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Thread: Vial lid

  1. #1

    Vial lid

    The steroid vial I got dosent have a lid/cap covering the rubber stopper. It only comes with a metal piece covering the rubber that you peel off. Should I order some lids online to help keep them clean, making sure nothing touches the rubber part bare?

  2. #2
    No you don't need lids just give it a wipe with alcohol swab when your using it

  3. #3
    So will it be ok to just for example like throw it into a book bag if I was bringing it somewhere, or should I avoid contact with the rubber as much as possible?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    The plastic cap that comes on vials once you take it off it's just like that little metal piece it does not go back on basically picture that little metal piece attached to a plastic cap

  5. #5
    So without a lid covering the rubber part is it ok for stuff to touch it as long as it gets whipped with an alcohol swab?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by spencer_ View Post
    So without a lid covering the rubber part is it ok for stuff to touch it as long as it gets whipped with an alcohol swab?
    Once removed the cap cannot go back on

  7. #7
    So this should be okay to go? For example can I put it in a diabetic bag without having to worry about contamination too much from touching the rubber part?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	unnamed.jpg 
Views:	101 
Size:	25.7 KB 
ID:	173549

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by spencer_ View Post
    So this should be okay to go? For example can I put it in a diabetic bag without having to worry about contamination too much from touching the rubber part?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	unnamed.jpg 
Views:	101 
Size:	25.7 KB 
ID:	173549
    You'll be fine in hospitals and everything vial stay with rubber exposed but I would bend that piece of the crimp ring back down over the top of the rubber why did you rip it off like a gorilla? LOL

  9. #9
    First time opening a vial wasant exactly sure how to do it so I just pulled back on the big arrow.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Why do you need travel with it? Keep it in one dry place at room temperature. since it's your first time opening a vial I am going to also assume it's your fist cycle. You should read the sticky on my first cycle. If you don't have HCG then you will need it. HCG should be referigerated FYI

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