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Thread: Test E /deca cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    5'8 1/2
    Bf% not sure should. Not really fat though
    I've been working out for about 10 years 7 years seriously.

    Anyone knw a good cycle for Test e 250mg/cc and deca? Like how many ccs to take and when? Also should I take nolvadex or clomid during the cycle? Any suggestions would be helped greatly !
    Last edited by Jc1764; 06-07-2012 at 01:44 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Right now I would suggest you do a few hours of research before you run anything.

    A first cycle should consist of only a long estered Test between 350-500 mg/week (split into bi weekly injections) for 10-12 weeks imo. Come up with a proper cycle and PCT then post it here in order for us to tweak it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12
    Right now I would suggest you do a few hours of research before you run anything.

    A first cycle should consist of only a long estered Test between 350-500 mg/week (split into bi weekly injections) for 10-12 weeks imo. Come up with a proper cycle and PCT then post it here in order for us to tweak it.
    Oh ok I've done some research throughout the years . I have run test e by its self a few years back. This would be my first cycle stacking two compounds . And what I've read is what you said run test e between 250-500 MSG twice a weeks and deca 300 Mgs a week.. What would you suggest . I've also read that you should take an anti estrogen during ?!??

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