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Thread: Anavar Burns Fat. It just Does

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    UK -Yorkshire

    Anavar Burns Fat. It just Does

    Ok, so I'm current running a cutting cycle.

    It's nothing major, a TRT dose of test prop (I always prefer short esters and don't mind pinning) and 75mg of anavar daily, split into morning and evening.

    It's the first time I've had really good quality var. I have a friend who buys the raw powder and makes his own, so I know they are dosed correctly.

    Now I've been reviewing some of the past posts on Var to see if people have had similar results to what I've had so far and have seen so many people parroting the same line...

    "Steroids don't burn fat, cardio and diet do"

    Ok, diet and cardio do indeed burn fat and getting those things right are very important, but I can tell you now with 100% certainty that var burns fat. And not just a little bit. It completely obliterates it!

    As my name suggests, I'm very experienced with cutting cycles, but I have mainly relied on cardio, test prop and HGH. Plus fat burners such as T3, ephedrine and clen.

    I know my body really well, I've been training seriously for 15 years+ and I know how it responds to each of the above compounds, which I have used alone and in combinations. So I know when I take something, what kind of effect it is having.

    im about 3.5 weeks into my cycle so far, no HGH, no fat burners and I have just been doing my usual weight training but with HIIT thrown in 3 times per week and I'm already getting leaner by the day. And I don't mean that as an exaggeration. I can actually tell the difference in abdominal fat reducing from day to day.

    I just wanted to post this to try and stop the nonsense of people saying that steroids don't burn fat. Some clearly do and whilst no one should rely on them purely as fat burners, especially if your body fat % is high (that would suggest you need to get other things in check) compounds like Var absolutely will burn fat, without the need for fat burners or HGH.

    In fact, I've already decided to use var instead of HGH going forwards, as I love this shit!!! It's amazing. No sides either and it isn't making me freakishly big like Tren does. This means I have a more natural looking, athletic physique, but my muscles are nice and full, pumps are great and I'm starting to look good... I'm getting comments from people saying I'm in great shape and asking how I'm doing it so quickly.

    Anyway, rant over. I hope that helps anyone that's considering using Var as part of a cutting cycle and shows you don't need 5 different steroids to make a good cycle, depending on your own goals.

    If you have any questions about it, please let me know. I'd be happy to answer.

    Last edited by cutting_king; 02-18-2016 at 12:25 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by cutting_king View Post
    Ok, so I'm current running a cutting cycle.

    It's nothing major, a TRT dose of test prop (I always prefer short esters and don't mind pinning) and 75mg of anavar daily, split into morning and evening.

    It's the first time I've had really good quality var. I have a friend who buys the raw powder and makes his own, so I know they are dosed correctly.

    Now I've been reviewing some of the past posts on Var to see if people have had similar results to what I've had so far and have seen so many people parroting the same line...

    "Steroids don't burn fat, cardio and diet do"

    Ok, diet and cardio do indeed burn fat and getting those things right are very important, but I can tell you now with 100% certainty that var burns fat. And not just a little bit. It completely obliterates it!

    As my name suggests, I'm very experienced with cutting cycles, but I have mainly relied on cardio, test prop and HGH. Plus fat burners such as T3, ephedrine and clen.

    I know my body really well, I've been training seriously for 15 years+ and I know how it responds to each of the above compounds, which I have used alone and in combinations. So I know when I take something, what kind of effect it is having.

    im about 3.5 weeks into my cycle so far, no HGH, no fat burners and I have just been doing my usual weight training but with HIIT thrown in 3 times per week and I'm already getting leaner by the day. And I don't mean that as an exaggeration. I can actually tell the difference in abdominal fat reducing from day to day.

    I just wanted to post this to try and stop the nonsense of people saying that steroids don't burn fat. Some clearly do and whilst no one should rely on them purely as fat burners, especially if your body fat % is high (that would suggest you need to get other things in check) compounds like Var absolutely will burn fat, without the need for fat burners or HGH.

    In fact, I've already decided to use var instead of HGH going forwards, as I love this shit!!! It's amazing. No sides either and it isn't making me freakishly big like Tren does. This means I have a more natural looking, athletic physique, but my muscles are nice and full, pumps are great and I'm starting to look good... I'm getting comments from people saying I'm in great shape and asking how I'm doing it so quickly.

    Anyway, rant over. I hope that helps anyone that's considering using Var as part of a cutting cycle and shows you don't need 5 different steroids to make a good cycle, depending on your own goals.

    If you have any questions about it, please let me know. I'd be happy to answer.

    Test and eat under maintenance will yield the results and if your bf% is around 12% then adding in winstrol is far superior for the price you pay as long as your not prone to joint issues

    Anavar is just like any other oral be it dbol or naps it can be in addition to a cycle depending on goals

    but not in replace of test and diet.
    Last edited by itsjayman02; 02-18-2016 at 02:29 AM.

  3. #3
    Just want to throw this out there....
    If the raw powder is from China than you cannot be so sure of the quality.
    It could be half dosed or Winstrol for all you know.

    Congrats on the cut.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Just want to throw this out there....
    If the raw powder is from China than you cannot be so sure of the quality.
    It could be half dosed or Winstrol for all you know.

    Congrats on the cut.
    "Var" from china is almost always 65-75% dosed Winstrol. You are correct!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    AZ Side
    ^ eat shit


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Would 20mgs of Anavar "shut you down"? is shut down dose dependent? Would love to run some Var for the summer, Iv used it in the past as high as 60mgs and had some fantastic results. My concern tho is drinking on it which obviously I would be drinking at least one day a week in the Summer but at 20mgs maybe it would be ok....

