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Thread: LOL @ the most common question: "What's better, protein or creatine?"

  1. #1
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    LOL @ the most common question: "What's better, protein or creatine?"

    When i'm at school or anywhere interacting with others, and they commonly find out that one of my jobs is that of a personal trainer and that I am very knowledgeable on subjects of training, nutrition, bodybuilding, etc... the most common question I get, is of course...

    "So what's better, protein or creatine?"

    I'm sure others here on this forum have encountered the same question from people who don't exactly understand the fundamentals of nutrition and training. So, my response to them is always the following:

    "Asking me a question like that is the equivalent of me asking you "so what's better, a DVD box set of the Sopranos series, or a castle in the Swiss alps?"".

    That usually helps people to realize the fundamental flaw in their question and understanding before I explain to them the difference. I just thought i'd rant about this since it's one of the most annoying questions I get.

  2. #2
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    if you're billing them by the hour, no harm taking the time to explain to them the subtle differences

  3. #3
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    what if your watching sopranos box set in a castle in the swiss alps?

  4. #4
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    When you say school you mean University right? Not high school?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    When you say school you mean University right? Not high school?

  6. #6
    bigZthedestroyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic
    When you say school you mean University right? Not high school?
    High school duh!!

    You know what I like about high school?

    I get older but the girls stay the same age!


  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by bigZthedestroyer View Post
    High school duh!!

    You know what I like about high school?

    I get older but the girls stay the same age!

    Great movie.

    When I would get asked that question...well...depending on who asked I would either break it down for them and give them an indepth answer....or I would mock them terribly...and then break it down for them. Just depends on who it was/how my relationship was with them at the time of the question.

    But yes it does generally bother me.

  8. #8
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    "Do you take protein?" - Asked like its kinda on the down-low, like its some kind of secret we shouldnt be discussing. The naivety of the general population regarding nutrition astounds me.

    "Yes, I 'take' protein. Do you 'take' food? Its a supplement. Steak or protein shake or chicken. Its just a source of protein People just dont get this. My sister thought protein powder was steroids.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    "Do you take protein?" - Asked like its kinda on the down-low, like its some kind of secret we shouldnt be discussing. The naivety of the general population regarding nutrition astounds me.

    "Yes, I 'take' protein. Do you 'take' food? Its a supplement. Steak or protein shake or chicken. Its just a source of protein People just dont get this. My sister thought protein powder was steroids. old is your sister lol?

    God my head hurts..

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Ive never heard anyone ask that question!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perseverance1 View Post old is your sister lol?

    God my head hurts..
    20... its bad isnt it? Even my step-dad was asking me if "taking protein" was cheating.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    When you say school you mean University right? Not high school?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini

    I'm assuming u mean preschool teacher...
    Ur in a preschool teacher right?

    Teachers r the freakiest ones


  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    "Do you take protein?" - Asked like its kinda on the down-low, like its some kind of secret we shouldnt be discussing. The naivety of the general population regarding nutrition astounds me.

    "Yes, I 'take' protein. Do you 'take' food? Its a supplement. Steak or protein shake or chicken. Its just a source of protein People just dont get this. My sister thought protein powder was steroids.
    Haha! Its so true. people have asked me if i'm "on" protein before.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    "Do you take protein?" - Asked like its kinda on the down-low, like its some kind of secret we shouldnt be discussing. The naivety of the general population regarding nutrition astounds me.

    "Yes, I 'take' protein. Do you 'take' food? Its a supplement. Steak or protein shake or chicken. Its just a source of protein People just dont get this. My sister thought protein powder was steroids.
    Ohhh yes, I get that one a lot too. There are a lot of variations of this, especially "so does protein actually work?".

    To which my response is, "does steak work? Listen to the absurdity of your question.".

    I even once got the typical "IS CREATINE BAD FOR YOU???" question, and I responded by explaining that EVERYTHING is bad for you and at the same time EVERYTHING is good for you, it all depends on how you use it, if you remain responsible with it, and follow the proper use guidelines. So be then asks me "so how can I use creatine safely?" and while everyone else in the room was listening, I said "uhhh... follow the usage guidelines?" and everyone laughed at him. Some people are just so oblivious and stupid...

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post
    I'm assuming u mean preschool teacher...
    Ur in a preschool teacher right?

    Teachers r the freakiest ones

    Daycare, actually. This convo happened when we had milk and cookies just before story and nap time.

  17. #17
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    Ive heard some dumb questions asked, but never this one. Im not surprised at all though.

  18. #18
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    Tell em don't worry about protein and creatine. All it takes is heaps of steroids

  19. #19
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Thats ok Ive had people ask if tren cough is from nicking a vein or what and of course I had to again explain to them its a mild anaphylactic reaction in most cases. Given the high % of people it occurs with of course they arent all hitting a vein. Oh wait I remember where I read the former ....
    Never forget where you came from Atomini

  20. #20
    boz's Avatar
    boz is offline R.I.P. T-Gunz Gone but, Never Forgotten.
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    I reckon there just trolling the shit out of u atomini ha!

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Thats ok Ive had people ask if tren cough is from nicking a vein or what and of course I had to again explain to them its a mild anaphylactic reaction in most cases. Given the high % of people it occurs with of course they arent all hitting a vein. Oh wait I remember where I read the former ....
    Never forget where you came from Atomini
    Yes I suppose we were all there at some point.

  22. #22
    I get alot of those basic questions as well fr5om my coworkers, and yeah its so easy to think wtf.....Then I have to call my IT guy for help on something and he gives me the same response. So I try to remember although its common knowlege to me for others it is completely foreign and they are just trying to figure it out..

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