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Thread: Deca Dick?

  1. #1

    Deca Dick?

    I had never heard of Deca Dick, until then I discovered that it is the inhibition of the hpt axis and the fall of sexual desire.
    Does this only happen in cycles without the exogenous testosterone?

  2. #2
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    No deca dick is related to a byproduct of deca. Nandrolone converts to Dihydronandrolone (DHN) due to 5a reductase enzyme (the same enzyme converts Test to DHT).
    The problem here is that DHN binds to DHT receptors but illicits virtually no androgenic effect if compared to DHT.
    The solution is to incorporate a DHT compound into your cycle, mast and proviron are great examples, and let them do the job.
    High dose deca with low test is more likely to cause deca dick since youll have lesser amounts of DHT floating around.

  3. #3
    thank you

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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by The God Himself View Post
    No deca dick is related to a byproduct of deca. Nandrolone converts to Dihydronandrolone (DHN) due to 5a reductase enzyme (the same enzyme converts Test to DHT).
    The problem here is that DHN binds to DHT receptors but illicits virtually no androgenic effect if compared to DHT.
    The solution is to incorporate a DHT compound into your cycle, mast and proviron are great examples, and let them do the job.
    High dose deca with low test is more likely to cause deca dick since youll have lesser amounts of DHT floating around.
    this is spot on

    just to add a bit to this.. both DHT and estrogen are required for male sexual function.
    not only does Deca not convert to DHT and rather converts to DHN (which has no androgenic effects) it also does not convert to estrogen (despite crappy online steroid profiles saying it does).. on a deca only cycle your estrogen levels will go down, not up. add low estrogen on top of low DHT (or DHN taking the place of DHT) and your dick won't work at all

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    this is spot on

    just to add a bit to this.. both DHT and estrogen are required for male sexual function.
    not only does Deca not convert to DHT and rather converts to DHN (which has no androgenic effects) it also does not convert to estrogen (despite crappy online steroid profiles saying it does).. on a deca only cycle your estrogen levels will go down, not up. add low estrogen on top of low DHT (or DHN taking the place of DHT) and your dick won't work at all
    Does this mean deca does not affect the prostate or hair?

  7. #7
    Nandrolone is reduced to DHN rather than DHT, and while this is due to interaction with the 5-alpha reductase enzyme, it greatly reduces the androgenicity of nandrolone. But I still read that predisposed individuals may suffered from baldness.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Does this mean deca does not affect the prostate or hair?
    Prostate enlargement is not only about androgenicity of a compound, though it plays a role. Studies show that high E2 + high DHT is more likely to cause prostate issues compared to high DHT alone. Deca is progestinic and amplifies effects of E2, but I have no idea how it affects prostate tissue, though deca is well studied so I am sure there are some studies about this specific matter.
    I can’t say anything about hair, gene expression changes throughout the body (hence the enzyme and receptor distribution), but in my experience deca didn’t cause any hair issues for me.

  9. #9
    I recently started a 100mg every 6 days of Deca and was researching deca dick as I am having the complete opposite.
    I started for joint pain relief.
    So I found this thread helpful as a complete explanation.
    Last edited by 48yryoungtexan; 01-11-2020 at 06:17 PM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by The God Himself View Post
    No deca dick is related to a byproduct of deca. Nandrolone converts to Dihydronandrolone (DHN) due to 5a reductase enzyme (the same enzyme converts Test to DHT).
    The problem here is that DHN binds to DHT receptors but illicits virtually no androgenic effect if compared to DHT.
    The solution is to incorporate a DHT compound into your cycle, mast and proviron are great examples, and let them do the job.
    High dose deca with low test is more likely to cause deca dick since youll have lesser amounts of DHT floating around.

    Is mast or proviron a better solution? I recently added deca to my cruise and for the first time am dealing with some ED. Have some mast enth on hand and can get proviron here quickly. My cruise has turned into more of a cycle recently (250 to 400) in addition to 250 deca a week. I’ve always done well with elevated estrogen. My last labs (6 weeks ago) estradiol was at 40 and usually fluctuates pretty closely there. Even at doses of test at 750 haven’t had any ED and tren at 500 haven’t been bothered by prolactin induced ED. What gives? Would adding in some proviron (doses and length) or mast enth solve my problem? Also running melanotan 2 at 1 iu 5/7 days per week.
    Wondering if it’s psychological as my lady and I are having some issues and have been looking elsewhere. 20 of cialis helps for sure, but just regular days I’m not feeling full in the old dick department if that makes sense? Any help would be appreciated

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Is mast or proviron a better solution? I recently added deca to my cruise and for the first time am dealing with some ED. Have some mast enth on hand and can get proviron here quickly. My cruise has turned into more of a cycle recently (250 to 400) in addition to 250 deca a week. I’ve always done well with elevated estrogen. My last labs (6 weeks ago) estradiol was at 40 and usually fluctuates pretty closely there. Even at doses of test at 750 haven’t had any ED and tren at 500 haven’t been bothered by prolactin induced ED. What gives? Would adding in some proviron (doses and length) or mast enth solve my problem? Also running melanotan 2 at 1 iu 5/7 days per week.
    Wondering if it’s psychological as my lady and I are having some issues and have been looking elsewhere. 20 of cialis helps for sure, but just regular days I’m not feeling full in the old dick department if that makes sense? Any help would be appreciated
    Proviron would work better here, as it’s a pure androgen form of modified DHT. I’ve heard several people say that they’re able to run Nandrolone only cycles (I still wouldn’t) with just Proviron to keep the junk running. It’s worth a shot if nothing else.

