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Thread: EQ/Winny/Clen

  1. #1


    hey guys,

    i'm new here. this is a great board! very educational. this is my 1st post. i've been reading what i could find through the search function on using EQ/Winny/Clen.

    so far i picked up this much... can someone tell me if i'm on track.

    EQ for 8 weeks, 600mg/week, twice a week at 300mg, shot through a slin pin, shoulders/glutes/quads are good spots.

    winstrol depot for 6 weeks, 50mg/ed, drink it and i'm good to go.

    clen - 8 weeks, 2 weeks on 2 weeks off with ECA during the 2 weeks clen is not used. i read a lot of info about clen tabs but around here clen is mostly found in the pump. what dose with the clen pump? most ppl around here say to go with one pump/ed but i'd rather draw it through a syringe and measure it.

    milk thistle - 10 days before first dose of winny through to 10 days after last does of winny. what dose? when?

    ALA, glucosimine, ZMA, cranberry juice, multivitamins, will be used throughout.

    here's a mini schedule of what i see this cycle looking like.

    week 01 EQ
    week 02 EQ
    week 03 EQ
    week 04 EQ / Clen
    week 05 EQ / Clen
    week 06 EQ / ECA / Winny
    week 07 EQ / ECA / Winny
    week 08 EQ / Clen / Winny
    week 09 Clen / Winny
    week 10 ECA / Winny
    week 11 ECA / Winny

    day 1 after last winny dose - clomid. dose?
    days 2-11 clomid 100mg
    days 12-21 clomid 50mg

    i didn't read much about winstol-v as compared to winstrol depot. any comments on winny-v as that's what most common here.

    and a little background info. 8 years of training. first cycle. approx 195lbs, 5'10", 11-12% bf?

    please correct me where i'm wrong and tell me anything that i might have missed.

    thanks guys... and happy new year!

  2. #2
    soul shaker Guest
    eq can't be shot through an insulin needle, too thick. might want to run it 10 weeks, it takes 4 to 5 weeks to see an effect. clomid dose is 300mg day 1. cycle is good, depends what you want to get out of it. i would add alittle test but that's up to you. never had clen in a pump. i've never drabk winstrol, i think you have to do 25 mg in the am and 25 mg in the pm to keep it level, someone will verify that. good luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    The city where dreams are
    nice stack, similar to mine, but with t3
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	lou.jpg 
Views:	420 
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ID:	1235  

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    ON, Canada
    Nice pic! Too bad Big Lou still doesn't look like that. If i'm not mistaken, that was taken in 89', right around the time of the Return of the Incredible Hulk(295lbs). Yeah i'm kind of a Ferrigno fan.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    If Big Lou, would stand upright, and expose his abdomen, one would conclude that his awesome, thick, physique could use some clen and t3, oh yeah, and some cardio.

    Don't drink the winny, mate. if you want oral winny, then get the tabs, save the injectable gem when you are able to inject. Many opinions on this true right or wrong. But there is an optimal solution based on all the different opinions.


  7. #7
    i wasn't sure about the insulin needle... but i'm sure i read it on the board. it was actually just before i made my post. but now i can't find the link. lol. anyways... so what gauge should i use?

    what about tapering doses in and out at the beginning and end?

    i don't think i'm going to add test to it cause i just want a small gain in muscle mass while being able to lower bodyfat.

    anyone have comments on the winny-v and clen pump?

    what about ss' comment about 25mg in the am and 25mg in the pm for the winny?


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    ON, Canada
    Big Lou didn't start sportin the GH gut until the early 90's. It must have been trendy though. Look how many pro's carry them now a days. Some more sucessful than others. I'll give you a hint. He's black and it didn't stop him from winning the O title the last few years!

    Take the Winny any way you want to. It doesn't make any difference. As far as the Liquid Clen goes, it's the same as the pill form, but have you ever tried to make a horse take a pill, it's much easier to pump it into it's feed.
    Last edited by THE BIG RED MACHINE; 01-01-2002 at 11:36 PM.

  9. #9
    the majority of the posts i read said to drink the winny. and honestly i didn't know you could until i came on the board. but from what i remember because winny is 17aa it will pass through the liver and be just as effective as shooting it. but planet... what are the negatives on drinking the winny in your opinion?


