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Thread: IDS Mass Tabs, IDS Sostonol 250, Methyl DX3 and more

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Deep in the Woods,Iowa

    IDS Mass Tabs, IDS Sostonol 250, Methyl DX3 and more

    I was going through my closet the other day and found some old pills from when I was really into weight lifting. Includes whats in the title plus some other random pills. I have not been on this forums in over a year as I don't really weight lift anymore due to time and my hobby has changed to guns. I didn't know if I could sell stuff on this forum or not so I'm not gonna say anything is untill i'm sure on that first as I don't want to get banned. But thought you guys would like this as I don't think they make IDS mass tabs, sostonol, and i'm not sure about superdrol conols.

  2. #2

    Question ids

    Have you sold your products on yet?

  3. #3
    I know this thread is WAYYYYY old. BUT, I was a consumer of the original IDS Mass Tabs. I don’t kno if anyone else is dealing with this issue. But my natural testosterone never got back to normalcy. I was having ED issues, pre-mature enjaculation when I could get a semi on. Was all bad, I‘ve been on HRT for some time now AND, Im starting to feel mass benign tumors throughout my body.

    like I said I don’t know if anyone in this thread took them. But I don’t know why this has happened to me. I‘m not happy about it. It’s going to make my life as an old adult VERY painful depending on how big these tumors end up getting.

    im EXTREMELY upset because in order to slow them down I’m going to have to make life changes such as. Get completely off of my HRT protocol, & see if I anyone has had the same type of experienc.

    I’m quite afraid TBH about what’s going to happen to me as I age. I have a tumor on my liver and in my right lung, as well as 2 on the left side of my neck (that I can actually feel). I also have tinnitus (so one I most likely in my brain/ear area).

    i also have been having abdominal pains on my left and right side of my abdomen. Like I said I‘m afraid of what’s going to happen to me in the future of my life. If I knew earlier what was going to happen to me. I would’ve started taking HGH continuously along w/ said oral‘s ��

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