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Thread: Gambling?

  1. #1
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    Aug 2006


    I've never been much of a gambler, I'm almost 23 and have only ever really tried the slots and when I lost more then 20 dollars got pissed and quit, haha. So lately I've played a few games of poker with some fellas at work and I find it very enjoyable. I'd like to eventually try it at a casino just for shits and giggles but would like to step my game up a bit if you know what I mean. Are there any good resources any of you gamblers on here can suggest that have some helpful tips and techniques? Could be anywhere from online to books even. I recently read on a listverse the top 10 people who beat the casinos lol and it got me even more fascinated into little tips and tricks I could use to play. Now, I'm talking fair play, no cheating for me. Also, I don't expect to win millions of dollars nor do i plan on throwing my entire paycheck into gambling as I know very close people who it has hurt deeply. I would just like to resources to improve my game, and hopefully make a few bucks after losing a few =)

  2. #2
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    Pin it to win it!
    Few sites like fulltilt and pokerstars are good places to practice for free.

  3. #3
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    Bradenton Florida
    I have been playing poker for awhile now. I play online on Fulltilt as well as at casinos and home games. There are alot of good books out there now adays but the bible of poker is still Doyle Brunsons Super Systems. There are professional poker players out there today that say they basically learned the ground work from reading his book. Also, if you watch any of the poker shows on TV that have decent commentary, you can learn a ton by the announcers basically talking you through the hands and how they are played. Televised poker is also a great way to learn hand percentages because they are displayed throughout the game.

  4. #4
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    I grew up in a town 5 minutes from AC.....I was hitting the poker tables since I was 17....badddd addiction. I won't gamble for months, sometimes even a year, but when I do...I'm in there for two weeks straight every night.

  5. #5
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    used to play a lot of online poker, it gets addicting. All the online sites have good places to practice for free. And there are a lot of good books to help understand basic strategy and starting hands.

  6. #6
    The Theory Of Poker is an excellent read that will explain the thought process behind the decisions you should make. The concepts in the book apply to all poker games, not just Texas Hold 'Em which is what you will most likely see being played on television.

  7. #7
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    I have a couple simple rules that I always use playing poker or 21.
    Before I go to the casino I take out the amount I will spend for the night and will NOT use the ATM.

    Now this works for me but maybe not others. I have had compliments form dealers on how it's a good strategy. You never walk away with nothing and usually walk away with more than I started but usually nothing HUGE.

    Every hand I win I take the winnings off the table and put it in my pocket never to come out until I cash out and leave.

    Unless you loose EVERY hand you will leave with something.

  8. #8
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    dont ask for a source thx
    just remember one thing about mater how smart you are or think you are by using systems and methods found in books or on tv, or even by experiance that there is still luck involved...i always put my money in with the best hand but more often then not suffer the "bad beat"...there are so many donkeys out there that think there good players making shit calls and end up suking out and they and other donkeys at the tables walk away thinking what just happend was a "good call"...i have quit playing for this very reason cus ever since chris moneymaker won the wsop, everyone thinks there a poker pro...i only play now in large by-in homegames where people "keep it real" cus theres so much to loose...just be carefull bro exspecialy online games, i used to win a lot of money but i never cashed out just keept playing till it was gone, it can get addicting...

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Every hand I win I take the winnings off the table and put it in my pocket never to come out until I cash out and leave.
    I employ a similar strategy and it works very well for me.

  10. #10
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    Aug 2009
    Reading won't do it, ever. You have to find your niche. You're going to have to win some big hands and lose even BIGGER hands. Every person you play will be completely different than the guy before. All you need to know is what hands are good, and try to figure out a way to determine your odds.

    I suggest playing for free and get a grip on the game. Poker is just like bodybuilding, the more time you put in, the more you'll get out

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I know my horses....

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Miami, FL
    I was once on a cruise, totally shitfaced. A friend of mine gave me some chips and played a few hands of blackjack for me. I didn't really understand what was going on, as I was totally shitfaced. I ended up winning $1,800. I was told that I should never gamble again, as it would be bad luck because I won so much my first time.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I like the horse races... place your bet, drink a beer, smoke a cigarette, and watch the race... heaven

  14. #14
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    Mar 2004
    I play roulette and usually do pretty well..... i've won quite a bit.....


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I play roulette and usually do pretty well..... i've won quite a bit.....

