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Thread: norditropin dosages

  1. #1

    norditropin dosages

    alright, new to this if you have an attitude don't respond. just got some 10mg per 1.5ml norditropin. I usually do 4 to 5 iu's a day of **********, trying to figure out how many clicks that would be on the pen. any help would be appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    the brand you referred to got "beeped out", looks like it is one of the brands you cant mention - scam stuff like hyge.-tropin (which you cant type without spaces and shits...

    but anyway. there are 3 units per mg in growth hormone.

    if you were using shit-tropin (which is likely given that it was ****-out...) you probably wont need all those 5 units. (it would also hit your wallet pretty hard)

    No name ugl growth-something (never growth hormone) is not as potent as Norditropin or any other respectable brand (that is, if you actually have norditropin...)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Depends on how much Norditropin you want to use. But 1mg = 3IUs of GH.

  4. #4
    hey bro ham, so basically what you're saying is that I've got to find out how clicks on my pen equals 1mg. I know it's a 10mg pen. either way it's gonna be flippin' expensive. my source is wanting $80 for one pen. Anyway, thanks for the tip bro.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2013
    $80 for 10mg Nordi pen expensive. lol GTFOH!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    the clicks on your pen should be in mgs, most show 0,1 increase since low dosage is used in medicine.

    80$ for 30iu is a joke, like i said in a similar thread. Is your source a charity foundation? if not, then you should be paying four times that for the medicine at the pharmacy.

    you probably dont have norditropin

  7. #7
    hey brohams, thanks for the input, turns out I should've just read more of the directions. there's a conversion chart on the piece of paper that came with the stuff. I says 8 clicks equals 1 mg of norditropin. but hey Bonaparte, the 1 mg of hgh equals 3 iu' that just common knowledge or something? Also, now that I've figured out how much stuff comes in one pen, what is a reasonable price for this stuff? Again, thanks for the help.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    All pharma grade GH is 3 IUs per mg (so yeah, pretty much common knowledge). Pharma companies sometimes just don't bother telling you this, as the doses are prescribed in mg rather than IUs.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2006
    check out this calculator, based on your pen color (dosage) you input the iu you need and it converts it to clicks.

    NordiLet® - Conversion Module - Novo Nordisk A/S

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