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Thread: Best information and test I ever found on Testosterone. Bar NONE

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.

    Exclamation Best information and test I ever found on Testosterone. Bar NONE

    So after hanging around here a bit Markus lit a fire under me to go "do it" and stop dreaming about doing it. He was completely right.

    Before I started my goal was to find a REAL research experiment that states what you can REALLY expect from doing a cycle. Way too many people talking out their keisters to even have a clue what to really expect. Not that they do it intentionally but it just sort of happens when too much testosterone is in the room.

    Here is what I found and was actually sponsored by the FDA so it is not some college student throwing up crap and saying he "published" something. This is a 20 week treatment and 16 week recovery time double blind. HEALTHY people with healthy testosterone levels held to the following:

    1. Water intake goals
    2. Protein and calorie goals (beyond 1.2 G of protein per KG intake no restrictions)
    3. Not athletes or gym rats
    4. Have former weight lifting experience
    5. No previous AAs experience

    So healthy people doing a double blind test with multiple levels of testosterone in each group.

    Testosterone dose-response relationships in healthy young men | Endocrinology and Metabolism

    SO I took from this the following:

    1. 20-weeks is fine for a first cycle if you are healthy.
    2. Diet has one major factor for muscle growth. Protein. 55% by this test which defines "healthy". Not supplements etc...protein intake.
    3. Water intake was monitored and forced.
    4. They were forced NOT to strength train.
    5. BMI to start was 20-28%. So the majority were OVERWEIGHT to a high degree and many borderline obesity.
    6. NEGATIVE impact on cholesterol is a subjective item. Testosterone lowers HDL (good Cholesterol) but if you are taking statins for high cholesterol and your LDL and VLDL are good without statins....
    7. IGF means very little to the difference in gains between the 300-600 mg groups.

    AND concluded that (Keep in mind looking at the 600 mg/week group):

    People who first time cycle with testosterone administrated properly and eat protein at proportion would have to go WAY the heck out of their way to not gain at least the numbers on this experiment. Hmmmmmm.....

    18 pounds (8Kg) is the low end of the bar here for LBM gains over 20 weeks.... if you were to actually strength train and cardio...... Hmmmmmm..... almost a pound a week could become 1.5 pounds a week?....Hmmmmmm.......

    600 mg/week test is a very low dose if the FDA and other groups in this are OK with it. Hmmmmmmm...

    If these guys met the gains and losses as stated 10% or so left the experiment obese. So they put on 18 lbs of muscle, lost several pounds of fat weight (net gain 16 lbs), reduced bf% up to 5 points..... and were obese from an overweight starting point. Repeat that a few times. Were they healthier or less healthy??? Hmmmmmmm.... So being too muscular can make you obese....Hmmmmmmmm.........

    3600 calories for a BMI of 25 at moderately active (they were not allowed to weight train or be in athletic training) will fall somewhere between 1000 and 500 calories a day over maintenance. Read that again. 1000-500 over maintenance and they did not balloon up with fat and in fact LOST fat from being over maintenance and not being athletic. Hmmmmmmm...

    No liver issues or even concerns of liver issues at 600/week.....Hmmmmmmmmm....

    I am now confident in a base of knowledge that defines MAJOR factors vs MINOR factors. I am now ready to do my personal test and set goals that are realistic and healthy. Again, of all the stuff and research material I have crammed down....this is the most informative.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Awesome post bro... Seems you have done tons of research regarding this info... Again great post and thanks for sharing with the community!!! I appreciate greatly!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    This is great! it's always good to have some actual test restults

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