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Thread: A big what if !! need solid help please.

  1. #1

    A big what if !! need solid help please.

    long story short... my mate, may have scammed me. the day before i got my last bottle of test, he was going on about he had to move 20ml primo from thailand. i was like no thanks.... just test please. hes someone ive known forever and can be a bit weird lately cause he hasnt come off in 6 1/2 years and has major body issue disorder ****ing with his head.

    my bottle cap has been put on very roughly like with a screw driver and hammer to push the metal down.

    i usually pin at 430 am, and have to admit im never awake or switched on...

    if this ****er gave me primo and ive been doing 1 ml x2 a week with 300mg a week deca, whats gonna happen in a about 1 week when my test clears and im still running deca should i up my dosinex from 1mg a week or wait ?

    im fully in hulk smash mode and cant think straight, my aggression is over the top.


  2. #2
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