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Thread: Getting through airport security check (testosterone vial)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Getting through airport security check (testosterone vial)

    Hi. For those of you travelling, how do you hide your gear when boarding airplanes? I will be travelling to Brazil, and I know that it's prohibited to bring any meds to the country unless you have a doctors permit. I only want to take a small 10ml vial of test c along with me for the stay. Will it be much trouble?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by mac34 View Post
    Hi. For those of you travelling, how do you hide your gear when boarding airplanes? I will be travelling to Brazil, and I know that it's prohibited to bring any meds to the country unless you have a doctors permit. I only want to take a small 10ml vial of test c along with me for the stay. Will it be much trouble?
    Play Russian roulette if you want. Having test without a prescription is the same offense as having cocaine.
    I think you need to consider what you have to gain and what you have to lose. To me, the losses outweigh the gains. I enjoy my freedom!!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by mac34 View Post
    Hi. For those of you travelling, how do you hide your gear when boarding airplanes? I will be travelling to Brazil, and I know that it's prohibited to bring any meds to the country unless you have a doctors permit. I only want to take a small 10ml vial of test c along with me for the stay. Will it be much trouble?
    Take a shot the day you leave and resume when you get back, then you don't even have to worry about it.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by mac34 View Post
    Hi. For those of you travelling, how do you hide your gear when boarding airplanes? I will be travelling to Brazil, and I know that it's prohibited to bring any meds to the country unless you have a doctors permit. I only want to take a small 10ml vial of test c along with me for the stay. Will it be much trouble?
    The federal police will get you if you try this, do not do it! It is an impossible mission, to go through the federal police of Brazil
    Last edited by JaneDoe; 12-30-2018 at 05:31 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Fucking the world we live in...

    More and more do I see how we are restricted of our freedoms..

    It's just utter bullshit.

    Sent from my JSN-AL00 using Tapatalk

  6. #6
    There should be a vial that looks like a permanent marker pen. Could you send it to yourself? Out way the risks however.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    1 get a trt prescription easy to get anywhere in us (legal)
    2 ship it to yourself (illegal)
    3 get empty sterile eye liquid container .transfer the stuff and keep it with your fake eye contact kit or if you have a real one. i would highly recommend sterilizing the gear before use .(illegal)
    4 look for it in brazil you can easly get one test vial its called Deposteron there. (illegal)
    5 stop your cycle. start it once you get back (common sense )

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Thanks guys. I wasn't aware it's such a big deal. The problem is, I will be staying for 50 days.

    I'm running low doses, just for trt, but I got it from black market. trt in my country sucks. Perhaps I could get a doctor to sign it, but I don't have enough time I'm afraid. I have been running on low testosterone for months and I don't want to go to the beaches looking like shit. I want to be horny too, haha.

    Nice idea with the eye contact kit. Are there health risks with getting the solution out of the vial? Do the always check everything, or is it a matter of luck?

    I had this idea, that maybe if I could suspend it in some water based liquid, like a drink. But I guess you never know if it will not react with the drink or something unless you are a chemist.

    How about eye drops? I don't use contacts, so that would be less suspicious.
    Last edited by mac34; 12-31-2018 at 04:43 AM.

  9. #9
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    Jul 2009
    6 years ago, my exgf and I flew into John F Kennedy airport in New York. She was an American citizen so she got through super quick, but I was held up a little because I was European. By the time I got through, the security guy came back over to me and said "Tell your gf to give it less of this [makes a talking gesture with his hand], she's in there getting her bags pulled apart".

    It turns out she had been eating a sandwich, and the guy asked "Ma'am what's in that sandwich?", and she replied "Oh... it's just a chicken salad HEROIN sandwich".

    So they found my three vials of test and tren. They were gonna let her go, and send me on the next plane back to Ireland.

    But then they saw how distraught my exgf was, they asked her to put her belongings back into her bag but she just stood there in a daze. She lit up a cigarette right there in the airport. So eventually they called in the boss, and he told me that they'll let me into the USA, but that she has to take the blame for everything.

    So my exgirlfriend signed something saying that all the steroids belonged to her, and she was given a receipt for the seizure. A few hours later we left the airport to go to her home just outside NYC.

    Neither of us thought that day, that a few years later, I would give that receipt to her exhusband in order to ruin her divorce.

