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Thread: Minimizing heart burn & other nastiness while on Anadrol/Orals

  1. #1
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    Minimizing heart burn & other nastiness while on Anadrol/Orals

    So, I said fvck it & starting eating the A Bombs I have laying around. Orals are beyond cheap, so I have quite a bit on hand but I am trying my best to minimize their use. I am also def not getting more after the supply has diminished.

    What other possible crap can I do to minimize the nastiness associated with taking this crap?

    I am already eating handfuls of Lv52 pills & taking this shit with food. What other methods are there?

  2. #2
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    Glutamine works wonders with heartburn. I get killer heartburn on tren and 10-15grams of glutamine takes it away and keep it away. Glutamine supplementation IMO is virtually useless, for anything except this. For this it works.

  3. #3
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    I just use prevacid when on heartburn inducing cycles. it works great too. Never tried the glutamine, I will give it a go.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDanger830 View Post
    I just use prevacid when on heartburn inducing cycles. it works great too. Never tried the glutamine, I will give it a go.

    Agreed, I used Aciphex last time

    Thanks a grip for the Glutamine tip. I will try it, sure is useless stuff though

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    For heartburn ranitidine is the best

  6. #6
    For tren and var I took Prilosec OTC. Worked like a charm for me

  7. #7
    This is my first time on tren a, love it but I've had crazy heart burn too. That and the crazy sweats are the only sides I've had.

  8. #8
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    I never get anything aside from a metallic taste from tren, even at high doses

  9. #9
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    I never get anything aside from a metallic taste from tren, even at high doses
    Man on tren I get heartburn that is literally unbearable. Less with orals for sure. I read about the glutamine in another forum and had a huge tub just sitting (cause as I said it doesnt do jack shit but it is dirt cheap) so i tried it. Prior to it I used tagament, then pepcid, then prilosec. I tired the glutamine and it worked. I was pretty glad cause I dont like taking sstuff like that even though its pretty safe supposedly I like being able to just use the glutamine. If you have some around or can get it cheap sometime give it a go, surprisingly it works. 10-15g - 2x/day.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Man on tren I get heartburn that is literally unbearable. Less with orals for sure. I read about the glutamine in another forum and had a huge tub just sitting (cause as I said it doesnt do jack shit but it is dirt cheap) so i tried it. Prior to it I used tagament, then pepcid, then prilosec. I tired the glutamine and it worked. I was pretty glad cause I dont like taking sstuff like that even though its pretty safe supposedly I like being able to just use the glutamine. If you have some around or can get it cheap sometime give it a go, surprisingly it works. 10-15g - 2x/day.

    Shit, I never heard the Glutamine thing before. Thanks for that - I got a half killo tub for 18 Bucks

    But, with tren I never get any digestive issues I hear guys having. I know the tren ace was real every time since I have gone into coughing spells up to 20 minutes.

    But, on tren ace I get nothing but sweats, extreme hunger & strength jumps.

  11. #11
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    I think pepto is the greatest ever ...

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rzm7810 View Post
    I think pepto is the greatest ever ...

    Pepto is calcium based - I try my best not to rely on that crap. I really don't want any kidney stones or the sort

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Shit, I never heard the Glutamine thing before. Thanks for that - I got a half killo tub for 18 Bucks

    But, with tren I never get any digestive issues I hear guys having. I know the tren ace was real every time since I have gone into coughing spells up to 20 minutes.

    But, on tren ace I get nothing but sweats, extreme hunger & strength jumps.
    Consider yourself lucky lol. My heartburn got so bad I almost considered going to the HOsptial at one point. Burned like hell and would not go away with tums or anything of the sort. After 2days on Prilosec i was good to go.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    Consider yourself lucky lol. My heartburn got so bad I almost considered going to the HOsptial at one point. Burned like hell and would not go away with tums or anything of the sort. After 2days on Prilosec i was good to go.


    What is it caused by while hitting the tren? I just don't get it, how am I not prone to it. I have done enough tren to make damn near side appear by now. And nothing - Zero, just a metalic taste in my mouth post shot(I kinda like it for some reason) & coughing spells(from what I understand from getting into the blood stream).

  15. #15
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    I had heartburn so bad on my last Tren cycle that it made me vomit. I wasn't taking anything for it then, I sure started afterwards though.

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