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Thread: can I eat too much protein or just too much.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Los Angeles, CA 90024

    can I eat too much protein or just too much.

    I have a goal of losing 10 lbs of fat and increasing 10lbs of muscle. weigh in at 206 6,2 23 yearsold. cardio cardio cardio, weightsX4 a week. Winny, EQ, Fina, Clen, T3 cycle. My questiion is since i want to be sliced, and i NEED to eat alot of protein what do I do. I generally drink three protein shakes a day, 60grams of proteins each 350 calories. at lunch I go to a buffet and chow on three-four chicken breasts, eight eggs, two cups of tuna, two cups of cottage cheese, and some veggies, for dinner I eat two chicken breasts and then nothing. Is this too much or alright.

  2. #2

    it's alright bro!


    I sugest you to take as much as you can proteins from food!Take a lot of eggs 20!

    and also some good suplements too!HMB,GLUTAMIN,AMINO ACIDES,BCA,ETC

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Again this post should be in the diet section

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