine back into place (very minute, but feels good and relieves the stress)
**** go to an osteopath or something dont ask for peoples opinions on a message board.
People cant guess wtf you have done to yourself.
Ya !
Find a Chinese herbalist why your at it .
There is no relief in feeling a commonality with people .
The thing that might determine severity is how incident occurred .
Was it immediate pain during exercise . Minutes following or next day upon waking .
Is there swelling and stiffness , pain . Try motrin 800 and cold press , heat pad and light stretches . Maybe soak hot bath . Rest .
Is there tingling or numbness in the back or legs . Might be pinched nerve .
Same as above might give some relief but a doctor would be best .
Either way a professional opinion is best .
I also hurt my back a few months ago doing deadlifts...the reason ? BAD FORM !
I ended up with a bulged disc L5/S1. If pain is still here, I would recommend you go to your GP and maybe get a CT Scan done. At least, you'll know if it's the discs. In most cases, your muscles around the bulged disc will go into spasm and will get painfully tight to protect your disc.
Once you have your CT scan, I would recommend a good sport physio and a chiropractor. But make sure you give your body a rest (as frustrating as it can be, it's the best you can do). It can be a slow recovery but it's worth the wait and commitment to whatever your physio will tell you to do.
Good luck hurt myself 9 years ago, doing deadlifts and squats and still suffering today, why do people keep doing theses dangerous exercises is beyond me.
Prolotherapy got me better and a good sport doctor, chiropractic got me worst, chiros are big money machine i have seen many and they are all the same.
I was very lucky i have no hernia or bulges. I don't deadlift nor squat anymore, switched to leg press and proper diet.
Well, I think one of the issue with a lot of people doing weightlifting (me included) is to stick to a routine without having, at first, identified, the posture problems, weakness in body, ect...
Since my injury, I've learnt a lot about my weak areas and I have focused my routine on correcting these first.
I agree with yannick35, stay away from these exercises until you have identified and solved your posture issues. Once you get that right and still feel like deadlifting or squating, get an experienced personal trainer to learn the right form.
I'll look into prolotherapy, never heard of it !
Most of the current so called back pain specialist are in for the money, back pain like dieting is big money, why would you want to eliminate the pain when controlling it is a lot better for your pockets. Chiropractors ( note that this is my personal experience, and there might be good chiros too, i know that in the US some chiro started the practice of prolotherapy, good rehab program and more testing to find the cause of the problem. But in Canada they fail horribly to do so).
Prolotherapy will fix any joint instability in the body, from laxed ligaments and tendons, there is a cause for a subluxation to happen, a patern, the chiropractic adjustment will put everything back in place but if the ligament and tendon are not strong enough everything will fall out of place once more.
Finding a good prolotherapist is not easy, i wasted nearly 2 years of treatment with a sport doctor that was in for the money, he gave me small injections here and there from 4cc to 12 cc, my new sport doctor got some x rays done, blood test, found out i was anemic, the other sport doctor i had to twist is arm for blood test, assssshole, i was anemic but he never told me. I am now on iron pills and red meat, i also got another test done for bone density and will have my first prolotherapy treatement of 60cc per bodypart on November 18.
I have DDD in the neck, but from what i have been told almost everyone as that and most of the time its not the cause of pain.
http://www.rebuildyourback.com/ is the best site for information, i bough the program you don't have to.
The program is mostly yoga exercises, the bridge, the cat, the cobra, and stuff to decompress the back, but the website itself is pure information about back pains of all kind.
Good reading.
Ay Yannick35,
With Prolotherapy, do you need to inject regularly or is it just a treatment over a specific period of time until problem is solved ?
Not sure how prolo is in Australia, I guess I'll have to do some research.
Prolotherapy is hard to find, i live in Canada and man i was very lucky to find yet another sport doctor that is at 50 minutes from my house, next one was at 3 hours drive to Quebec city imagine.
Prolotherapy depending on the injury and done properly 4 treatments is the norm to fix everything properly and once its fixed you don't have to go back ever again. For me i been injured now for 9 years, the prolo that i got sucked but at least it got me a lot better, and that was done by a crappy sport doctor.
Yes sadly i cannot help you find a prolotherapist in Australia but if you don't find one try to look under sport medecin because prolo is usually practiced by a sport doctor.
Also both chiros i saw back in 2006 over adjusted me, wish caused a lot more ligament laxity in the lower and upper back and i developed a condition called the snapping hip joint so because of theses incompetent bastards i need to get prolo in the hip as well.
Last edited by yannick35; 10-15-2010 at 12:36 PM.
