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Thread: Regenerative care cycle

  1. #1

    Regenerative care cycle

    I’m 49 years old, 216 pounds, 15% body fat
    Training: Crossfit, Olympic weightlifting and regular gym training. Skiing, biking etc
    I’ve broken my back twice jumping off
    cliffs skiing in 94 and 2004. Shoulder surgery both left and right. Right knee ACL. Among other bumps and bruises.
    I’ve has psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis for years. Been on immuno suppressants since 2005, which cause me to be sick a lot. I have been receiving TRT therapy for low tes at 100mg/week.
    My body is breaking down on several levels.
    I got in touch with a regenerative clinic, got labs done and now I’m on this cycle. (I stopped taking the immune suppression meds a month before the cycle)
    300 mg test/week
    25 mg anavar/day
    Anastrozole 1mg 2x/week
    2 IUs of HGH 5 days/week
    100 mg Deca/week. The cycle is for 5 months.
    Here are my start dates for each:
    Anavar, Anastrozole and test 2/16/18
    HGH 2/28/18
    Deca 3/22/18
    I’ve added muscle, some strength (I can’t fully test my strength due to injuries) and seen some leaning out. I’m not experiencing healing and pain relief yet. I just started seeing an excellent physical therapist too. My diet is high in protein and good fats, vegetables and moderate to low carbs.

    Any input, thoughts or criticism is welcome.
    Thank you.

  2. #2
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    dont ask for a source thx

  3. #3
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    for regenerative care and adding muscle. I would drop , or at least greatly lower your dose of Anastrozole. that is doing absolutely nothing for you in regards to your goals. you want your Estrogen on the higher end of things to help with IGF production, satellite cell proliferation, increased blood flow, higher HDL etc.. the arimidex is hindering all those benefits.

    200mg of Deca per week is a better dose imo.

    is your HGH from a US pharmacy ?

  4. #4

    Awesome feedback.

    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    for regenerative care and adding muscle. I would drop , or at least greatly lower your dose of Anastrozole. that is doing absolutely nothing for you in regards to your goals. you want your Estrogen on the higher end of things to help with IGF production, satellite cell proliferation, increased blood flow, higher HDL etc.. the arimidex is hindering all those benefits.

    200mg of Deca per week is a better dose imo.

    is your HGH from a US pharmacy ?
    Thank you for the feedback. I will significantly lower the dose of Anastrozole.
    Unfortunately, my resource for Deca only allows 100mg/week.
    The HGH is from a US pharmacy. Comes as Omnitrope powder to be mixed with Bacteriostatic water. Expensive as shit.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    for regenerative care and adding muscle. I would drop , or at least greatly lower your dose of Anastrozole. that is doing absolutely nothing for you in regards to your goals. you want your Estrogen on the higher end of things to help with IGF production, satellite cell proliferation, increased blood flow, higher HDL etc.. the arimidex is hindering all those benefits.

    200mg of Deca per week is a better dose imo.

    is your HGH from a US pharmacy ?
    Also, do you think I should look into TB500 to add to the cycle?

  6. #6
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    adding both TB500 and BPC157 is going to aide in healing as well as decreasing inflammation . definitely worth a shot

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    adding both TB500 and BPC157 is going to aide in healing as well as decreasing inflammation . definitely worth a shot
    Sounds good. Thank you.
    Last edited by Keeper189; 04-22-2018 at 09:13 PM.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    adding both TB500 and BPC157 is going to aide in healing as well as decreasing inflammation . definitely worth a shot
    Could someone please explain the use of HCG on cycle and off?
    I’ve read a lot about it but I’m not quite understanding the process.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    for regenerative care and adding muscle. I would drop , or at least greatly lower your dose of Anastrozole. that is doing absolutely nothing for you in regards to your goals. you want your Estrogen on the higher end of things to help with IGF production, satellite cell proliferation, increased blood flow, higher HDL etc.. the arimidex is hindering all those benefits.

