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Thread: My pics, I want to compete, need critiques

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    My pics, I want to compete, need critiques

    Ok, right now, im cutting. Then ill be going on a serious bulk cycle, natural of course, and then ill cut to 6% and compete.
    What can I work on? Give me tips on everything please!
    for pics.

    Nice before and after. Check out the last pic of the after to see what i might look like in competition.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    FL to NY
    bro you change your plan about as many times as i log onto the board. i think you need to pic one and stick with it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    you have along road to climb. I wish good luck on your diet and getting to your first comp. I bid you well!!!! I think you need to set your goals straight and make them with in reach one by one. Start by working on that diet you have posted a million times or get with some of the mods or vets, they will be able to give you then best advice

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Thanks. My first diet is already fixed and it has exactly 500 below amr, going at around 1800-2300, i make it vary and change the carbs every so often to keep my body guessing.
    Ive been losing steadily with this diet and hopefully expect BODY critiques.
    What can I work on guys?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    honestly, you need a lot of work before you can compete and place. Your arms are quite lacking and you're carrying quite a bit of body fat. You are only like 17 though, so you've got lots of time to build your body. I doesn't look like you're providing proper resistance on your arms, that might be why they are rather small and undeveloped. Maybe I'm being harsh, but remember you're only like 17. What's your work out routine?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    IMO, you are going to have to lose a hell of a lot of BF and develop your muscle's a lot more too. This is going to be almost impossible to do at the same time bro. I think you are still far away from stepping on stage. Keep working at it.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I'd say hit the cardio like everyday, you need to loose the gut. As I do, and there is nothing like 60 min of cardio along with your daily workout.
    Good luck

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Georgia @ 6'8"/290lbs
    I think that its good that you at least have goals, but try and be at least more realistic about it. Competition for you is a bit away. Like everyone has said, lose the bf. Most of all, if you are going to compete then learn how to pose. No flame bro, but some of those poses were a bit off the wall. Other than that good luck!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    The Dirty South
    No flame but is this a joke?

  10. #10
    Not to be a jerk or step on your toes, but results like that make me feel like your not taking this seriously. Sorry if i am flaming you but you could you alot more work!!!

    Do you even know where the gym is ??

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2002


    Dan, very nice goals you have set. As a National Competitor, I can tell you this. Until you understand the thousand post threads you started in the diet forum, your competition plans look a bit foggy.

    Not a flame, but you must complete step one before moving on to step thirty six.........

    I also suggest you familiarize yourself with the mandatory poses, and learn how to do them right. No judge will correct you, he/she will simply dock points from your scorecard. No babysitting on this level...........


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Big Dan, you need to see if its possible to get ripped.... No more bulking right now, you have to much body fat..How about some 2003 pics, or a little more recent

  13. #13
    chinups Guest
    Get the swolecat diet man..............Hook him up swole

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    Swole will be able to hook you up with the diet you need to follow..My recommendation with of flame of course is you are going to have to spend some time learning how to pose.

    IE in your most muscular you are covering your body with your hands you want them lower so the judges can see you body you are hiding it like that. And your front lat spread is done incorrectly. I haven't viewed all of your photos just yet but that is what I have noticed thus far.

    I believe it is that has actual video clips on proper posing. I will have a look and try to find the link for you.

  15. #15
    Sorry pal but it looks like you train at home and are too close to the kitchen. I'm not sure what you see when you look in the mirror but you definitely look natural and not muscular at all. I know people that dont even train and look better than that. I wouldn't even consider competing!!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    Originally posted by FrozenJoe
    Sorry pal but it looks like you train at home and are too close to the kitchen. I'm not sure what you see when you look in the mirror but you definitely look natural and not muscular at all. I know people that dont even train and look better than that. I wouldn't even consider competing!!
    That is a pretty fucking bold statement my friend expecially from a NEWBIE...I hope that you can back it up with your physique. Lose that attitude, read the rules and stop flaming!!!!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    Originally posted by Shredz

    That is a pretty fucking bold statement my friend expecially from a NEWBIE...I hope that you can back it up with your physique. Lose that attitude, read the rules and stop flaming!!!!

    he told you...Madmax

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Hey frozenJoe, that was low. You can critisize, but dont insult.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Yeah well im sure he doesnt got the physique to back it up so Ill just bypass him as insignificant
    Anyway, I see many teen competitors pretty much my size. I have lots of size for a teenager, and I hope it will get cut up in no less than 3 months time.
    I want to compete in the teen competitions someday. I want to be natural and want to remain so for a while, and for now, its all natural cutting and bulking, so to whomever had a wrong perspective of me, please change it. Im natural.
    I know the poses arent the correct ones. These pics were taken a while ago and I just wanted to show my assets. I did no research on the poses and while I am sure I can learn them, I first want to get the body first.
    But what can you guys suggest? If this were a bb comp, what would be the critique? Remember, one day i want to compete and my plan is to cut then bulk, naturally.
    Peace out,

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Well you need to set yourself up with a *PROPER* diet. From what I have read you keep changing things around like every minute. There are some dudes on here who were willing to set you up with a professionally laid out diet plan for free... my advice would be to take it and stick to it. You certainly don't need to bulk any more than you have... infact you probably have gone a wee over board with your food consumption.

