- 1/2 less penis for 25 lbs of lean muscle
- 1 inch shorter for 50lbs lean muscle
- 1/1/2 inch shorter for 75 lbs lean muscle
- 2 inches shorter for 100 lbs of lean muscle
.5 inch shorter=25 lbs lean gain
1 inch shorter=50 lbs lean gain
1.5 inch shorter=75 lbs lean gain
2 inch shorter=100 lb lean gain
- 1/2 less penis for 25 lbs of lean muscle
- 1 inch shorter for 50lbs lean muscle
- 1/1/2 inch shorter for 75 lbs lean muscle
- 2 inches shorter for 100 lbs of lean muscle
Ps. Where or who the f made this poll up lol. Powerstroke. Is this wht u do with ur free time. Nice. I mean I'm bored to. Wish I would have did legs today but this
This poll just shows us which forum members we wont be dating anytime soon......
I have always been a grower not a shower
Is it an option that someone can give up muscle to gain penis length?
Just asking for a friend.
My penis is 2"...
( •_•)>⌐■-■
... from the ground.
Should have been a no to all option. F**k no. You can always build some muscle unless you surpassed your bodies natural ability to carry more than you should but once that proper penis size is gone that's it.
Too funny
Dude they can turn a vagina into a penis... so I reckon with enough money you can buy a donated vagina and get it turned into a penis. That's how that works right??? I bet you could buy a big ass vagina for a million! I'm assuming a bigger vagina would mean you could have a bigger conversion penis... I would have to get my ex assasinated... plus doc fees.... 3 million and I have a footlong. Just sayin.
Yep this white guy can't afford to lose anything downstairs I would have to pass lmao .
People you need to vote. It's your civic duty Couchlockd! No wonder hillary almost won! Couchlockd didn't vote!
I'm making a list. Whatever you vote I'm gonna come chop that much off your pecker and give you a bunch of ground chuck.
Ew I got mediterranean genes and could really afford to trade some size... it's off service anyway lol, but woulnd't go for it.
if the answer is no never then I cant vote cus there isn't a no option...but a fun thread none the less...
I should have put a no option.
And I know I'm already short stroking it With 2" only that I'll have left. I wouldn't even be able to hump ..or it will fall out and that would suck
100 lbs of muscle is a lot... think about it people...
People don't vote because the exact person or thing they wanted on the ballot isn't there? We must choose the lesser of four evils dammit! Sorry there isn't a "fuck no" option.
Last edited by Obs; 11-18-2016 at 12:36 PM.
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