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Thread: 1st cycle on week 9 of 12 of a test e / dbol cycle, awesome results few questions?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Melbourne, Australia

    Wink 1st cycle on week 9 of 12 of a test e / dbol cycle, awesome results few questions?

    Hey guys and girls

    First off I'm 15 and 47kgs...

    jk ... Actually i'm 5'6" 32 years old (Trained for 15 years natty, competed in powerlifting). This is my first cycle and definitely not my last. and from weeks 1 - 4 ran the Dbol at 30mgs / day (That shit is bloody insane. Now it's just the test E @500mgs for the next few weeks. I went from about 75kgs to to almost 87 kgs in 8 weeks. Benching 160kgs atm. My diet and training was just average due to work commitments (60 hours + travelling 1 hour each way). But I was eating a lot!! I'm happy with the results and i'm planning to start to lean out in a month...

    First of all I know all about pct etc but would it be safe just to stay on 250mgs of Test E a week until next cycle? I really want to maintain my size and strength. I'm divorced, don't want kids yet and I can't get a chick pregnant anyway if I only use my hand lol. Or should I just run Nolvadex and stop? I'm asking people with experience... I just recently moved house so I plan on getting my diet sorted out properly and consistent soon. I've also had no side effects at all except for a little bloat from the dbol, had the AI's on standby.

    Also read a little about bridging between cycles

    Just not sure which way to go but I do know it would be smarter just to get off for 4 months or so.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    i would PCT take time off then cycle again..

    use your natty test while you still can..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420
    i would PCT take time off then cycle again.. use your natty test while you still can..
    Agreed, run a few more cycles then think about bridging between cycles

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Melbourne, Australia
    Is it true even with your pct you pretty much lose all your gains!! For me I maxed out at 75kgs - 80kgs depending on bodyfat (from about 53kg @ 18) naturally was all I could manage in 15 years lol and I tried everything, diet, changing up my training etc... I am more in to Strength training / powerlifting but I do a lot of 'bodybuilding' accessory work.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    No u don't lose all ur gains , if u can maintain eating the same calories and food portions on cycle and after cycle

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Melbourne, Australia
    I guess I'll do a proper pct and come off for 3 or four months, but because I want to get leaner for the summer and drop some cals just worried i'm going to lose a lot of lean mass and go back to -75kgs and then all that money wasted lol.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    If ur worried about losing some weight (cuz most of it will be water weight ), then get some winny tabs and do 4-6 weeks of that towards ur end of cycle and it will help define that new muscle u just earned, or before summer hits just do a lean mass cycle

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    If you would lose your gains what do you think when you stop taking steroids later kn life? lol even with steroids, diet is everything!

  9. #9
    Im new to this and I know everyone on this site will disagree but I never! See anyone keep their gains when they cycle off. It seems as if people just shrink and go flat. All the people I know personaly who are massive are the people who stay on. I myslef have chosen to cycle because I understand the risks while I'm still young but sometimes I find myself thinking if your a bit older why not go all out and keep those hard earned expensive gains. One thing I will say is do not! Try and lean out during PCT You will lose it all. I would suggest doing this cycle doing a solid pct nolva clomid and some DAA. Eat up and train heavy, Then run a cutting cycle to lean out

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