    Perhaps you should inquire to a personal trainer to make sure you're doing proper form when hitting the weights also. Just stick to a clean diet and proper work out routine for a couple of years and forget about competing... because you're not ready for that.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2002
    good choice on staying natural Big D, but take things one step at a time. set a small goal and accoplish that first then move on to step 2. I think your goals are very attainable but you need to get to goal one first!!! As far a you figure is concerned your a big boy but you need to develope your arms,traps,lats. from what I can tell?? I think once your get your body fat down and you hit up those weights consitently you will have a far better look to you, Good luck!!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    bro seriously no flame intended bro but ur not even close to where u should be to evn think about competeing bro,id keep hiiting itvand get a diet plana nd follow it strictly ,u say u see alot of teens with your size ,190 at 7% and 180 at 20 %is two different things .yea u both way 190 but..well u get my point .there no muscle density ,no seperation of any sort .

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    not nice to say that frozenjoe the kid was just trying to get some help dude so just shut up coz ur not helping

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Georgia @ 6'8"/290lbs
    Originally posted by Big_Dan
    But what can you guys suggest? If this were a bb comp, what would be the critique? Remember, one day i want to compete and my plan is to cut then bulk, naturally.
    Peace out,
    Again, not trying to flame here!
    Bro..It is awesome that you have goals but I think you are missing what everyone is saying. You ask the question, "If this were a bb comp, what would be the critique?". To which I and many others would reply, You are not even ready to be compared to competitive bodybuilders. Thats not to say that one day you won't. It's just that you are asking to be critiqued on the same level. If this WERE a bb'ing competition you would most likely come in last. I would suggest posting a complete Diet and Training plan first, and then let everyone here critique that first.

    Oh and FROZENJOE! You should apologize for being such a dick to Big_Dan.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Originally posted by DrJay73
    No flame but is this a joke?
    That's what I thought at first, but it seems Big Dan is for real. My advice is to set your diet and lifting/cardio program straight, stay consistent with that for 3-5 years, stay natural, then see how you look and consider competing. I myself won't even consider competing until I am confident enough that I could win.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    May 2002
    South Jersey
    I give you alot of credit. I dont think anyone can question your desire. I agree everybody here though. You do wiegh 190 but at a cost of too much bf. Cut it down, take it slow man, and keep lifting hard. Good luck to you

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    For all the 25lb difference in the two sets of pics, you looked better in the originals, and kinda fatter in the 2nd.

    I dont agree with the others who say "you are in NO SAHPE to compete" thats just stupid. By all means compete. You will learn a lot about dieting for comps, about posing, about what your weak bodyparts are etc.

    I think anyone who gets up and competes is a winner, especially a young guy like you with your whole life ahead of you for improving and refining your physique

    You are definitely a chunky lad. dieting will reveal just what you have gained since 2001. I say set your goals high, be true to yourself, and ignore the really negative comments because you are still growing - your body is "under construction" and, as the old saying goes, "Rome Wasn't Built In A Day"

    In coming years you may well overtake the other teens you compete against today, because they will quit and you will keep at it.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    May 2002
    New York City
    Originally posted by pumpseeker
    I myself won't even consider competing until I am confident enough that I could win.
    More should have this mindset.

    I agree with Swolecat (swole, did you say you were natural?), in that you are jumping many steps ahead of yourself.

    1) Learn how to pose correctly.
    2) Learn to cut correctly so you lose fat and not muscle.
    3) Don't bulk with high bodyfats or you will put on more fat than muscle.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Georgia @ 6'8"/290lbs
    Originally posted by pumpseeker

    I myself won't even consider competing until I am confident enough that I could win.
    After reading many of BigDan's posts in other recent threads and doing several double takes on his website, I think that Dan truly believes 100% in what he says. Its almost like he just can't see what other people see. If you go to his website, look at his wording.

    Not trying to insult you BigDan but you are either persistent as hell in trying to convince everybody or you just simply are not in touch with reality.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    long island
    no flame brother but it looks like you havent trained a day in your life .you must nto be doing something rite.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    texas, houston
    hey all i can say is dont worry about bulking and cutting ur still young get into GREAT PHYSICAL CONDITION. i cant stress that enough if ur not in great physical condition theres no way ur going to be able to have the type of intesity u need to compete at a competitive level. dont think that ur road ahead is easy bc its not. i wish u luck and hope u do take this seriously like most of the members of this board.

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