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Thread: Starting to look ahead

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    The South of Gods country

    Starting to look ahead

    42 y/o
    10.4% bf

    Wow. Six weeks into my first cycle of TestE at 500mg per week/2 shots 250mg, and what results I'm seeing. About a week and a half ago the test really took hold and my workout weights lunged up 15-30% pretty much overnight and my workouts have become so intense that a couple guys in their mid 20's who work for me and work out with me, can't keep up past the first 45 mins. I've experienced no sides whatsoever and I feel like I'm normal again. Didn't realize how much I had lost until I got it back.

    So, I'm starting to look down the road at my second cycle. Initially, I had though about adding d-bol at around 40mg per day as a kick start, but the more I read, the more it seemed that 4-6 weeks of d-bol is going to bloat me up with water gains that I'll lose almost immediatly upon coming off. Additionally, I'm not a fan of the liver stress that is associated with all orals but I haven't completely rulled them out.

    My second cycle goals will be to add additional mass early and cutting mid and late...sort of a short dual phase, I don't want to run a marathon cycle on my second go around, but I could add 2-4 weeks of cycle length if the need is there.

    Big question is what to use. I've gotten mostly used to the injections, quads are still touchy, but not nearly as bad as the beginning. I've toyed around with the idea of reducing my TestE to 100mg per week, keeping it at maintainance levels and adding Deca/NPP...if I went NPP, I'd likely change the test to Test P since I'd be on an eod pin schedule...but I'm really a bit overwhelmed with options. Saw an awsome looking blend that looked interesting, but it's loaded with Tren Acetate and I don't think I'm quite ready to jump on the Tren, maybe later on but not yet, that's some potent gear.

    So help a fellow out. Throw me some suggestions on how to accomplish my goals. I'm just not confident enough in my own knowledge yet to be making this decision on my own.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    If you like you're results from this why not go w/it again? Maybe up the test a little in your next or adding the d-bol for the first 4 weeks. D-Bol's good to use for that amount of time @30-40mgs. Or you could throw some var in your next.

    Really need to be comfortable w/ed or eod injections and need multiple sites to inject to minimize possibilities of scar tissue. I typically hit quads, delts, glutes and rear delts w/short esters.

    If you are, prop/npp is a good cycle but like i said have to be comfortable w/the injections.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    If you like you're results from this why not go w/it again? Maybe up the test a little in your next or adding the d-bol for the first 4 weeks. D-Bol's good to use for that amount of time @30-40mgs. Or you could throw some var in your next.

    Really need to be comfortable w/ed or eod injections and need multiple sites to inject to minimize possibilities of scar tissue. I typically hit quads, delts, glutes and rear delts w/short esters.

    If you are, prop/npp is a good cycle but like i said have to be comfortable w/the injections.
    sounds good to me bra
    Last edited by sharmabrah; 10-02-2012 at 10:45 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    The South of Gods country
    Frankly, I had the idea of Test/D-bol for the very reason you mentioned, the injections. I'm getting better, and the last two have been nearly painless, but that prop ester is a famous crippler and I wondered myself if I didn't need some more practice slipping the pin in there. Think you may have made my mind up for me.

    Assuming no other compounds, how far would you recommend raising the Test.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    The South of Gods country
    Quote Originally Posted by sharmabrah View Post
    im guessing it was this big guy who banned "sharmtehtics" yeh?
    If it was StPete, there was a good reason, of that I'm sure. The mods and so forth are solid, just some of the members believe that they can attack without having to defend.

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