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Thread: Is hgh hgh?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Is hgh hgh?

    HGh is a string of amino acids correct? Therefore if Chinese hgh is made correctly it should be the exact same thing as say Serostim gh correct? Assume there is the same quantity in each vial.

  2. #2
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    It should be, yes.

    I dont know what raw materials are needed for the manufacturing of rHGH, but if they were also the same quality, yes again.

    The equipment would also have to be top notch...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I have a question.

    The rHGH that we buy (Chinese usually) it's called generic... this last word generic, means the same that means here. This is, a PHARMACEUTICAL GRADE drug with an expired patent? Or we called generic because we have to call it something, the same as we could call it ABC?

    So, a Chinese citizen could be trated with this generic? Are they made by a Pharmaceutical group?

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    If you read the Chinese concern thread you will get more of an understanding regarding the concerns with generics hgh. Trust me its not worth it from my experience.

    To make rHGH they are many processes to complete and the equipment used cost's millions of dollars and many of the generic companies don't have this equipment, this is why to produce rHGH it costs a lot of money due to the expensive equipment need to complete the process. I do know someone who I am in contact with and in one of his first emails to me he describes the process of testing this horomone. I will copy the email so you get more of an understanding. My contact has many titles, he is a Professor of research, Scientific manager, he is head of the Biopharmaceutical Bioprocessing technology centre, Director of Mass spectrometry in clinical pharmacology who provide protein analysis services to commercial and academic clients and also a Doctor

    Hi Marcus,

    there are some things that we can do, some things that we could do, but that would possibly be too expensive (not worth it) and other things that we cannot do.

    Please let me start with the last section:

    We absolutely cannot test any substances for their suitability for any purpose, particularly not for their use in a diagnostic, therapeutic and/or recreational purpose, when this invloves administering to a living being (including humans).

    Measuring the concentration of the growth hormones is something that is actually not as easy as it might seem. The concentration of the hormone can have two different meanings, it could be the chemical concentration of a compound (this is something that we can measure), it could also be the biological activity of this compound (this would be different, if a certain proportion of this chemical would be biologically inactive, which could happen for a variety of reasons). The latter (measuring the biological activity) is something we cannot do. We can measure the chemical concentration of human growth hormone (or any other growth hormone), but that would involve the chemical synthesis of an internal standard, followed by a fairly complicated experiment, in which we use chemical scissors (en enzyme called trypsin) to chop the protein into pieces, then we analyse these pieces using a combination of high performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, followed by a computer-intensive analysis of the data. The result of this experiment would be the concentration either in units of mol/l or in units of mg/l (the two are interconvertible). I do not know how the IU (stands for International Units) for growth hormone are defined - this might be a functional (biological) unit (which we cannot measure).

    Human growth hormone is a chain of 191 different amino acids. One thing we can do is measure the total molecular weight of the protein in a sample to see, if it corresponds to the molecular weight that would be predicted for a protein containing these 191 amino acids. This experiment detects, if one amino acid was missing or another one was added, in some cases (but not in all cases) even, if an amino acid was replaced with a different one. Another outcome of this experiment would be to see, if other, similar proteins are present in the same sample.

    In a different experiment we can check, if a protein in a particular sample is really growth hormone or if it is possibly something completely different, for example egg white protein or milk protein.

    For your information, I attach two links to articles about human growth hormone:

    Best Wishes


  5. #5
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    It should be, yes.

    I dont know what raw materials are needed for the manufacturing of rHGH, but if they were also the same quality, yes again.

    The equipment would also have to be top notch...
    Ok. If I take my Serostim and shake it, it "crashes." This is obviously not a perfect test by any means, but someone should shake their chinese gh and see if it crashes too. I bet it won't.

  6. #6
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    Crashes? What do you mean? it wont separate/crash but shaking HGH will destroy the cells. Most people kill most of it by also injecting it FAST, same difference. That's why why tell you to slowly swirl it until it is dissolved and best to wait 24 hrs after mixing.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Isma View Post
    I have a question.

    The rHGH that we buy (Chinese usually) it's called generic... this last word generic, means the same that means here. This is, a PHARMACEUTICAL GRADE drug with an expired patent? Or we called generic because we have to call it something, the same as we could call it ABC?