    Do you employ any strategies in Roulette? Sorry, I just find "strategy" in games such as these facinating. I've always been good at chess, poker, recently become quite good at cribbage and like I said before, am becoming quite interested in popular "gambling" games, not necessarily gambling in itself.

  16. #16
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    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018 View Post
    Do you employ any strategies in Roulette? Sorry, I just find "strategy" in games such as these facinating. I've always been good at chess, poker, recently become quite good at cribbage and like I said before, am becoming quite interested in popular "gambling" games, not necessarily gambling in itself.
    I do..... It all depends on my goals while playing.

    It's kind of hard to explain but the jist of it is: You can play most of the board with 7 chips by playing between numbers or playing 4 corners. Now..... playing this way will minimize your losses and increase your winnings but what you win is very little. This strategy is actually great if you don't have a ton of cash and want to sit at the table for a while and drink for free LOL. It'll carry you through the night.....

    If I want to win big money - it's a lot of luck. Playing numbers pays out well but you're obviously risking more. I also play a lot of red and black. It's a 48/52 chance (gotta count the 0 and 00).... you're odds don't get much better than that while gambling. A lot of time i'll walk up to a table and plunk $100 down on black. Most of the time.... it's comes out and I make an easy $100 lol


  17. #17
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    I've earnt alot and lost alot playing red and black.

    Paid for an entire holiday with the GF once though going to Antigua playing red and black in a shoddy casino. Thought I was going to get mugged when I left so bolted in a taxi.

    Didnt have my drill or can of petrol so things wernt looking very rosey....

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    I've earnt alot and lost alot playing red and black.

    Paid for an entire holiday with the GF once though going to Antigua playing red and black in a shoddy casino. Thought I was going to get mugged when I left so bolted in a taxi.

    Didnt have my drill or can of petrol so things wernt looking very rosey....

    People get mugged in Atlantic City every now and then..... a lady won $11,000 and had it for all of 15 minutes before someone mugged her ass.....


  19. #19
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    When I was in Aruba I played A LOT of roulette. I went into this one casino where a guy was playing with a ton of chips. I was playing conservatively just trying to milk the night as I had already won $600. This one guy plunked down $500 on a number and I said I should play that number because he'll probably hit..... but I didn't and sure as shit..... the bastard hit. So what does he do next? He plunks down an UNREAL ammount of money on a number AGAIN! His stack of chips was a foot high..... NO JOKE!

    So I look at him and say..... I really ought to put all my chips down on that number but theres no way you're getting that lucky twice.....

    I wanted to go hang myself when his number came out again. His payout was so large that he was written a check form the casino for his winnings!


  20. #20
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    Bradenton Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    When I was in Aruba I played A LOT of roulette. I went into this one casino where a guy was playing with a ton of chips. I was playing conservatively just trying to milk the night as I had already won $600. This one guy plunked down $500 on a number and I said I should play that number because he'll probably hit..... but I didn't and sure as shit..... the bastard hit. So what does he do next? He plunks down an UNREAL ammount of money on a number AGAIN! His stack of chips was a foot high..... NO JOKE!

    So I look at him and say..... I really ought to put all my chips down on that number but theres no way you're getting that lucky twice.....

    I wanted to go hang myself when his number came out again. His payout was so large that he was written a check form the casino for his winnings!

    You gotta be kidding me. Thats insane! Guy must have had a golden horseshoe lodged in his asshole.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    When I was in Aruba I played A LOT of roulette. I went into this one casino where a guy was playing with a ton of chips. I was playing conservatively just trying to milk the night as I had already won $600. This one guy plunked down $500 on a number and I said I should play that number because he'll probably hit..... but I didn't and sure as shit..... the bastard hit. So what does he do next? He plunks down an UNREAL ammount of money on a number AGAIN! His stack of chips was a foot high..... NO JOKE!

    So I look at him and say..... I really ought to put all my chips down on that number but theres no way you're getting that lucky twice.....

    I wanted to go hang myself when his number came out again. His payout was so large that he was written a check form the casino for his winnings!

    Why is it the people who have the money are the ones who get this lucky? That ones you know dont need it. My buddy's sister was married to a guy who made xxx (several) million a year. They would go to Vegas and she would ween $20,000 - $50,000 all the time and NO she would not spend that much to win it or put it all back in. She would usually only spend $1,000 or less before hitting that. WTF?

