First 21 people die in Chicago and now almost 100 die in Rhode Island. Is it just me, or did they die because a certain few were too stupid to realize the risk? It seems like greed killed a lot of people.
First 21 people die in Chicago and now almost 100 die in Rhode Island. Is it just me, or did they die because a certain few were too stupid to realize the risk? It seems like greed killed a lot of people.
Me and my boys were definitly talking about this when first arrived at the club tonight. I wont lie, I looked for all the exits when I first got in.
Originally posted by EXCESS
First 21 people die in Chicago and now almost 100 die in Rhode Island. Is it just me, or did they die because a certain few were too stupid to realize the risk? It seems like greed killed a lot of people.
Not sure about what you mean by greed... From what I heard the people at the concert in RI thought the flames were part of the act... By the time they figured out it wasn't the fire had spread to quick and by then you had 100's of people running for the exits...
greed? ha! if you talk to that genius jessie jackson, it was the police and the state of illinois' fault. man, that guy is pure intelligence. its always the man's fault according to him.
Jessie Jackson is a piece of shit.Originally posted by skinnyhb
greed? ha! if you talk to that genius jessie jackson, it was the police and the state of illinois' fault. man, that guy is pure intelligence. its always the man's fault according to him.
He fought like hell putting as much political leverage on the City of Chicago to keep that nightclub open and then this unfortunate event happens and Jessie Jackson is the first to blame someone.
Sometimes I believe Jessie Jackson and Don King are the same guy.
Because the Chicago club wasn't supposed to have people in one area, but it was full because the owner wanted the business. The fact that pyrotechnics were used in the RI club proved that the performance of the band (which is business at the end of the day) took priority over safety.Originally posted by buff87
Not sure about what you mean by greed...
Bros, I hate to tell you this, but night club disasters happen all the time and always have been happening.
It's nothing new... too much people, not enough exits, add alcohol, a disaster + panic and you get an all out cluster fuck.
Search any news archive and you'll find more night club disasters than you'd believe... from Germany to Indonesia, from USA to China.. .
I would absolutly encourage all you club guys - and there are a lot on here - to look for exits next time you go out...hats off to Avalon in Boston this weekend for pointing out the 9 exits that surround the dance floor during the course of the night - there is another club in Boston that I got to - 2 floors that empty out into one staircase that empties into the street thru a single door - there's gotta be other exits but fuck if I know where they are - if it ever happened in that place I'd probably be toast....
Out door clubs are sounding nice right about now
Hell ya, the Roxy and Matrix right. Now that you say that I have never seen any exit signs anywhere in that place. Hummmmm, I usually go to Matrix every Friday night, might have to rethink this.Originally posted by candog22
there is another club in Boston that I got to - 2 floors that empty out into one staircase that empties into the street thru a single door - there's gotta be other exits but fuck if I know where they are - if it ever happened in that place I'd probably be toast....
During many fire safety inspections, we've fined night clubs thousands and thousands of dollars for inadequate emergency exits, "stuff" blocking the exits (exits hidden behind decorating scenery), and most common is emergency exits doors chained shut.
Most night clubs would rather pay a fine here and there rather than have people let their buddies in thru the back door.
And in every head count we've done in EVERY inspection the clubs max occupancy was waaay over what their occupancy certificate allowed.
Problem is that the fines are not enough... whats 3-5 thousand $ in total fines when the club brings in 100 that in one weekend. We need real teeth to enforce those kinds of rules. Give 'em a $20,000 fine for a blocked exit. $2000 per person above max occupancy. If they only have 2 exits, then only give them a max occupancy certificate for what those 2 exits can evacuate safely, regardless of how many sq. feet inside the club.
Seen too much BS in the clubs... owners should be helt criminally responsable for disasters like last week.
Sounds like a good idea.Originally posted by Red Ketchup
If they only have 2 exits, then only give them a max occupancy certificate for what those 2 exits can evacuate safely, regardless of how many sq. feet inside the club.
red makes a great point. thats the same thing that happened on the titanic. not enough life boats = not enough exits.
Have you ever seen Ron Harris at the roxy? The writer for a bunch of magazines and he has his website??Originally posted by painintheazz
Hell ya, the Roxy and Matrix right. Now that you say that I have never seen any exit signs anywhere in that place. Hummmmm, I usually go to Matrix every Friday night, might have to rethink this.
The thing that blows my mind is that the incident in Rhode Island is that more than 100 people PAID to see Great White. That is a tragedy.
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