I'm going to chime in here and say that your pic looks solid and your training seems adequate.
At 8% body fat, leaning down will take extra commitment; this is the level that many do not realize takes true dedication.
That being said, you can do it!
I would cut out the fruit, and the majority of the pasta. In their place I would use more vegetables namely broccoli (the green beans are fine as well). I would also incorporate potatoes as a primary carb source.
It may be beneficial for you to consume the majority of your carbs around your workouts. Therefore, I would cut them from your first and last meal as much as possible and concentrate them around the rest of your day. Which brings me to the idea that you will probably need to change your eating schedule to incorporate another pro/carb meal.
You are going to be strictly dieting now, and hunger WILL HAPPEN.
Go for 6 meals to help you divide your macros into 6 meals and keep carbs consistent throughout your day (meaning do not fluctuate too much between the amount of carbs consumed in each meal).
From using the Katch-McArdle BMR calculator with the information you provided, I would be consuming 2500 calories a day which works itself out to roughly 416 calories a meal.
You could then consume 50g of protein in each meal which would equate to 300g protein a day (1200 cals).
55g of carbs in 4 meals which would equate to 220g carbs (880 cals)
With those numbers you would need 46g of fat (420 cals) I would use chicken or fish as my protein sources at this point, so your fat will trickle into your pro/carb meals, but keep it limited to that if you can.
I will assume you will consume ~16g of fat in your pro/carb meals, which will leave you with 30g of fat to divide between your first and last meal of the day (15g fat per meal respectively).
You will achieve great results with this set up if you keep it clean!
Keep in mind that your body will accommodate to the diet and that your workout and cardio regime should remain productive, if not, come back and we can chat about tweaking the diet to maintain strength and stamina; there is no blanket advice for everyone, everyone is different.
If you feel that you are becoming agitated, lethargic, or suffering in workouts, the first change I would make is more carbs. This type of diet is still not the most popular, but has been used with great results by many including myself. You can check out Narkissos & novastepp's sticky here in the diet forum for pages upon pages of similar advice.