    That said, no reason to not grab some Mast too if you’re putting in an order anyway. I’ll be keeping that shit at varying doses in just about any cycle I ever run from here on.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    Proviron would work better here, as it’s a pure androgen form of modified DHT. I’ve heard several people say that they’re able to run Nandrolone only cycles (I still wouldn’t) with just Proviron to keep the junk running. It’s worth a shot if nothing else.

    That said, no reason to not grab some Mast too if you’re putting in an order anyway. I’ll be keeping that shit at varying doses in just about any cycle I ever run from here on.
    50 mgs a day for 6-8 weeks ya think? I have the mast on hand but was saving it for my next DHB, test, var run this spring.

    Was planning on keeping my “cruise” at this level until I can bridge to my spring cycle. Traveling so much for work it’s crazy.

    Or are guys running proviron indefinitely on their TRT.

    Run it until I bridge and then let the mast do the lifting for 3 months until I finally get on a more correct cruise?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    50 mgs a day for 6-8 weeks ya think? I have the mast on hand but was saving it for my next DHB, test, var run this spring.

    Was planning on keeping my “cruise” at this level until I can bridge to my spring cycle. Traveling so much for work it’s crazy.

    Or are guys running proviron indefinitely on their TRT.

    Run it until I bridge and then let the mast do the lifting for 3 months until I finally get on a more correct cruise?
    Iirc Proviron is usually dosed kinda weird for treating this kind of shit once it’s already happening. Something like 25mg 3x/day for a week, then 2x/day for two weeks, then either 1x or 2x/day depending upon response.

    Just read where you have the Mast, but with it being Enan, even if it worked as well as Proviron for this (it doesn’t), you’d probably be able to get the Proviron touchdown before the Mast was able to really start doing a lot for you.

    I’ve never heard of anyone using it indefinitely on TRT. Probably better off just chipping the Nandrolone dose back until the wood issues resolve. My off cycle HRT right now is just 100 test and 100 deca split split to twice per week, and I had zero issues with it, but I’ve heard a lot of guys needing to keep nandrolone much lower than test dose to avoid this kind of thing.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    Iirc Proviron is usually dosed kinda weird for treating this kind of shit once it’s already happening. Something like 25mg 3x/day for a week, then 2x/day for two weeks, then either 1x or 2x/day depending upon response.

    Just read where you have the Mast, but with it being Enan, even if it worked as well as Proviron for this (it doesn’t), you’d probably be able to get the Proviron touchdown before the Mast was able to really start doing a lot for you.

    I’ve never heard of anyone using it indefinitely on TRT. Probably better off just chipping the Nandrolone dose back until the wood issues resolve. My off cycle HRT right now is just 100 test and 100 deca split split to twice per week, and I had zero issues with it, but I’ve heard a lot of guys needing to keep nandrolone much lower than test dose to avoid this kind of thing.

    Appreciate it. Agreed on the mast enth, better off getting the proviron here. Probably try and run it 50 a day for 6 weeks and then dial down my test and deca. My test is still higher then my deca now, but I might be sensitive to the deca. Added it recently to my TRT and now I’m having issues, doubt it’s a coincidence. I’ll finish up what I have and get back to my normal cruise and then blast this spring. Hopefully the proviron will do it’s thing with the deca.

    The deca has been great at low dose. Shoulders feel better and my strength is up but not bulked up which is what I’m trying to keep down with diet anyways

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Appreciate it. Agreed on the mast enth, better off getting the proviron here. Probably try and run it 50 a day for 6 weeks and then dial down my test and deca. My test is still higher then my deca now, but I might be sensitive to the deca. Added it recently to my TRT and now I’m having issues, doubt it’s a coincidence. I’ll finish up what I have and get back to my normal cruise and then blast this spring. Hopefully the proviron will do it’s thing with the deca.

