Going over and over my training/diet/cardio programs and following most of the diet posts and advice given here made me second guess myself. Chime in please with your ideas and CONSTRUCTIVE critisism. Thanks....

I did not put times down because my work schedule changes weekly but I eat every 2-3 hours.

Im a 40 yr old male, 5'7, 185, bf @17-20%. Following P90x so my wife and I can train together. Actually, I had to adapt the training a little to work with our crazy work schedules. Here's my diet :


meal 1 - 1 scoop of whey with 1/2 cups of oats ( on off days from work Ill have 6 whites with 1 yolk with oats )

meal 2 - 8 oz of turkey with 16 oz of broccoli

meal 3 - same as above

meal 4 - 8 oz of turkey with 8 oz of sweet potatoes

training followed by pwo shake ( using fish oil here instead of oats )

dinner - 8 oz chicken with 16 oz of broccoli/greens

before bed - 6 oz of ground sirloin

totals - 2031/308/108/39

Supplements include : whey protein, multi, vitamin c, fish oil, glucosamine

For a variety Ill change up proteins with fish and chicken in the am meals and with carbs Ill use brown rice. And if I need a little something to cure my sweet tooth Ill have a tablespoon or 2 MAX of natty peanut butter.

thanks in advance....