When i'm at school or anywhere interacting with others, and they commonly find out that one of my jobs is that of a personal trainer and that I am very knowledgeable on subjects of training, nutrition, bodybuilding, etc... the most common question I get, is of course...
"So what's better, protein or creatine?"
I'm sure others here on this forum have encountered the same question from people who don't exactly understand the fundamentals of nutrition and training. So, my response to them is always the following:
"Asking me a question like that is the equivalent of me asking you "so what's better, a DVD box set of the Sopranos series, or a castle in the Swiss alps?"".
That usually helps people to realize the fundamental flaw in their question and understanding before I explain to them the difference. I just thought i'd rant about this since it's one of the most annoying questions I get.