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Thread: 4th week of sust......

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    4th week of sust......

    Alrite bros i just started my 4th week of sust i have been taking 500mgs every week....shooting twice a week monday and thurs i havent gained one pound far i have taken 7 shot no weight ??????
    Is my shit fake or should it have not kicked in yet whats up bros help me out please i am getting faaaken pissed......i have nile sust no green ring

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    by the way the lot# is b 91180
    anyone ever see these or taken em orrrrr whaat????
    help me out bros please

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    yo, i think you have fake sus! check here and find the picture ! you should have gained a minimum of at least 10 lbs !

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    so wut up everyone think my shits fake or has anayone else taken this long for sust to kick in or has anyone seen or done the ones i listed above

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    come on bros wuts up noone can help me out??????????

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    None has answered your post because there is lots and lots of factors leading to the reason why you haven't gained any weight. Just the fact that you have to ask, lets most people on this board know that you shouldn't even be touching the juice yet.

    But since Im just waiting for my girl to get outta the shower, and don't really feel like putting much time or effort into a post right now, I guess I'll take this one.

    First things first, yout not using sust right. Sust should be shot at least 3 times a week, or EOD (every other day). If you don't do this, you are totally wasting the prop ester and are not making full use of the sust, and IMO, are basically wasting your gear.

    Second, if the other aspects of your training were in place you should have been able to gain at least 4-5 pounds naturally by now, not with the aid of sust. This tells me that 1 or more of these 3 things are off: either your diet, training or rest periods. If you haven't gained 1 pound after 4 weeks of trying to gain weight, then you don't have a full understanding of how to gain muscle yet and should not touch the gear.

    Take a look at your diet, make sure your getting enough quality protien, at least 1 gram per pound of body weight a day. This may sound like a lot, but its not. Its maybe an extra Protien Shake or two, and a bag of beef jerky on the side everyday - no biggy. Spacing the intake of your protien out is also a good idea for max absorbtion. The norm is eatting 5-6 small, but seperate meals a day. Keep this in mind. You also need to be consuming a certain amount of carbs to fuel your workouts, and certain types and amounts of fats to fuel muscle repair and buildup.

    On the topic of training.. well it's too broad to talk about here. Could be dozens and dozens of things wrong with that your doing. From holding your breathe during sets, to not doing the proper range of motion/isolating the muscle enough. Go ask the biggest guy at your gym what your doing wrong - Im sure he'll be more then willing to share some of his vast amounts of knowledge with you.

    Rest - get lots of it. Most of your bodies growth is done while you sleep. Growth Horomone get's released and your body hussles to repair damaged muscle tishue. A minimum of 8 hours a night is required for this one. No exceptions if you ask me. Taking days off from the gym is also concitered a form of rest, and what days you take off is really up to you and specific only to your training schedual.

    Be consistant in whatever training/diet program you come to decide on. It's this consistancy which seperates the big ass mother fuckers, from the wannabes.

    It's the self discipline of a bodybuilder that other people want, not just the physique.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    thanx for the reply but can someone answer my question.....I do eat at least a gram of protein per lb and my diet is good and my training is pretty good also but i mean i could probably use a few pointer yea but who couldnt.....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    well, as mentalism stated no one is responding becuz you dont soundtoo well informed about steroids.

    1. sust doesnt kick in for 4 weeks, injecting sus 2x a week is fine, EOD or 3x a week is only good for 750 mgs.

    2. you need to tell us how man ycalories you are consuming, how many carbs !!!!!

    man, you need to restate your question and sound a little more informed, sus should have worked by now, especially 500 mgs .....

    good luck!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Im a Masshole
    Its fake!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Its either fake or your just not eating enough!!!
    I took 250mg a week for 3 weeks, 500mg a week for three weeks and 250mg a week for 3 weeks put on 20 pounds first time. Just done same again and put on 14 pounds and was eating very clean this time.
    Train heavy compound movements 4 times a week, eat enough protien and consume at least 1000 calories a day more than your maintanence level and if its real you wont be able not to grow!! Good luck..

  12. #12
    i think your gear is bunk 4 sure. answer my question.. does your ass hurt the day after you inject the sus???? if it doesnt... then 100% ur gear is fake and thats for sure.. 4th week u should have gained at least 8 pounds. sus is some incredible shit... even at 500 mg/week.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    yeah yeah yeah, joe is right after sus injections my ass killed for like 2 days, then i did it in my leg, and omg! i couldnt walk like the next morning, so i had to mix it with deca...and jacked btw, i dont think u r eating right, by now you should have gained at least a minimum of 5 lbs from YOUR DIET alone ! im not flaming, just that it is weird not to gain at least 1 lb from the diet alone, or the water weight gain from drinking LOTS of water. but you knew that already. Right ?????

    nonetheless, GOOD LUCK bro !

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    On the other side of your computer
    hey bro im having the same shit happening to me right now and im on test cyp, EQ, and im taking dbols. But for the most part i found that its my diet and when you think you are eating really aren't. Its sad to say but you have to eat until you are basically sick of food. You should never ever be hungry because it should never get to that point. I feel you though. Im eating everything in sight to help pull my shit together

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    you might think you're eating enough until you meet someone who really does...

    gear won't do anything for you if you don't feed your body and train the proper way.

    as it was said before, they're not miracle drugs.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2003
    my ass dont hurt the day after and im taking durateston eod
    and it working just fine.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Could you maybe post a pic of the gear!? Let's see if it is legit or not.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    If sust don't start kicking in around 4 weeks, how could he put on 10 pounds by now? Also how does your physique look? I just started my 4th week of Infar sust at 500mg /week, and I gained about 4 pounds. But I can notice the difference when I look in the mirror. I consume about 4000 cal.s per day and about 200-220 grams of protein. What kind of sust are you using?

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