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Thread: 1ST Cycle

  1. #1

    1ST Cycle

    In 7 days time I will begin my first cycle. Here is what I'm going to take thoughts and opinions are appreciated....

    Week 1-5: 500 mg Sus, 400 mg Deca
    - Week 3: introduce Nolva

    Week 6-8: 300 mg Test Prop, 400 mg Deca
    - Week 7: introduce clomid

    Will also have HCG at hand!

    I decided against going too light for a first stack or too heavy, this stack is more of an in-between. I have also not set ridiculously high goals in terms of weight gain for myself, but I plan to get in shit loads of calories and protein.

    Has anybody done a cycle like this? What are your views/opinions/results?
    Last edited by realdeal; 08-11-2003 at 10:20 AM.

  2. #2
    I was just wondering why youswitched tests and also why you're starting your PCT before your cycle ends?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    running the sust for 5 weeks will be a waste IMO. Just run Sust at the same dose for 10 weeks, and run the deca for 10 weeks. 400mg/week for the deca will suffice. If you run the sust and deca the same length the half lives match up easy. If you were to run the prop I'd say run it for 13 weeks instead of 10 like the sust. and at ed or eod injects youd be a pin cushion so thats why I say sust. Also, I presume the clomid is introduced one half life before the cycle ends as per the 'warrior' method. This being the case it would also behoove you to run the sust instead of prop. Also, the nolva wont help you with regards to the deca as it is progesterone gyno we are talking about now. If you are worried get some bromo but I think you'd be fine. remember to eat like a horse and get your sleep, the gains will come. peace

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