I've come to the conclusion that my dbol 50 from balkan is complete bunk. I'm finishing up my third week of test cyp/dbol cycle and I am thoroughly disappointed with the results of the dbol. So far I have made a gain of 5lbs, some fullness and mild strength gains. As a matter of fact, mild gives this dbol too much credit...I'm not gonna sit here and talk about how hard I train and how good my diet is but I do have 7 good years of lifting experience and I can say I've been really pushing myself to my limits. I just started messing around with PEDs so I should be getting at least strength increases from the dbol but really I haven't gotten much. I just talked to some kid thats running test/deca/dbol from geneza and he gained 23lbs in 3 weeks!! I attribute that to the dbol since the deca and test take a few weeks to really kick in.
Also I'm feeling joint pain. Could it be possible that this dbol is a low dosed winstrol or something? I haven't read much about dbol causing dry joints.
Is it normal to make slight size gains and barely any strength gains off of dbol 50 everyday for 4 weeks?