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Thread: Am Seeking Help and Viewpoints from (only serious talker)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Post Am Seeking Help and Viewpoints from (only serious talker)

    1st i don't know whose idea for this educatinal thread,but what shall i said other than, that's is the Best,Real Talk this is be of the best thread
    as i was going for deca and sastnon for my 1st cycle,but after i got some feedback from here,and some research from the internet and medical books in my university,i just know it is good idea,even as much as excited to do it,anyway i have been working out clean for quite sometime 3 years and half,gained good wight almost 20 k.g lower fat up to 17%,sorry to say it but i consider staying clean from those gears is the best way,really best way and save some Good CASH what i wanna go so far with bodybuilding,so i decide to go on with 2 cycles only and just normal cycle as at the moment i am busy with my university final year and i don't think that i would go for competitions anytime soon,but what i am sure that i am gonna workout stop workingout any time soon not after i reach my goal,my goal is to Improve physical appearance add more and more

    • Increase muscle mass

    • Increase strength and endurance

    • Train longer and frequently with unprecedented intensity

    • Boost sporting performance

    • Faster recuperation

    i know there is nothing batter than clean diet,train and recovery, but i wanna make a step into anabolic , and i wont go for more than two cycle with their pct,and i have been advice to go for Testosterone 1st,not stalking any other stuff such as deca,sastnon or other things as i wanna know how my body gonna react,so 1st i just wanna go for test on beginning but the problem that i don't know what type of test is good for bulking, because i looked at STEROIDS PROFILES FORUM and i just found one which is (Andriol (Testosterone Undecanoate)) and last time a reader from here recommend something by saying ( test -e or c bulking test -p ) which made me confused here is the question which test shall i use for bulking while going on good diet as i am 17% fat only and am old enough,what test shall i go with?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Test E is the same as Test C, no difference in how it's used or how you will react to it anabolicly. One is not better than the other for bulking or cutting. Test P uses a different (short) ester so you have to inject it every day or at the minimum every other day where Test E and Test C you can inject 1x a week without a problem. Test P will also kick in faster and you will start seeing/feeling results quickly usually in after about a week where with Test E and Test C typically you dont see or feel results until week 4. Test P also will remove from your system more quickly, just a few days where Test E and Test C takes 2 weeks.

    Have you read up on PCT yet? You dont want to use any AAS without using a PCT after you are done with your cycle to get your natural testosterone working normally again.

    You should start by reading this.

    and this.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 04-09-2012 at 02:44 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Pretty new at this myself but I took the advice of the knowledgeable members here and started with test c

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    thanks a lot.. it helps me a lot...
    thanks again

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