  10. #10
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    Jun 2018
    Getting a prescription is a pain in the ass and then becomes a $250/month commitment. I don’t know what doctor will write a prescription and you then never follow up again.

    These TRT clinics that would write you a script fairly easily make you sign a form so you’re stuck with them for a year. Like a lease.

    If any of you know a way to get a script without having to deal with the hassle and bs, please divulge.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Chrisp83TRT View Post
    Fucking the world we live in...

    More and more do I see how we are restricted of our freedoms..

    It's just utter bullshit.

    Sent from my JSN-AL00 using Tapatalk
    We have but the mere illusion freedom, the west more so than the rest. But as it is we are all cattle waiting for our turn on the block.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by mac34 View Post

    Nice idea with the eye contact kit. Are there health risks with getting the solution out of the vial? Do the always check everything, or is it a matter of luck?yes,there are you can have a really bad infection and might have to go to hospital to get it treated .not so fun han. thats why i said you will have to sterilize it before use.

    I had this idea, that maybe if I could suspend it in some water based liquid, like a drink. But I guess you never know if it will not react with the drink or something unless you are a chemist.thats a big no no mixing oil based compund in regular water drink or even bacteriostatic water .oil and water dont mix so if the airport security is not stupid there they ll figure that out in seconds and ll pull you aside for further examination of your mix drink .or if you get lucky and sneak through .it ll get contaminated and you ll end up with an infection if you use it .

    How about eye drops? I don't use contacts, so that would be less suspicious.
    everything you use should be sterilized before transferring and before injecting.if you miss that part you ll prob end up with an infection.just google dirt gear infection and you ll know how serious the risk is. .

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Yes, that certainly wouldn't be fun, especially in Brazil.

    Can you tell a bit more about the sterilization. Use alcohol, boil it in water? I guess a container for eye liquid should be pretty safe for protecting the inside from bacteria/dirt? Most likely I would have to use that container for 2 months. I'm not sure if I would be able to buy an empty vial with rubber after I arrive.

    I was thinking maybe I could fake the prescription and papers from the doc. Maybe I'm a bit naive, but how would they know it's the original, being thousand of miles away. I guess they wouldn't bother anyway for a small, legal amount of what is basically an essential med to me.

  14. #14
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by mac34 View Post
    Yes, that certainly wouldn't be fun, especially in Brazil.

    Can you tell a bit more about the sterilization. Use alcohol, boil it in water? I guess a container for eye liquid should be pretty safe for protecting the inside from bacteria/dirt? Most likely I would have to use that container for 2 months. I'm not sure if I would be able to buy an empty vial with rubber after I arrive.

    I was thinking maybe I could fake the prescription and papers from the doc. Maybe I'm a bit naive, but how would they know it's the original, being thousand of miles away. I guess they wouldn't bother anyway for a small, legal amount of what is basically an essential med to me.
    There are two things to worry about... laws in the US and laws in Brazil. There may be some meds that are totally illegal in Brazil. Even with a prescription, they are illegal or banned. I know nothing about Brazil, but I would research if I were you.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  15. #15
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    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Getting a prescription is a pain in the ass and then becomes a $250/month commitment. I don’t know what doctor will write a prescription and you then never follow up again.

    These TRT clinics that would write you a script fairly easily make you sign a form so you’re stuck with them for a year. Like a lease.

    If any of you know a way to get a script without having to deal with the hassle and bs, please divulge.
    i pay 30$ for a 10 ml vial with insurance .thats dirt cheap.if you have insurance trt clinics are the best bet .

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by ksingh93 View Post
    i pay 30$ for a 10 ml vial with insurance .thats dirt cheap.if you have insurance trt clinics are the best bet .
    Don’t have insurance because I’d be paying over $350/month, more than the TRT clinic - and on top of that I would have to do my own bloodwork so that would be another $250 every couple of months, on top of the gear. F all that.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    da states
    Quote Originally Posted by ksingh93 View Post
    i pay 30$ for a 10 ml vial with insurance .thats dirt cheap.if you have insurance trt clinics are the best bet .
    Yeah... My insurance doesn't cover trt

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Don’t have insurance because I’d be paying over $350/month, more than the TRT clinic - and on top of that I would have to do my own bloodwork so that would be another $250 every couple of months, on top of the gear. F all that.

    i agree with you .without insurance its a money pit.

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