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Sam- Negatives are people believe you can spot inject winstrol to try to bring up lagging bodyparts. In theory, it seems too be correct, causes nitrogen retention in that specific area= bigger muscles. Now whether it does or not, you'll neber hear the end of it.

    IG preaches insulin needles for pretty much any AS. If he says it works, it works. . .

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    i'd say just get some some 23g 1 inch... very good all purpose needle..

  12. #12
    Bro, I inject everything with a 25g 5/8" needle in biceps, triceps, and delts. Quads and glutes I use 23g 1". Some substances will take longer to inject, but a 25g will work, you just gotta keep squeezing for a while. Plus it builds a lot less scar tissue. JMO

  13. #13
    can someone tell me the amount i should be taking with the clen pump?

    and what about winstrol v versus winstrol depot?

    also do i just start out and end the EQ with 300mg shots (600mg/week)? no need to taper?

    same with the winny... start out and end with 50mg ED? also what about what SS said about the 25mg in the am and 25mg in the pm? is that how it should be used?

    thanks again

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    can someone tell me the amount i should be taking with the clen pump?
    and what about winstrol v versus winstrol depot?
    also do i just start out and end the EQ with 300mg shots (600mg/week)? no need to taper?
    same with the winny... start out and end with 50mg ED? also what about what SS said about the 25mg in the am and 25mg in the pm? is that how it should be used?

    Are we speaking of Ventipulmin, by Richter?? If so, I have experience w/ this cm-pound. You will like, my friend. Tastes good to, just let dissolve as best you can under the tongue, then swallow the rest. Going several years back, I did 2cc's under the tongue, several times a day, working up to 4 times per day, maybe 5. The stuff rocks. A more than welcome change from the tabletas song and dance.

    Are you spreaking of Upjohn's winny-V, the 30ml original "kegs"?Perhaps you are, if you have access to the Ventipulmin. Go with this for a change of pace. They are rare these days. You will always be able to get Depots. Be cautious of infections in this rather large, water based ,multidose keg. Alcohol, etc....

    I am schooled on no tapering required on LT injectables such as a TV, susta, cypio, or EQ. Gear tapers itself once stabilized into the B-stream. Again, just my opinion and I expose myself to needless flaming as there is no true wrong or right., I say do not taper. I live by the philosophy: get the gear into your system as quickly as possible, and furthermore, get the gear out of your system as soon as possible so your "status quo values" normalize and you can start the cycle all over again. Yes, I advocate F-loading.

    Finally, many people will advocate a 2x25mg daily inject of winny, and perhaps they are right theoretically according to TXTB blood conc. levels and 1/2 life ideology?? IMO, 1-50mg ED "jab" more than suffices your needs. Again, just my opinion, coming from a guy who has had a couple of abscesses over the years due to daily injects of short term esters and running scarce of "jab" sites.

    Here is what you must ask yourself: Will my body look even better by giving it an additional 42 jabs of winny over a six week cycle?? Here is my opinion: 42 "jabs" of (50mg) winny over 6 weeks sure as hell beats 84 "jabs" of (25mg) winny over 6 weeks.!!!! But then again, BB'ing isn't my source of income.

    Sorry for the length, hope this helps.


  15. #15
    the clen i was referring to is ventipulmin by boehringer ingelheim. comes in a 355ml bottle and is 0.025 mg/ml. so 2cc's of this, 4-5 times per day correct?

    and the winny-v that is most common around here is indeed the 30ml bottles by upjohn. but... i've been told 50mg ed is a lot for a first cycle. what should i be doing? 50mg ed or eod? i did a search on the board but i've seen both. although i remember iron game's comment about the short half life and that the winny should be taken ed and that is why when i made this post i was thinking of using 50mg ed. but like i said... seeing this is my first cycle is that too much?

    the EQ that is available is a 50ml bottle with 50mg/ml. two of these will give me 5000mg to use. should i run the EQ 500mg/week for 10 weeks? again... i was told 10 weeks is a lot and i probably don't need that much first time around. what should i do?

    thanks yet again

  16. #16

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