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Thread: Stomach problem!! I look terrible!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    I have been told to eat many times a day, clean food. Okay so I started following that a month ago and today my upper stomach looks big and curved out with my rip cage. I feel its heavy and bloated. I don't think it looks good with tshirt on nor off! What to do?!?!
    I'm worried about the way I look.. A friend told me it looks really big and funny in a creepy way..
    Whats wrong?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Depends on a few things. For one what's your diet been like? The term "clean food" is thrown around way too much.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Big Trouble, Little China
    Post a picture

    Clean food is washed food. Correct?
    Last edited by David LoPan; 04-14-2014 at 04:39 PM. Reason: being a smart ass

  4. #4
    What are you cycling? What is your diet regiment? What is your training regiment. You can't really point your finger at one thing. There are a lot of variables in body composition. You have to give enough information so people can access what's going on.

  5. #5
    Distended stomach is likely going to be due to overeating and/or gas. When I was first starting out, people drilled it into my head that I had to eat eat and eat to gain mass but no one really stopped to explain how to figure out my actual energy requirements and how to plan my diet accordingly. I had to figure that out the hard way much like yourself, when my stomach started to appear to gain mass faster than anything else. You need to learn how to estimate your lean body mass and plan a diet that fits your needs. Without any more info there's not much anyone can tell you, but I would suggest heading over to the Nutrition section of the forum and starting there.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by BadDevlin View Post
    Distended stomach is likely going to be due to overeating and/or gas. When I was first starting out, people drilled it into my head that I had to eat eat and eat to gain mass but no one really stopped to explain how to figure out my actual energy requirements and how to plan my diet accordingly. I had to figure that out the hard way much like yourself, when my stomach started to appear to gain mass faster than anything else. You need to learn how to estimate your lean body mass and plan a diet that fits your needs. Without any more info there's not much anyone can tell you, but I would suggest heading over to the Nutrition section of the forum and starting there.
    Good first post. Very true. Welcome to the boards.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Is your midsection bloated because there is a bunch of food in there, or are you actually storing fat? Look at yourself in the morning before you eat or drink anything. If It looks normal at that point, you are probably just full from eating during the day. Suck in and stand up straight - you aren't on stage. If you still look "fat" in the morning, its probably time to consider why you are putting on fat.

    The nutrition section has some great information. There is a sticky on calculating TDEE. That is a great place to start. Its impossible to move forward until you know how many calories you should be eating to reach your goal. From there, look into the numerous cutting / bulking diet suggestions. Diet is the toughest part of all this stuff. Good luck.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by prototypex View Post
    I have been told to eat many times a day, clean food. Okay so I started following that a month ago and today my upper stomach looks big and curved out with my rip cage. I feel its heavy and bloated. I don't think it looks good with tshirt on nor off! What to do?!?!
    I'm worried about the way I look.. A friend told me it looks really big and funny in a creepy way..
    Whats wrong?
    Are you eating the right kind of meals?
    Training and cardio?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    If you have not calculated BMR and TDEE you are not on a diet and actually very susceptible to urban legends and myths. Hit the Nutrition BMR and TDEE and read up.

    Quote Originally Posted by DontTaseMeBro View Post
    Is your midsection bloated because there is a bunch of food in there, or are you actually storing fat? Look at yourself in the morning before you eat or drink anything. If It looks normal at that point, you are probably just full from eating during the day. Suck in and stand up straight - you aren't on stage. If you still look "fat" in the morning, its probably time to consider why you are putting on fat.

    The nutrition section has some great information. There is a sticky on calculating TDEE. That is a great place to start. Its impossible to move forward until you know how many calories you should be eating to reach your goal. From there, look into the numerous cutting / bulking diet suggestions. Diet is the toughest part of all this stuff. Good luck.

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