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChemyoDude View Post
    Would 20mgs of Anavar "shut you down"? is shut down dose dependent? Would love to run some Var for the summer, Iv used it in the past as high as 60mgs and had some fantastic results. My concern tho is drinking on it which obviously I would be drinking at least one day a week in the Summer but at 20mgs maybe it would be ok....

    Off topic, if there was one

    But - hard to say, I never recommend oral only cycles to guys

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by < > View Post
    Off topic, if there was one

    But - hard to say, I never recommend oral only cycles to guys
    I could add in 350mgs of test/wk but rather just low dose an oral like var with something light like ostarine and "cruise" thru summer... Not that I'm using "cruise" correctly but you know what I mean. Light cycle to keep a "on something" look that Incan drink on once a week without killing my liver

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  9. #9
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    Aug 2005
    I concur Cutting, and there are plenty of studies to support this.

    No Chemy, Var and for that matter, none of the milder orals, i.e., Winny, Tbol, Primo, etc. shut you down. They all suppress, but do not completely cease natty production, largely due to their low androgenic properties represented by their respective androgenic numbers.

    Based on your question, it seems as if you were considering a Var-only cycle which is not recommended. Although Var has sound properties, said properties are synergistically augmented in a Test base...which of course would shut you down.


    **Just saw your above post. Add the Test.

    P.S. One can ONLY cruise on a TEST-ONLY cycle. The addition of any other aas, or the omission of Test from any single or stacked aas is by definition a cycle and therefore...NOT cruising.

    Best to you.
    Last edited by magic32; 02-28-2020 at 11:10 AM.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32 View Post
    I concur Cutting, and there are plenty of studies to support this.

    No Chemy, Var and for that matter, none of the milder orals, i.e., Winny, Tbol, Primo, etc. shut you down. They all suppress, but do not completely cease natty production, largely due to their low androgenic properties represented by their respective androgenic numbers.

    Based on your question, it seems as if you were considering a Var-only cycle which is not recommended. Although Var has sound properties, said properties are synergistically augmented in a Test base...which of course would shut you down.


    **Just saw your above post. Add the Test.

    P.S. One can ONLY cruise on a TEST-ONLY cycle. The addition of any other aas, or the omission of Test from any single or stacked aas is by definition a cycle and therefore...NOT cruising.

    Best to you.
    Yeah I used "cruise" wrong. I meant run a very mild cycle that I can drink on once a week...

    Previous cycle was 50mgs Var, 15mgs Rad, for 8 weeks with 30mgs of Winny the last 3 weeks and 350 test. Huge gains.

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  11. #11
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    I dunno, I still say test base is a must

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    I dunno, I still say test base is a must
    Test is the best

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by The God Himself View Post
    Test is the best

    Test alone can do amazing shit - everything else is just a bonus

  14. #14
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    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by magic32 View Post
    I concur Cutting, and there are plenty of studies to support this.

    No Chemy, Var and for that matter, none of the milder orals, i.e., Winny, Tbol, Primo, etc. shut you down. They all suppress, but do not completely cease natty production, largely due to their low androgenic properties represented by their respective androgenic numbers.

    Based on your question, it seems as if you were considering a Var-only cycle which is not recommended. Although Var has sound properties, said properties are synergistically augmented in a Test base...which of course would shut you down.


    **Just saw your above post. Add the Test.

    P.S. One can ONLY cruise on a TEST-ONLY cycle. The addition of any other aas, or the omission of Test from any single or stacked aas is by definition a cycle and therefore...NOT cruising.

    Best to you.
    Cruise can include othe compounds. A cruise is just a period when dosages are lower to let your body return to homeostasis. Just because your using some primo or decca doesnt mean its not a cruise. Even the mild orals will shut you down, if dose and duration is right. There has been lots of bloodwork done showing even sarms can shut you down.

  15. #15
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    Jul 2009
    I have found that it's a lot easier to stay lean when taking only Oxandrolone (compared to Testosterone, Nandrolone, Trenbolone, Methandrostenolone). In the past I've found that it takes Anavar about 7 or 8 weeks to shut you down to the point that you notice it.

    Steroids take a toll on the body though and so if I was gonna do another cycle then I'd make it worth my while and take more than just Var.

  16. #16
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    Nov 2007
    In my avatar I was on 250 test e, 900 deca and 75mg dbol daily and I was shredded. Diet and training.....

  17. #17
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    Were you on any ai?

  18. #18
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    No ai at all

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    a land far from here.

    Anavar Burns Fat. It just Does

    For TRT program, I am on 200 mg test cyp per week,
    25-50 mg proviron daily,
    250iu hCG 2-3 times a week.

    Could I add Anavar to lose weight?

    Iā€™m 5ā€™8ā€, 220 lbs, all fat, no working out.

    Looking for a way to jumpstart weight loss.

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  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    You will lose weight from changing diet and training not taking more steroids.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    You will lose weight from changing diet and training not taking more steroids.

    Diet is so crucial. . . . . I have learned the hard way, on myslef - with a clean diet I look almost as good as I do on 3x the gear

    Yeah - I way worse than I do now, but I started pounding down gear & other ped's - go figure it worked

    When, I jumped off I seen it go away so fast - So, since I had the spare time & got tired of spending redicilous amounts of money on go out food, I cleaned my diet real hard. It worked, damn near as lean(maybe even a tad more) with the same results on way less juice
    Last edited by < <Samson> >; 03-08-2020 at 07:28 AM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Test makes you eat more, hgh burns fat too

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2019
    a land far from here.
    Thanks for the replies. I am a bit on the lazy side.

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