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Thread: Can someone please help me????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    Can someone please help me????

    Can someone please help me with a stack I'm going to take soon. I need help on taking a stack cause I'm going to enter a local body building competition in the beginning of June, and I have to take something to get in better shape. Anyway I was thinking of taking an 8 week deca/sustanon stack and I don't know when to take it, how often and how much(well I know how much per week, but not at a time), so I'm just gonna write it out and hopefully someone can help me. And I want to know about taking Nolvadex or Proviron and when, how often, and how much to take? So, please can someone help me, I'd really appreciate it.

    week 1-Deca/400MG Sustanon/250MG
    week 2-Deca/400MG Sustanon/250MG
    week 3-Deca/400MG Sustanon/250MG
    week 4-Deca/400MG Sustanon/250MG
    week 5-Deca/400MG
    week 6-Deca/400MG
    week 7-Deca/400MG Clomid/100MG-ED
    week 8-Deca/400MG Clomid/50MG-ED

    ED stands for everyday.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Get the Nolva, but put it aside unless you start to see signs of gyno. Double the sust, and take it pretty much throughout, 4 wks of sus 250 isn't gonna help much. D-bol would be good for the first 4 wks or so and some clen and some winny towards the end of the cycle (winny last 6 wks, 50mg ed, and clen, 2wks on 2wks off with an ECA stack on off wks) would pretty much shred you. Good luck bro. Also, up the clomid a little.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I,m taking it that this is your first cycle so stats would be good like training exp weight age ect

    Run the cycle

    Deca 400mg and Sust 250 500mg for 8 weeks

    Running the deca on its own won,t do much and you may feel a bit limp at the end of the cycle(Deca Dick).

    You could even stop Deca in week 7 and keep the test going until week 8.

    If you are going to add d-bol do it at 30mg ED for 4-5 weeks but this is not necessary.You,ll get good gains from the Deca and Sust.D-Bol is added to give the cycle a kick start as the oils take 3-4 weeks to kick in.

    If you do use the D-bol run MilkThistle at 1000mg ED a week before and a week after taking it.

    Clomid should be run approx 2 1/2 weeks after the last jab

    300mg day 1
    100mg 10days
    50mg 10days

    Take the Nolv if you get itchy senstive puffy sore nipples.If this occurrs take 20mg a day until it subsides and then 10mg until the end of the cycle

    Welcome to the board as well,but bro do a little reading before you start

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    yo mr trenton

    where in trenton is the contest? my gf lives not far from there maybe i'll check it out.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    If you're looking for a contest prep cycle why not do EQ/winny........this shit will shred you up????

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Here are my stats too.
    age 21
    weight 240
    height 6'3
    exp. 7 years on and off, first for losing weight and 5 years for lifting.
    bf. don't know

    the competition is called the mr. trenton bodybuilding championships. its held at lawrence township high school right outside of trenton, since trenton isn't the best place for it. it takes place in june, its a friday i know that, i think its june 7 at like 7pm.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    One other thing, when you say everyday, every other day, or daily does that mean you have to take it on the weekends too, or just during the weekdays, and do you take it before your workout or after.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    cool i'll check it out

    i'll just make sure i wear my Kevlar vest to the show.i'll having to go shopping for some FUBU and be iced out so i fit in in the area.i knwo trenton summer home is in Camden,hahaha JK

    BTW, ed/or eod includes weekends!!no offense but maybe rethinking the gear thing may be a good idea.i'm all about supporting my NJ peeps just want you to knwo what you are doing.research research research

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