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Yes it is 10 wks
I am 30
The last cyle that I had done was a yr ago, t E 750 and Dca 600 per wk. I had no acne, rage, etc so I think I could handle that much test, but sometimes less is just as good as more. I had read that 400 to 500 of the mast is plenty that any more and you waste it as the results are the same.
I have not taken var either so I thought I would start with 50, Should I start the var in the beginning and then maybe up it later into if need be?
The Mast is P. I have not used Mast either so to start 400 and maybe up it a few weeks in
My biggest Question is about when to pin the test Would E.O.D be more beneficial vs 2 times a wk? Wouldnt there be less peaks if i pin E.O.D?