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Thread: HCG issues while on TEST+TREN(progestins in general)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    HCG issues while on TEST+TREN(progestins in general)

    Ok I know this may sound almost paranoic, but....

    let's say I'm planning some kind of standard TEST-E + TREN-E 12weeks cycle

    Now I usually use HCG basically all the way through my cycle starting almost from the very beginnin of it (in the range of 250iu/300iu E3D) up untill begginning of PCT, which in this particular case would be 12days roughly after last pin.....

    I was instructed (and read in many discussion) that I should be using HCG always with little amount (20mg) of Tamoxifen in order to avoid LH desensitization

    I know that TRENBOLONE (progestins) and TAMOXIFEN don't really get along too much (fostering receptiveness of progestin), so it's a must to avoid the combination of the two

    -Would then clomid work instead, or would it trigger eventually the same issues?
    -Is it dangerous to be on HCG for 10weeks with no help from a SERM to boost LH production and avoid desensitization?

    Am I being paranoic?

    Thanks a lot to y'all for the support

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Killa Cali
    Quote Originally Posted by ColdShot View Post
    Ok I know this may sound almost paranoic, but....

    let's say I'm planning some kind of standard TEST-E + TREN-E 12weeks cycle

    Now I usually use HCG basically all the way through my cycle starting almost from the very beginnin of it (in the range of 250iu/300iu E3D) up untill begginning of PCT, which in this particular case would be 12days roughly after last pin.....

    I was instructed (and read in many discussion) that I should be using HCG always with little amount (20mg) of Tamoxifen in order to avoid LH desensitization

    I know that TRENBOLONE (progestins) and TAMOXIFEN don't really get along too much (fostering receptiveness of progestin), so it's a must to avoid the combination of the two

    -Would then clomid work instead, or would it trigger eventually the same issues?
    -Is it dangerous to be on HCG for 10weeks with no help from a SERM to boost LH production and avoid desensitization?

    Am I being paranoic?

    Thanks a lot to y'all for the support
    Save the Nolva for PCT, not during cycle.

    Grab some Caber or Prami to counter-act against PRL sides.

    Noticed you don't have an AI. Get some Aromasin or Adex to control your estrogen.

    HCG is good for testicular atrophy and helps boost your recovery in PCT but does nothing to help control your E2 or PRL levels.

  3. #3
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    Dec 2011

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by ColdShot View Post
    I was instructed (and read in many discussion) that I should be using HCG always with little amount (20mg) of Tamoxifen in order to avoid LH desensitization
    The small amount of hCG you will use will not cause desensitization. I think you are confusing what hCG does and what it acts like in the body. It is a LH analog, it acts like LH... Also, even if you used large doses of hCG(15kiU/week) tamoxifen wouldn't do anything to prevent desensitization. You were told information that is not true, or you misinterpreted what they said.
    I know that TRENBOLONE (progestins) and TAMOXIFEN don't really get along too much (fostering receptiveness of progestin), so it's a must to avoid the combination of the two
    Again, you were fed bad information, the two "get along" just fine.
    -Is it dangerous to be on HCG for 10weeks with no help from a SERM to boost LH production and avoid desensitization?
    Again you are confused of what hCG does. It mimics LH so your body will not produce LH if there is something already acting like it in the body. SERMs are used to boost LH production in PCT, but during a cycle you will not produce LH no matter what due to the HPTA being shutdown.
    Red bold.

  5. #5
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Some anecdotal evidence for you: I have been using hCG at 300-400iu twice a week for two years straight as a part of my TRT protocol. No problems. I don't think you are going to have any problems running it for 12 weeks or a bit longer.

    I do see 250iu twice a week recommended all the time, so it is probably fine for you to drop your dose a bit if you are still concerned.

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