    200mg of Deca per week is a better dose imo.

    is your HGH from a US pharmacy ?
    I’m now able to get Deca at 200mg/week.

  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    100 mgs pw of Deca won't do much unless it's an extended term usage. 200 is much better like GH advised.
    Re HCG, it mimics LH production which your pituitary normally would produce when not on exogenous testosterone. In short it keeps your testicals functioning.
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keeper189 View Post
    I’m now able to get Deca at 200mg/week.
    doctor approved ... congrats ! thats the ideal therapeutic dose Imo

  12. #12
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    doctor approved ... congrats ! thats the ideal therapeutic dose Imo

    You guys will find this interesting re Deca:
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    You guys will find this interesting re Deca:
    "Moreover, preliminary work on nandrolone has suggested a potential role in the treatment of joint healing, particularly in rotator cuff injuries".... In rabbits, but I'll take it.

    And I'm pretty sure they're referring to us, alternative sources indeed:
    "Anecdotal evidence from patients, as well as those men who have previously used nandrolone from “alternative” sources suggests a relationship with the use of nandrolone (alone, not in combination with testosterone) and ED. "

  14. #14
    kelkel's Avatar
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    No doubt.
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  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    You guys will find this interesting re Deca:
    Interesting. A lot of it is above my knowledge set but the actual healing properties seem questionable due to the lack of “systematic” administration studies of Deca. And point of injury injection seems to adversely affect recovery.
    I’ve only been on Deca since 3/22/18 and a 100 mg dose at that, so I have no experience with the healing affects.
    I have a lot of joint pain and disfunction, especially lower back, and I’ll try about anything at this point. The other option is a two level fusion which even the surgeon said to avoid for as long as possible.

    I’m adding the extra 100mg of Deca, the TB500 and the BPC-157 to the cycle.
    The anavar, HGH, Tes and Deca are a 5 month cycle. For the peptides I will follow guidance found here or from the website where I bought them.
    Feedback is always welcome.

  16. #16
    Ive also been taking the N2 cycle guard which I’m considering replacing with the animal pack.
    Are these cycle guard type supplements a good idea?

  17. #17
    I’m going to start the TB500 tonight.
    Any insights in the best protocol would be great.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keeper189 View Post
    Ive also been taking the N2 cycle guard which I’m considering replacing with the animal pack.
    Are these cycle guard type supplements a good idea?
    nothing your taking is all that toxic. but these surely won't hurt. personally i like to take the sups individually, so NAC, Glutathione, TUDCA, etc.. i get indiviually and dose them a bit hire then would be found in a blend

  19. #19
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    Wouldn't adding some eq be beneficial, due to its ability to increase collagen synthesis?

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    nothing your taking is all that toxic. but these surely won't hurt. personally i like to take the sups individually, so NAC, Glutathione, TUDCA, etc.. i get indiviually and dose them a bit hire then would be found in a blend
    Ok. Thanks.
    Any thoughts on a TB500 protocol?
    How much bacteriostatic water in the 5mg vial. And then what to draw and subcutaneous or intramuscular?

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    Wouldn't adding some eq be beneficial, due to its ability to increase collagen synthesis?
    What is eq? Equipoise?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keeper189 View Post
    What is eq? Equipoise?

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keeper189 View Post
    Ok. Thanks.
    Any thoughts on a TB500 protocol?
    How much bacteriostatic water in the 5mg vial. And then what to draw and subcutaneous or intramuscular?
    With peptides, I like to add enough bac water (when possible) so my dose is .25ml, so I don't get the doses mixed up.

  24. #24
    I started TB500 tonight. I injected 1ml of bacteriostatic water into a 5mg vial and carefully mixed it.
    I then drew out .5 ml and injected subcutaneously in my abdomen. I repeated the process, thus injecting a total of 5mg.

