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Thread: Lend a hand to a noob regarding HGH?

  1. #1

    Lend a hand to a noob regarding HGH?

    First off, I read the thread regard HGH titled "My Guide To HGH for Anyone Interested" as stickied and I have a few question!

    So, I recently acquired 3 sets of 100 mg of Jin HGH. My friend is a body builder and has been using this for the past 3 years and swears by it! He said that each set has 10 vials of 10mg each = 100 mg per set.

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    Click image for larger version. 

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    Now he's currently out of the country and I'm looking to start my first HGH cycle with the possibility of adding some TEST in the 3rd month (not decided as I am still researching). Now my question is about measurement and dosage. Although I have read the thread as stated above I STILL want to double check with you guys as I thought he told me something WAY different.

    First off, I am supposed to fill this syringe to said line with BAC water and use that amount in each vial when I ready to constitute it right?

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	151822

    Once it's constituted, I need to double check with you guys how much needs to be filled in my in my insulin syringe for a 4 iu dosage. is this the correct amount pictured?

    Click image for larger version. 

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    I thought I remember him telling me that each SMALLER line equaled 1 iu but according to the thread each 10 equal 1 iu. Can someone please verify that the amount pictured above this would actual equal 4 iu's?

    A little about myself, I'm 41 years young already, and am grossly over weight. I am 5'11" and 295 lbs. I carry 80% of my fat in my stomach (sexy I know...) up until I was about 35 I was always in good shape and pretty athletic always around 190-200 lbs. That was before I got married of course. Now that I am recently separated I'd like to spend a little time on myself and get back into presentable shape at least.

    I plan on using 4-5 iu's per day for the next 6 months. My goal is to get down to maybe 210-220 lbs with more muscle and way, way WAY less fat!

    If anyone here could answer these questions as stated above, that would be awesome! If you would like to add more regarding what I am going to do and How I am going to do it, please feel free as well! Any advise would be greatly appreciated!!!
    Last edited by LeeeR73; 07-10-2014 at 01:42 AM.

  2. #2
    BTW, I know that there are a lot of thread about fakes and everything out there when it comes to HGH, but my actual friend is using this. This is a pic of him after a 35 weight cut. I've known this guy for about 25 years and I trust him.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20140626_210810.jpg 
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Size:	300.6 KB 
ID:	151831
    Last edited by LeeeR73; 07-10-2014 at 11:02 AM.

  3. #3
    Lol just came across this HGH test kit on Amazon. Think it's worth the money?

  4. #4
    I guess I'll try another forum?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Ive never seen or heard of a hgh test kit but I would personally not bother with it. I would just get my IGF tested.

    Honestly since you are that over weight you really should diet down or you really wont benefit much if any from the hgh. It's not going to really help you loose weight. No such thing as a magic pill or shot.

    Well hopefully your friend knows what he is doing. Yeah I saw the picture and he has some size but I'm sure thats mostly from aas, not hgh. As said in the thread you read hgh is the most faked substance out there for the last several years and what you have looks like generic hgh but you have to trust your source.

    In regards to 1iu it's the 2nd picture at the 10 mark.

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    Those are fakes or at best a growth releasing peptide.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Ive never seen or heard of a hgh test kit but I would personally not bother with it. I would just get my IGF tested.

    Honestly since you are that over weight you really should diet down or you really wont benefit much if any from the hgh. It's not going to really help you loose weight. No such thing as a magic pill or shot.

    Well hopefully your friend knows what he is doing. Yeah I saw the picture and he has some size but I'm sure thats mostly from aas, not hgh. As said in the thread you read hgh is the most faked substance out there for the last several years and what you have looks like generic hgh but you have to trust your source.

    In regards to 1iu it's the 2nd picture at the 10 mark.
    Thanks for the input! I have changed my diet. I'm down about 35 lbs now in 2 months. But my worry is that I'm losing what little muscle I have. I trust him but from everything I've been seeing it may be GHRP. Even that though is better than nothing. I have another friend on it and he says he can feel it when he pins, and he said he's sleeping better now, but I don't know...

    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Those are fakes or at best a growth releasing peptide.
    Yea, I'm hoping it's GHRP? We'll see. Thanks for the help!!

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