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Thread: Insulin while cutting

  1. #1

    Insulin while cutting


    Anyone use slin while cutting for a show? If so, any issues? My concern is the amount of carbs I need to intake to not get hypo. Or do you stop taking slin while cutting. Thanks

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by showgun07 View Post

    Anyone use slin while cutting for a show? If so, any issues? My concern is the amount of carbs I need to intake to not get hypo. Or do you stop taking slin while cutting. Thanks
    People do, you just have to be more careful.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by S&S_ShovelHead View Post
    People do, you just have to be more careful.
    Exactly. The issue with using slin to cut is you have to push it. You want your carb intake as low as possible without going hypo - which can be risky. I don't do it or recommend it but I don't compete. Maybe some that do will chime in with their experience.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Exactly. The issue with using slin to cut is you have to push it. You want your carb intake as low as possible without going hypo - which can be risky. I don't do it or recommend it but I don't compete. Maybe some that do will chime in with their experience.
    Thanks all. I will stopping SLIN on my cut. Was getting hypo and then slamming simple carbs. Can't do that.

  5. #5
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    What kind of slin and how much were you using? How many carbs?

  6. #6
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    When are you checking your BG levels? Lets say, I am eating every 2 hours, so when the BG should be under 100? Few moments before food or like an half an hour after when slin is peaking? I have read somewhere that for "healthy person" BG levels can be around 140 when checked 1 and half hour after eating and below 100 before food. And another question... how low BG levels are still safe? Lets say someone tries to cut with slin.. so after shot 5iu consumes lets say 35g carbs (7g/IU) which should be enough even too much... so he tries to back down and consume only 25 next time (5g/IU) which can be an edge... how to determine if it is safe to go even lower or not? And last one.. this is just the first "post slin shot shake" and after an 30-45 minutes solid food should follow... how much carbs would you eat in this food? Thanks.
    Last edited by briansvk; 03-14-2013 at 07:37 AM.

  7. #7
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    With taking blood sugar I was pricking my finger every half hour the first round with it. I wanted to see exactly when it peaked ect. Then when I found peaks I'd prick at those times to make sure the data so to speak was consistent and that ws true peak time, exit time ect.

  8. #8
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    Been using it on my cut n am just under 7% at the moment. Havent had any issues yet.
    I do
    30min preWo - 10iu humalog
    15min preWo - 1 scoop humapro, 25g glycofuse
    Intra workout - same as above
    Post - 2 scoops humapro
    Eat 30min after post shake- 200g chicken, 200g sweet potato

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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    So im pushin the 5g/iu

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