    My work takes me away from home for about a week at a time. And then I’m home for about the same. Basically 7 on 7 off continuously.
    I’ll probably pin another 5mg on Monday and again on Thursday before I leave for a week. Maybe the next week I’m home I’ll pin on the same schedule but reduce to 2.5mg, and so on....

  25. #25
    I have yet another question.
    The Doc that prescribed my Dec, now at 200mg/week, said I should take cab .5 2x/week.
    Is this a good idea?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keeper189 View Post
    I have yet another question.
    The Doc that prescribed my Dec, now at 200mg/week, said I should take cab .5 2x/week.
    Is this a good idea?
    Cabergoline is a dopamaine agonist , a powerful drug that effects your brain and also blunts prolactin receptors. i do NOT recommend it at all (except for super high dosages of nandrolone in prolactin sensitive guys). your only on 200mg deca, very very unlikely to have prolactin issues,, and not wise for a doc to recommend you take it without any blood work or anything to show that your prolactin sensitive and would benefit from such a drug

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keeper189 View Post
    I have yet another question.
    The Doc that prescribed my Dec, now at 200mg/week, said I should take cab .5 2x/week.
    Is this a good idea?
    That's quite an hefty dosage in the optic of prevention.

    200mg deca might or might nor affect your prolactin at all, have it tested next time and if, only if it's more than moderately high (above range for males) then consider .25 two times weekly.

    That's what I take for clinically high prolactin.

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Cabergoline is a dopamaine agonist , a powerful drug that effects your brain and also blunts prolactin receptors. i do NOT recommend it at all (except for super high dosages of nandrolone in prolactin sensitive guys). your only on 200mg deca, very very unlikely to have prolactin issues,, and not wise for a doc to recommend you take it without any blood work or anything to show that your prolactin sensitive and would benefit from such a drug
    Ok. I really appreciate your feedback. I will hold off on the cab.
    What symptoms from the dec would indicate that cab is necessary?

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    That's quite an hefty dosage in the optic of prevention.

    200mg deca might or might nor affect your prolactin at all, have it tested next time and if, only if it's more than moderately high (above range for males) then consider .25 two times weekly.

    That's what I take for clinically high prolactin.
    Thanks. I will take your advice.
    Like I said to Gearheaded, I appreciate the feedback in a big way.

  30. #30
    What do you guys think of my TB500 protocol given my work schedule?

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Cabergoline is a dopamaine agonist , a powerful drug that effects your brain and also blunts prolactin receptors. i do NOT recommend it at all (except for super high dosages of nandrolone in prolactin sensitive guys). your only on 200mg deca, very very unlikely to have prolactin issues,, and not wise for a doc to recommend you take it without any blood work or anything to show that your prolactin sensitive and would benefit from such a drug
    I checked with the rep for the clinic where I get my gear and he made a mistake. The recommendation was for cab .25 2x/week.
    Nevertheless I will hold off on cab.

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    100 mgs pw of Deca won't do much unless it's an extended term usage. 200 is much better like GH advised.
    Re HCG, it mimics LH production which your pituitary normally would produce when not on exogenous testosterone. In short it keeps your testicals functioning.
    On my low dose cycle is HCG necessary?

  33. #33
    So I have to wait until June 4 to receive a consistent 200mg/week amount of Deca. At that time I will have a 20 week supply at 200mg/week.
    Since I’ve been on it at about 100mg/week for awhile is it safe to continue on the new 20 week cycle or should I take some time off. Here are my start dates for the current meds.

    Tess start 2/16/18 300mg/week.
    Anavar start 2/16/18 25mg/day
    HGH start 2/28/18 2-3 iu’s per day.
    Deca start 3/22/18 100mg/week.
    I have about a 30 day supply of anavar left and about a 3 week supply of the HGH.
    I’m trying the TB500 (3 weeks so far) and the BPC-157 (1 week so far).

    Thank you for any advice!


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