    Yeah you have to go with you gut or walk away. I like to play craps but only play the hard ways. I have to pull out my money before I walk to the table and place my bet as I walk up or it's to late. If I stand there for even 10 sec one of my hard ways will be called and I have to walk away. If my number hits I will either parlay (leave it all on that number) or Press it (double my bet).
    Last edited by lovbyts; 09-18-2010 at 08:49 PM.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Why is it the people who have the money are the ones who get this lucky? That ones you know dont need it. My buddy's sister was married to a guy who made xxx (several) million a year. They would go to Vegas and she would ween $20,000 - $50,000 all the time and NO she would not spend that much to win it or put it all back in. She would usually only spend $1,000 or less before hitting that. WTF?

    Yeah you have to go with you gut or walk away. I like to play craps but only play the hard ways. I have to pull out my money before I walk to the table and place my bet as I walk up or it's to late. If I stand there for even 10 sec one of my hard ways will be called and I have to walk away. If my number hits I will either parlay (leave it all on that number) or Press it (double my bet).
    LOL I know it man.....

    Same vacation..... different casino. This Douchebag walks in..... a real skinny mfker..... and he's got this SMOKING HOT dirty blonde with him. I was playing very conservative, along with a few others, and this guy starts plunking down $5 chips in quantities of 75 at a time. Now this guy covered most of the board LOL so he almost couldn't lose much. Some of his numbers had chips stacked 3-4inches high and almost every time he hit one of those stacks.

    What really pissed me off tho..... he was lettin her plunk down all the chips. From the time you could start betting..... to the time they wave their arm across the board and you can't bet anymore..... her ass was just randomly puttin down his chips. I wanted to bend her over and give her what she deserved.....


  23. #23
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    I played poker as a semi-pro online for about 3-4 years until some dick politician snuck in a law making it illegal for financial institutions to transfer money to gambling sites so most of the 'live ones' went elsewhere to gamble rather than jumping through the extra hoops one has to do now to get money onto the online sites.

    As others have said there are some good books out there (and some sucky ones). One very basic thing that many 'live ones' or fish or suckers don't understand is that there is math involved in poker. If you don't understand the math involved in the game your playing and your opponents do you are screwed. No limit and limit hold-em have been the most popular games for the past several years now so if you don't have a solid understanding of things like pot odds, odds of making certain hands, etc learning all that is a good place to start, and with hold-em unless your in home games that just play stud or omaha or something. Hold-em is still where the action is. If you want to be a really good player you want to become proficient in all the main games, holdem, stud, omaha, razz, etc.... but most players seem to be into hold-em.
    Table selection is also important, you want to be at a table where your one of the best players at the table. If your not, long term you will loose money because 'luck' is distributed evenly. The difference that separates a good player from a bad player is skill. You can be the best one at the table with the most skill and still loose due to runs of bad luck short term, but long term you will wind up with all the money plain and simple.

    If you don't have a good conception of what are good hands to play and what are junk hands you shouldn't even be sitting at the table.

    Check out twoplustwo, it's a poker website with forums discussing poker. Great free resource.
    Last edited by 40plusnewbie; 09-20-2010 at 09:32 PM.

  24. #24
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    Canada eh
    I think the main reason people who have lots of money win lots of money is because they don't care whether they win or loose. When people go into a casino with a small amount of money and hope to win, they have a certain level of tension/anxiety/frustration. This translates to the game because they are always second guessing their bets etc. When someone is loaded (money wise), they don't really care, they just go with the flow and bet whatever they feel, and it dosent matter because they still have millions in the bank

    Also i find that asians are extremely lucky in a casino... i always see them win.

  25. #25
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    Most important thing in poker-BANKROLL MANAGEMENT.

    If you dont know what it is, you need to look it up, understand it, and abide by it. It will not keep you from going broke, because even the greats have gone broke at some point or another. What it will do is keep you in the game longer and help minimize the effects of "bad luck" or runs of cold cards.

