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Thread: A humorous tip for dieters

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    A humorous tip for dieters

    If you have others who eat anything they want in your house, then please don't allow them to leave the goodies in plain sight. I have two young daughters who wanted cinnamon rolls this morning for breakfast. I happened to leave them sitting in plain sight. I swear I do not remember picking up the cinnamon roll, but I know I ate it. It's like I blanked out. The decision was so quick and without debate, that before I knew it, the roll was down. I hate that crap !!

    The only good part to this story is that I have a very fast metabolism that may just burn it off quickly. But, I use that damn excuse too much. I need to just hide this stuff.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    KOP, PA
    Haha, plus 1 to your rep my friend

    And its bad enough with an entire family eating junk food around me, they have the nerve to get mad at me for not wanting to eat the junk! Wife keeps stocking my favorite junk foods telling me Ive lost enough weight....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    lol so true!

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