Hey guys. Without getting too deeply in detail here, I have access to Testosterone Cypionate, hCG, and Arimidex.
I've been on the T constantly for over a year (low dose HRT, at about 200mg/ week), and I'm looking to do one big blast cycle and just be done with it for a while. I don't really want to mix anything else in at this point.
Here's my plan. Please evaluate for stupidity, and give me some guidance. I know a load about the feedback loop and mechanisms of actions (I do HRT for a living), but I don't understand how bodybuilders cycle.
I want to do 12 weeks of 500mg/week (Should I do more? Is 500mg.week of Cypi enough to see substantial gains?)
For PCT, I want to do 500u of hCG a day for ~2 weeks, and 0.25mg Arimidex twice weekly for about 4 weeks.
Does this make sense? Should I do more of the cypi? Should I do anything differently from this plan? When should I start the hCG blast? When should I start the Arimidex? Do I absolutely *have* to have clomid too?
Thanks a ton folks.