I have been doing some research on Prolotherapy also over the past several months. I may be trying it soon, it sound promising. I have had back surgery for L3, L4 and L5 and DONT want to do a fusion. I pretty much live on anti inflammatory and am going in next week to get tested for arthritis. I was checked several years ago but I recently found out my doctor did NOT do enough test. He did one set of blood test and that was it.Due to other recent complications I was recommended by my Chiropractor to get in and get some blood work done. It's nice he is not one of these who over adjust and think it's a cure all.
As a long time member of this forum lovbyts i remember your story and feel your pain. Finding the right medical or sport doctor is very hard, sadly a lot of them are idiots and won't take the time to do proper testing.
Since leaving my old sport doctor that i have been with for 2 years, he was at the point of trial and errors with me doing some dumb low dosage prolotherapy combined with mesotherapy. That was going no wear.
I was lucky to look up an old sport doctor that worked at that clinic before and this guy is they man. I saw him on August 30th and he told me i was anemic, something the other sport doctor knew but never told me. He sent me for blood test the whole works, testosterone testing and arthritis and more, anemia came back a bit better but still present.
No prolotherapy treatments yet until my immune system is back up 150%. Second time i saw him was October 1 i sent me for x rays, i got the whole thing done. He found degeneration in the neck and upper back with some calcium depot, he was yet not satisfied so he sent me for a sistoscopy to find out bone density and where the pain was coming from.
All theses tests and no treatment yet, i am seeing him again on November 18th and this time i will know where i am going.
He is very diet based, against pills and supplements, and works very close with nutritionist. I have since then changed my diet and feel 100% better, cut out cafeine and green tea, which where the cause of my anemia, those 2 will prevent calcium from binding with the bones and eliminate iron from the body.
Do i think you are a candidate for prolotherapy well my answer is maybe, if you have joint laxity in the ligament and tendons, it will help you a lot, because it will tighten everything up. You still need to find a good prolotherapist that will use at least 30 cc in the lower back if not 60 cc, covers the whole region and not do like my other moron who gave me 1-2 injections and that was it.
As for arthritis it shows on an x ray not sure why they want to send you for blood test. I am using the adonis index program, if you go into torrents you can download it for free, its great to build your body and amazing for posture rehab.
I don't understand why you still deadlift if it causes you pain, i have been warned that i can start weight training again but avoid exercises that cause pain, you might be tearing up your back even more by doing deadlifts and worst squatting.
People need to be made aware that almost everyone who goes to the sport doctor and are weight lifters got injured doing squats and deadlifts, theses exercises compress the disc and tear it down.
Good luck Lovebyts i hope prolotherapy works for you and you can get off the anti inflamatory pills.
http://www.prolotherapy.org/ i have spoken to Marion dr Hauser wife a few times, she help me understand that i was not getting proper prolotherapy treatments, they are in Illinois, i live in Canada so far away, but if you are in the US and can travel, they are the best you can go see. Email them for any question they will reply for sure.
I wish. Aspirin and such have NEVER done anything for me. Fortunately and the doctors agree I have a high pain tolerance but unfortunately I also have a high resistance to meds. I still dont over use and I can clearly use more to manage my pain but I dont like to use ANY if I dont have to. I dont want to bandage the problem or hide it. I dont want to do more damage, I want to fix it.
I have just changed to the Fetinal patch to give it a try, we will see.
I just had blood work done to check for arthritis. I should have the results this week. My Chiro suggested I get the test done and that my doctors where stupid for not already doing them and only focusing on one thing, my back although I have obvious symptoms of other things. Good idea I think. They say certain types of arthritis can be detected in blood work and not all from xrays. My brother has fibromyalgia and it may be what is going on with me. I HOPE not but it would explain a lot. I'm not going to let it stop me from working out or anything though. I will find ways to work through it.
Yes I have read about doctors not doing the prolotherapy correctly, no using enough/strong solution and not pinning enough. I will do my research first and do what I can to find a good doctor. Right now it's still only in the research.
I still do dead lifts and squats because they dont make anything worse except the muscles for the most part. It's only I am no use to doing them. I do LIGHT weights still and will for a long time because I have not done much/any most of my life so I know I have to go SLOW. I would not do anything that HURT me. I can tell the difference between muscle pain/strain and doing damage. I have a long way to go just to get my back to strengthen up like it should be. I figure another year at least of slow hard work doing squats and dead lifts since really I just started them.
Thanks for the link, yeah I have read their site and have used it's as a good reference on what is needed to do it properly. Yes I live in the US but still, $$$$ is the problem. Long ways to travel and none is covered by insurance. I will do my research to see if I can find someone who is GOOD local first.
Last edited by lovbyts; 10-23-2010 at 11:57 PM.
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