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Thread: Fat Guy questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Alta Loma, Ca.

    Fat Guy questions

    I have signed up for the fitness challenge and need to increase my post count. I figured I will throw out a few questions here and get a early start on my diet and work out routine.

    I have been reading through here for a while and have pick up a lot of knowledge. Please stay with me here I will try and include the needed info so I can set up my questions. I know some of this will pertain to "workout" hopefully it is ok to combine the two, if not i will start another topic in workout.

    First I am a 43 year old male, 222lb, 5’11”. I know many don’t like the BMI or BF read out of digital scales but in my case lets just use these numbers as guide lines, BF is 40 and BMI is 30 (+ or -).

    I have high blood pressure and take medication. I have marginal diabetes and take medication. The diabetic medication has done wonders in controlling my appetite.

    My Test count is low at 227. I came to this forum because I had questions about my Test; I have learned much more thanks.

    I have a heart rate monitor that I use religiously while at the gym.

    My Dr. is only concerned about my BMI. My Dr wants me to get below the “obese” BMI level before he will talk to me about medication for my low Test. (I will deal with this on 2/1/11). When I saw the Dr. last my weight was 230lb if all goes well I should be well into my teens 216-214lb. this weight reduction will be my ammo to discuss raising my Test level.

    I go to a gym based on my weeks schedule but on average 3-5 days; I do a lot of cardio. My goal is endurance and strength, at this time I am not interested in bulk. I want to change my body from the weekend golfer/bowler to the gymnast/swimmer/runner body (not being the fat guy is my immediate goal). When I lift weights, I lift 12-15 reps. I lift with the idea of keeping my heart rate up not build muscle; meet Dr. goals. I don’t feel right about my workout if I leave the gym with less than 800 calories burned and on average I will burn 1000+ calories (a lot of cardio). On light cardio days were all I do is jog I complete 4-6 miles (jog at 5.8-6.0 and run at 6.6-7.0 on the treadmill speed selector.)

    Personal mile stone goal reached this weekend: I completed a 2 mile run in 18:00min. I am an old Army guy, completing the 2 mile run in 18:00 is passing for my age (not a good passing score but passing). My long term goal is to keep up with my 40 year old brother that is still in the Army, he is at 12:30min for the 2 mile.

    My first question has to do with me losing BF vs lowering BMI.

    It seems much easer to concentrate on BMI… am I wrong?

    Would those in the know recommend that I concentrate on lowering my BMI and once I reach an acceptable BMI then start putting muscle back on while now watching BF?

    Is it much more difficult (in my case) to lose BF and gain muscle and increase endurance?

    If the recommendation is to watch BMI would it be acceptable to refer to my diet and work outs as calorie in and calorie out & not pay close attention to the micro nutrients?

    If I did my math right

    222lb x 40%BF=88.8
    222lb – 88.8 = 133.2
    133.2 / 2.2 = 60.545
    370 + (21.6 x 60.545) = 1677.77
    1677.77 x 1.2 = 2013

    I track what I eat and try to eat back work out calories so I am on a 2lb per week weight loss. i dont do a good job at this.

    Well ask away lets give this diet & workout thing a kick start.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    KOP, PA
    Hi Jim:

    I'm down almost 70 lbs at this point and all I can say is the scales suck for BF testing throughout this weight loss. I would highly recommend looking up in your area and trying to get a real body fat test prior to this starting. I went for one of those bodpod bf tests a few months back and was kinda surprised in the results. My disappointment in the results aside, it showed me where I had to properly move my goal posts too.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Alta Loma, Ca.

    ya I am sure the digital scale is off for the true BF%. I do have a few inches of pinch fat on my stomach (more than 3 less than 6”). I have yet to do the tape measure test. I know the water method is best I have to find some place that does it. I belong to Bally’s Fitness, I would think they have something but I have not asked.

    If I do the height weight method I get 30.9 BF%
    222lb x 703 = 156066
    156066/5041 = 30.9% bf

    I went with the digital scale due to it putting me in the worst possible BF%.
    I started this weight lose goal last year, 8/8/09. I started at a 251lb and made it to 197lb 3/??/10. Then I throw my back out, a few months later someone rear ended me while i was on the freeway, in July (me stopped the other car traveling aprox. 50mph when I was hit), back went out again. A few months ago I got disgusted with myself when I approached 230lb.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Alta Loma, Ca.
    with the new BF % number 31

    Weight 222 BF% 0.31 total 68.82

    222 68.82 153.18

    153.18 2.2 69.62727273

    BMR 1873.949091

    exercise level choice 1.2 1.375 1.55 1.725 1.9

    Exercise choice 1.2

    Cal 2248.738909

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    KOP, PA
    See if any of these spots are near enough to you

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Alta Loma, Ca.
    Thanks, the ones around me seems to be universities.
    i have physical therapy for my back at a fairly large hospital tomorrow, i will ask if they do the water bf% calculation.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Alta Loma, Ca.
    This is the first day i tried to do the 1g Protein per lb of body weight; i was not able to do it.

    Cals, Fat, Cholesterl, Sodium, Carbs, Fiber, Pro, Sugars,
    1047, 11g, 270mg,,, 2713mg, 110g,,, 12g, 133g, 46g,

    It is late in the day looks like another deficit day. Eating that much protein/meat in one day will take some time to get use to. i had the food ready to eat just could not get anything else down after 2pm.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Are you just getting to full or the calories end up being way to much? Can you post your diet day?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    New Jersey
    @jng - post is from 12/27 - if this member is still active, he should be following the advice of his remote trainer at this point.

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