OK, a bit about me:
Age: 19
Height: 5'8" Weight: 175 BF: 13-14%
-been training 'seriously' for a year and a half now
-since January been training 'hardcore' (4-5 days/week)
-lately (since mid-April) training down to 3 days a week because of football
Supplements: Creatine (Cell-Tech), Methoxy (Prolab)
Other Supplements taken lately: Tribulus (Tribex-500), Colostrum
Diet: a lot of crap (pizza, burgers, late night Wendy's) but generally pretty good - high protein, moderate carbs, limited fat
-eat avg. 125g protein on workout days, 90g on non
-i tend to get smashed at least once a week, and i'd say consume 10-20 beers any given week
Cycle History: Did Dbol only for 4 weeks at 20g/day in March
-pissed out most of my new 'muscles' when cycle ended
-didn't really gain anything
-learned alot (from this board), prob never doing AS again ???
-max bench: 240lbs
-squat - i dunno - but I do work more upper body and tend to do sprint training and plyometrics for lower
-I am very pale!!! My definition struggles to get through!
-For godsake please don't flame me... I do my best from my limited knowledge and am only seeking constructive criticism/advice/compliments/etc