    The deca has been great at low dose. Shoulders feel better and my strength is up but not bulked up which is what I’m trying to keep down with diet anyways
    You very well could be. I don’t know what causes the difference, but some guys just get hit way harder by DHN effects than others. Theoretically, there should be almost no difference between individuals, as both DHT and DHN are reduced by the same enzymes and bind to the same receptors.
    It’s not like with estrogen where it’s a totally different enzymatic reaction producing it and different receptors altogether.
    I do wonder though, are you a high or low SHBG person under normal circumstances?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    You very well could be. I don’t know what causes the difference, but some guys just get hit way harder by DHN effects than others. Theoretically, there should be almost no difference between individuals, as both DHT and DHN are reduced by the same enzymes and bind to the same receptors.
    It’s not like with estrogen where it’s a totally different enzymatic reaction producing it and different receptors altogether.
    I do wonder though, are you a high or low SHBG person under normal circumstances?

    The last time I ran heavy deca was probably more than 15 years ago and did fine with even lower test, the body changes over time and I’m no spring chicken. As far as my SHBG, I’m usually right in range. Just pulled my last lab report and I was a 46 on a range of 10 - 80.

    Total test was 1400 and free was 28 (on a 4 - 24 scale).

  17. #17



    As I understand it, the cause of Deca Dick is because DNH replaces DHT in the enzyme 5a reductase, so that DHT drops to an extremely low level.


    And how the hormone nandrolone is converted to DHN (hydronandrolone);

    DHN does not exercise does not produce an androgenic effect (male sexual characteristics such as enlarged penis and testicles, changes in voice, hair growth on the face, armpit and genital areas, and increased aggression; and an anabolic effect, which influences things like increased muscle mass, strength, speed of muscle recovery and control of body fat levels.

    Just like DHT does.

    So, when DHN takes DHT's place in the same receptors, that's where Deca Dick can happen, right?


    The addition of DHT-derived steroids can prevent Deca Dick.


    Dopamine agonists, such as cabergoline, can also take care of Deca Dick, it seems that cabergoline greatly increases erection, sometimes even undesirable.

  18. #18
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    For whatever reason I don’t get deca dick. Or at least I never have. Now I’ve never run like a gram of deca with like 250mg of test or anything, so I don’t know. Maybe I guess I might then. But I’ve run 500/500.

    I’m running 250/250 right now, but there’s also 400mg of primo in there that I may drop down to 200. I don’t know, I really like that shit...

    Seems like if there’s ever really any doubt 20mg of dbol turns me into the fuck machine.

    ... and then there’s Tren. Holy shit... if your Dick doesn’t work on Tren it’s just broken. I just, wow.

  19. #19
    High dose deca with low test is more likely to cause deca dick since youll have lesser amounts of DHT floating around.


    at most I intend to keep Deca at 300mg- along with my 600mg of testo per week.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    High dose deca with low test is more likely to cause deca dick since youll have lesser amounts of DHT floating around.


    at most I intend to keep Deca at 300mg- along with my 600mg of testo per week.
    That’s conventional wisdom. Back in the day we always use to run deca around half test because it works.

    Now in days though there are some alternatives if you don’t want to run a shitload of test (or you have estrogen issues). Masteron is a great substitute.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    For whatever reason I don’t get deca dick. Or at least I never have. Now I’ve never run like a gram of deca with like 250mg of test or anything, so I don’t know. Maybe I guess I might then. But I’ve run 500/500.

    I’m running 250/250 right now, but there’s also 400mg of primo in there that I may drop down to 200. I don’t know, I really like that shit...

    Seems like if there’s ever really any doubt 20mg of dbol turns me into the fuck machine.

    ... and then there’s Tren. Holy shit... if your Dick doesn’t work on Tren it’s just broken. I just, wow.
    My dick stopped working on tren, with 250-300 pg/ml e2. Brought it back down to the 100s and bam, sex machine. Could be some other factors there, but that was my most obvious case.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337 View Post
    My dick stopped working on tren, with 250-300 pg/ml e2. Brought it back down to the 100s and bam, sex machine. Could be some other factors there, but that was my most obvious case.
    i don’t track my blood work that tightly, but it seems like the higher my estrogen gets the higher my sex drive gets. Of course I’m basing that only off of dose ages of aromatizing compounds. Mainly Test and dbol.

    But the supposedly the symptoms of too high E2 mirror the symptoms of crashed E2. So you were probably on the money with that one

  23. #23
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    I was taking Tren a few years ago and I had anorgasmia. It was really really really horrible as I was just starting to sleep with a new girlfriend at the time.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Cameron View Post

    I was taking Tren a few years ago and I had anorgasmia. It was really really really horrible as I was just starting to sleep with a new girlfriend at the time.
    That’s a side effect of high prolactin. That’s where Masteron comes in and saves the day

  25. #25
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    I go away for 6 years and first time I'm back, there is a Deca dick thread near the top sure enough LOL some things never change. This is really good refresher and learned some new stuff. Thanks guys!

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    My personal experience

    First cycle was 500 deca 500 test and I had deca dick

    13 years later I like to run 100mg test and 250 Deca (im on trt) and my dick is on point but it does take some concentration to ejaculate.

    My normal trt is 160mg a week, I ran the above combo twice for a 4 months.

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