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Thread: Winstrol plus Testosterone Prop HELP!!

  1. #1

    Post Winstrol plus Testosterone Prop HELP!!

    Looking to start my first cycle and I have done nothing but stay up all night looking for good tips. I am 6'1 190 20 years old. I'm in pretty decent shape now. Really looking to get abs and be cut up. I want to start taking winstrol and i heard taking test prop stops you from losing libido. I can't lose that haha. Right now I'm on a very good meal plan for mass but you also burn fat too. Anabolic Fasting by Cory Gregory. its bad ass. Anyways can someone tell me what a good cycle would be for winstrol tabs? Looking to get them off of Also could you let me know the most common side effects you have experienced. Thanks!! Oh and will I lose gains after cycling off of it? And another thing. What would you say about Tren over winny?
    Last edited by Harless1; 02-09-2017 at 02:13 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Eye of Terror
    Too young mate, gonna fk up ur the sticky young and the steroids , can't post it right now since i'm not on my pc

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Myers
    Too young mate, gonna fk up ur the sticky young and the steroids , can't post it right now since i'm not on my pc
    I second this

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Dang really, I know a lot of people my age at the gym that use it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    nova scotia
    that may be true....but they wont tell you how much fun it is to bang a hot chick with a soft dick. If you want your abs, visit the diet section.

  7. #7
    Even if I take test prop and PCT correctly after I am finished I will be messed up? Im on a banging diet plan. Best diet Ive ever tried. I know I wouldnt take as much as someone older than me but even low dosages?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    nova scotia
    the younger you are the more at risk you are of not recovering because your body is still developing. Most will suggest 25-26 as the minimum age to cycle.

  9. #9
    So if I did it anyways what would be a good dosage? Im just curious. I have access to a lot of shit where my mom is a doctor

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Myers View Post
    Too young mate, gonna fk up ur the sticky young and the steroids , can't post it right now since i'm not on my pc
    If I decided to do it anyways, what would be a good dosage of tab winny and test prop with added fish oil for lubricant

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    instead of being hand fed information from a complete stranger on the internet do you think it would be wise to research and learn how this all works yourself?...its not just take a pill or injection and get big there is so much to this and so many bad things that can happen to you and you are far from ready for aas imho...besides since you don't know how to keep any gains you may make you will loose it all rather quickly...still think its worth it?...

  12. #12
    Ive researched for about a week now, day and night. And all I see is stuff about how its okay to take at my age then stuff about how not to take it until you're 30. Back and forth everynight. I was hoping to get some good feedback from here if I was to start it and what dosages to take. I diet very well, very healthy.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Harless1 View Post
    Ive researched for about a week now, day and night. And all I see is stuff about how its okay to take at my age then stuff about how not to take it until you're 30. Back and forth everynight. I was hoping to get some good feedback from here if I was to start it and what dosages to take. I diet very well, very healthy.
    If you honestly researched, you'd see that your HPTA will shut down with 75mg test a week, the same as 1500mg test per week.

    Your endocrine system does not yet know 'normal' so expecting it to come back after pct to 'normal health rang' is a very very tall order, and unlikely.

    Also, yes wouldn't you want the info from your own research? Research is more than googling "how much and how long should I be on"

    "Is tren better than winny"


    Hell what if we are sick sadistic hormone crazed juice heads and want to see other suffer. What if you got advice like this

    1-18 weeks, Halotestin 100mg ed.
    1-18 weeks tren ace 600 per week
    4-18 test e 750mg per week
    1-18 Deca 500mg per week.

    Wouldn't you want the ability to spot that this is all wrong, just from acquired knowledge?

  14. #14
    That's understandable.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Harless1 View Post
    That's understandable.
    I'm glad that that is making sense to you

    A lot of times I think and we tell the young kids to stay away from the steroids and they can do it all naturally, I think in their heads that they think we're keeping some kind of secret weapon from them

    In reality it's the exact opposite you have the secret weapon already in your body from the get-go harness it and use it to its full potential

  16. #16
    I was really looking forward to getting on this. But thanks

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Land of the screwed
    If you're gonna do it anyway, then research it to death first.
    Yes I know, most don't.

    And just some food for thought here. I'm permanently fucked, and will never recover. As are many others here. That's why the sceptic attitude about starting AAS young here. (It can fuck your natural T production at any age, so the longer one waits the better, as I can tell you, the more cycles you do, even with proper PCT, the closer to permanent damage you will come)

    As for your first cycle, the central theme here is test is best.
    It's what your gonna include in all later cycles anyway,
    so learn to use that first. If you wanna throw in winny at the end,
    then so be it.

    But setting up a cycle of AAS is pretty easy,
    it's the use of hcg, AI and SERMs that often get overlooked. Which is a very important aspect to be able to recover and not lose your gains quickly.

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