I read everybody on here say you need to be 15% BF to do a cycle. While I don't doubt it all, I would like to know the reasoning? I just got checked today by a trainer at my gym. Checked my chest, quads and my stomach right by the hip. He said I was 18.4%, but he said to add 2% to be safe. So let's just say 20% for arguments sake. Now I am 257lbs. I was thinking in this is where I need some help understanding. If my current diet keeps me at 257 and 20%. And AAS help you put on muscle. Then why not do a cycle, keep the same calories and gain some LBM. Wouldn't the added muscle help burn the fat that I have? It's just a question and I am not arguing the whole 15% rule. I am currently trying to get to 15% now due to that is all that I ever read. But would like some help understanding that rule. Let me just clarify( which I guess I should have put in the beginning) I am on TRT and use an AI. Estrogen was at 30 last time which according to my ranges is very good. It's been as low as 23 and as high as 60. So once again just looking for some clarification.