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Thread: cycle Q.... T 400, var, Mast

  1. #1

    cycle Q.... T 400, var, Mast

    10% BF
    My diet is clean/boring 3500+ cal
    10 wk
    Mast 400 mgs per wk
    var 50 mgs ed starting wk 3
    t 400 blend 25 prop, 187 cyp, 188 enan

    would 1/2 ml eod give any benefit to the low amount of prop? that would be, odd wks 800/2 mls, and even wks 600/ 1 1/2 mls of the test. Comments.

    same with the Mast, odd wks would be 400/ 2 mls and even would be 300/ 1 1/2 mls, with 1/2 ml EOD. would you add a little more on the even to bring it up to 400?
    Last edited by Ironv8; 06-16-2012 at 12:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Vancouver, BC

  3. #3
    yeah I had problems...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Vancouver, BC
    So is this cycle only 10 weeks long?

    How old are you?

    How many cycles have you done?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    there is no reason to do eod injection with the test. The prop gets in you either way, and the little bit it is doesnt matter.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Vancouver, BC
    I can't advise on the var, as I have never done it. Is your Masteron P or E?

    If it's E, then I would agree with Gixxer and maybe reduce your pinning frequency to 2 times per week with the test... But if it's P, then you may as well mix your shots and pin eod with both.

    I'd say that your doses are a bit high on the test and okay or a tad low for the mast. That all depends on your cycle experience though.

  7. #7
    Yes it is 10 wks

    I am 30

    The last cyle that I had done was a yr ago, t E 750 and Dca 600 per wk. I had no acne, rage, etc so I think I could handle that much test, but sometimes less is just as good as more. I had read that 400 to 500 of the mast is plenty that any more and you waste it as the results are the same.

    I have not taken var either so I thought I would start with 50, Should I start the var in the beginning and then maybe up it later into if need be?

    The Mast is P. I have not used Mast either so to start 400 and maybe up it a few weeks in

    My biggest Question is about when to pin the test Would E.O.D be more beneficial vs 2 times a wk?
    Last edited by Ironv8; 06-16-2012 at 01:29 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Ironv8 View Post
    Yes it is 10 wks

    I am 30

    The last cyle that I had done was a yr ago, t E 750 and Dca 600 per wk. I had no acne, rage, etc so I think I could handle that much test, but sometimes less is just as good as more. I had read that 400 to 500 of the mast is plenty that any more and you waste it as the results are the same.

    I have not taken var either so I thought I would start with 50, Should I start the var in the beginning and then maybe up it later into if need be?

    The Mast is P. I have not used Mast either so to start 400 and maybe up it a few weeks in

    My biggest Question is about when to pin the test Would E.O.D be more beneficial vs 2 times a wk? Wouldnt there be less peaks if i pin E.O.D?
    its such a small amount of prop it doesnt matter. if your doing .5 ml thats only 12mg. thats nothing to worry about
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  9. #9
    Yeah, kinda goofy to only have 25 prop.

    thanks guys

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Just a quick side note: with your "odd" and "even" weeks, well there is no such thing time itself doesn't split or change we just made up the durations as a reference point...

    My point is at those doses EOD you are taking 700mg a week of test and 350mg a week of

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Vancouver, BC
    Quote Originally Posted by gonzo6183
    Just a quick side note: with your "odd" and "even" weeks, well there is no such thing time itself doesn't split or change we just made up the durations as a reference point...

    My point is at those doses EOD you are taking 700mg a week of test and 350mg a week of
    Lol, yup.

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