  26. #26
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    whatever u please dont put ur money in online poker play something where u no for a 100 percent sure ur money is safe and u can see a dealer deal ur cards so its fair gl its a long learning process

  27. #27
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    I know the professionals in gambling who can manage their emotions and finances. How can, when they lose a few chips they will stop and when they get a target profit they also stop. Personally, I'm too ambitious and greedy, so I never play for money - just for fun.
    Last edited by almostgone; 03-24-2020 at 11:38 AM. Reason: Removed URL.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018 View Post
    I've never been much of a gambler, I'm almost 23 and have only ever really tried the slots and when I lost more then 20 dollars got pissed and quit, haha. So lately I've played a few games of poker with some fellas at work and I find it very enjoyable. I'd like to eventually try it at a casino just for shits and giggles but would like to step my game up a bit if you know what I mean. Are there any good resources any of you gamblers on here can suggest that have some helpful tips and techniques? Could be anywhere from online to books even. I recently read on a listverse the top 10 people who beat the casinos lol and it got me even more fascinated into little tips and tricks I could use to play. Now, I'm talking fair play, no cheating for me. Also, I don't expect to win millions of dollars nor do i plan on throwing my entire paycheck into gambling as I know very close people who it has hurt deeply. I would just like to resources to improve my game, and hopefully make a few bucks after losing a few =)
    YouTube brotha! Lot of great players blog and go into a detailed analysis of there thought process. Check out Andrew Neeme, great poker player.

  29. #29
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    There are only few people that I know that can make money on gambling, most people loose. I think the professional gamblers are just lucky enough or they have their own strategy and they could control their self and stop when they feel like it. They know which sites to trust like 샌즈카지노. A good friend of mine make his living with gambling.
    Last edited by Oliver47; 04-22-2020 at 05:42 AM.

  30. #30
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    Bragging to someone
    this is an old thread .. not sure why the heck it was resurrected (but heck we are getting close to easter, resurrections happen
    anyhow , Blackjack is best way and best odds to make some money. but you have to do your research. I've got books on blackjack strategy and studied them. I lived close to casinos and had easy access to 'practice' the strategy . and they do work. I made 100s some nights and several thousand others (I was conservative and not going to blow money, I wasn't a high roller at all)
    however, casinos hand you out free drinks for a reason. they don't want you to be focused on your strategy and they want you to think its just a 'party' . at a drunk party, you'll throw your money around no problem and lose it all (like a strip club). but you gotta just stay focus and play by the rules of your strategy , and yes you can make money .
    but working with your hands and serving others is the best way to make a living for yourself. gambling should just be entertainment. never bet more then your willing to lose and never take food off of your kids table for it

  31. #31
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    I am a contractor. I gamble every day and hope nothing bad happens.
    Except my entire livelihood and family is at stake as well as my life.

    I was never intended to get something for nothing. I never really wanted that. Just want to give my all and lay my ass on the line to get what I deserve.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    I am a contractor. I gamble every day and hope nothing bad happens.
    Except my entire livelihood and family is at stake as well as my life.

    I was never intended to get something for nothing. I never really wanted that. Just want to give my all and lay my ass on the line to get what I deserve.
    You never “get” what you deserve! You need to take it.
    Holds true in life and sports.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    You never “get” what you deserve! You need to take it.
    Holds true in life and sports.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    You screamed rape last time.

  34. #34
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    Jun 2018
    Man fuck gambling. I don’t even like Vegas. Ooo shiny coins!! Gambling always seemed like scumbag shit to me. Unless you do it just for fun here and there. There are gambling fiends out there losing their homes over gambling. Like it’s been said, we already gamble enough with our steroids, jobs, and now the coronavirus. Some of us more than others. It’s enough for me, I don’t need any other addictions or vices.

  35. #35
    Gambling may be tricky. Above all, it needs risk management, discipline, and some strategy to make some good money in gambling. It may sound easy, but actually it is not. If you have special knowledge and skills, you will succeed. Also, don't forget to choose reliable websites only, here is the list
    Last edited by Dooles; 05-01-2020 at 07:51 AM.

  36. #36
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    May 2018
    Although gambling is not really bad, being an addict to gambling is bad. We should also have limit on ourselves. Be sure to control yourself. Never risk more than that you can afford to lose. Also be sure to choose the right place for gambling. I personally can recommend you .

  37. #37
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    Apr 2019
    Yes, gambling can be addictive, I even know people who faced such a problem. I'm not a big gambler, but it is fun to play mr bet withdrawal games now and then. My goal is to relax and enjoy the process, but of course, it is good to win some money.
    Last edited by Frank777; 05-23-2020 at 03:24 PM.

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