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Thread: Prop test e & db cycle

  1. #1

    Prop test e & db cycle

    Hi just need need some advice on prop, test e and db cycle.
    This isn't my first cycle but first time using these compounds together.

    I have researched these abit and was going to run
    Prop 75mg eod weeks 1-5
    Db 20mg weeks 1-5
    Test e 250mg split into 2 injections per week
    Weeks 1-5
    (And this is where I'm stuck) after weeks 1-5 should I put the dose to 500mg?
    Could I also finish with some prop?

    Pct I have clomid and nolva

    I can't get a hold of adex could I just use 10mg of nolva if seeing signs of gyno?

    I also have some stanazolol tablets could i add them with the dbol?

    I live a healthy life style.
    6foot 1, 92 kg 28 years old

    Ima open to everyones opinion

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Whats the length of the total cycle? why not just stick with one type of test either prop or E. And the Winstrol and Dbol doesn't sound like a great idea. Especially if they are both oral, would be quite harsh on your liver. Also dbol is known for water retention and bloat and winny has the opposite effect.

    what are your goals? bulk ? Cut?

  3. #3
    Going to run 12 week cycle.
    I thought winny could be used in both bulking and cutting cycle?

    Lean bulk

    My calorie intake is 4000

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