    So, a Chinese citizen could be trated with this generic? Are they made by a Pharmaceutical group?
    yes we have to call it something. it can be generic, by the color top, noname hgh.

    its not that the patent has expired. It is being made buy unlicensed labs. no different then ugl steroids

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Crashes? What do you mean? it wont separate/crash but shaking HGH will destroy the cells. Most people kill most of it by also injecting it FAST, same difference. That's why why tell you to slowly swirl it until it is dissolved and best to wait 24 hrs after mixing.
    Agreed, you shouldnt be shaking your hgh doing so will destroy the hormone. The hormone is very sensitive and swirling it is the way to go. Twist you also shouldnt be concerned about your Serostim if its prescribed only the generic crap what fools the majority of the western world...

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Crashes? What do you mean? it wont separate/crash but shaking HGH will destroy the cells. Most people kill most of it by also injecting it FAST, same difference. That's why why tell you to slowly swirl it until it is dissolved and best to wait 24 hrs after mixing.
    Yeah, injecting it fast or shaking it will kill the hormone which results in cloudy water (in serostim at least). This is why I am thinking if you kill a bottle of chinese stuff it should do the same (cuz hgh is hgh right?).

    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Agreed, you shouldnt be shaking your hgh doing so will destroy the hormone. The hormone is very sensitive and swirling it is the way to go. Twist you also shouldnt be concerned about your Serostim if its prescribed only the generic crap what fools the majority of the western world...
    I'm not worried about mine at all. My buddy crashed his by accident and it got me thinking, will chinese gh do the same?

    If hgh should be the same no matter what then all gh should crash the same.

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Generics have all sorts of crap in them, Ive no idea what it will do but Ive used them for the last 10 yrs and I know they are worthless and some dangerous so shaking them wont achieve anything, when these 2nd rate labs can produce gh sides, increased water retention and CTS shaking will do nothing for anyone IMHO.

  11. #11
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    After using differnet Chinese brands and serostim I am convinced that the Chinese, or others, have found a drug to cause the tightness in your hands and swelling. I am experementing with a new one now, but I have found with others that the swelling side effect is always there with out the fat loss and other good sides from a brand like serostim.

    It only makes since, the equipment needed to manufacture hgh cost in the millions. Threre might be some ligit hgh coming out of China, but the overwelming vast majority of it is crap. I've heard of them using everything from hcg to AI's, who knows what's in most of those vials.

  12. #12
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    If your chinese stuff doesn't crash, it can't be hgh right? Is this statement on point?
    I had a generic a long time ago (3 years or more ago) and it worked for sure. I re-bought about a year ago and for sure it did nothing. I remember dropping it and thinking it would be trash but nothing happened. That's why when my buddy crashed his serostim a light bulb lit up.

  13. #13
    A lot of good info.

  14. #14
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    My 15iu vials of american pharm grade cost far 2 much for a experiment like that.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by FCVtec View Post
    My 15iu vials of american pharm grade cost far 2 much for a experiment like that.
    Since you have pharm grade you wouldn't do the experiment anyway.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    Since you have pharm grade you wouldn't do the experiment anyway.
    Well, I would have to experiment with both otherwise it would be impossible to compare results.

  17. #17
    So if you take your Chinese generic GH and you shake it vigorously after reconstitution and it becomes cloudy then what you have is legit GH???

    I know that's not what you're saying. Maybe this is a way to disqualify bunk GH but certainly not a way to quantify legit GH.

    If the Chinese can reproduce the sides of GH I'm sure they can figure out a way to make a lyophilized powder cloudy upon violent reconstitution.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    So if you take your Chinese generic GH and you shake it vigorously after reconstitution and it becomes cloudy then what you have is legit GH???

    I know that's not what you're saying. Maybe this is a way to disqualify bunk GH but certainly not a way to quantify legit GH.

    If the Chinese can reproduce the sides of GH I'm sure they can figure out a way to make a lyophilized powder cloudy upon violent reconstitution.
    Bold is what I'm getting at. It's not that they couldn't figure out a way to make it cloudy, its about whether they did. They might not have thought about it. Someone with some chinese gear should try it out. If it doesn't pass this basic test then bunk. I know of someone who crashed chinese gear and it turned cloudy. It was on the last thread about this I made.

  19. #19
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Its goes far beyond shaking your gh to see if its real or not, trust me generics are crap if you want to RISK buying crap because of the price fair enough, if your happy with the results generics give fair enough but if you want to buy 100% gh and know exactly what your injecting buy from a licenced lab and you will see the difference in results and quality. shaking it isn't going to prove nothing, do we know how IGF responds or anti-diuretic hormone or an AI if you shake these!!

  20. #20
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    i have Jintropin, Somatropin (rDNA origin) with a company name( dont know if its legal on here to put the name) on it from china.. dose that mean it is not generic and there is a better chance that it is real???

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