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Thread: what u all think????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    what u all think????

    Heres my about to start my cycle and have gotten some gear already: 20ml 75 mg fina 50 50mg amps of prop and 40 ml of winny. i can afford some more fina (20ml) of about 20 ml of prop thats about it. i was thinkin pof doin this:
    1-8 100 mg prop eod
    1-6 75 mg fina eod
    2-8 50 mg winny ed
    novla 10 mg ed
    500 mg b6 ed
    clomid 3 days after last shot. or
    1-8 75mg prop ed
    1-6 75 mg fina ed
    2-8 50 mg winny ed
    novla 10 mg ed
    500 mg b6 ed
    clomid 3 days after last shot

    what u think i should do???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    In da Lac ridin on dubs
    Quote Originally Posted by unhcj
    Heres my about to start my cycle and have gotten some gear already: 20ml 75 mg fina 50 50mg amps of prop and 40 ml of winny. i can afford some more fina (20ml) of about 20 ml of prop thats about it. i was thinkin pof doin this:
    1-8 100 mg prop eod
    1-6 75 mg fina eod
    2-8 50 mg winny ed
    novla 10 mg ed
    500 mg b6 ed
    clomid 3 days after last shot. or
    1-8 75mg prop ed
    1-6 75 mg fina ed
    2-8 50 mg winny ed
    novla 10 mg ed
    500 mg b6 ed
    clomid 3 days after last shot

    what u think i should do???
    Is the only difference in the twp cycles is 25mgs of prop eod. If your gonna do 75 why not do 100?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Motor City
    Well I would run the fina at least 8 wks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    i would do 100 ed but i dont think i can get enough prop for it thats why posted these two cycles

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    [QUOTE=unhcj]Heres my about to start my cycle and have gotten some gear already: 20ml 75 mg fina 50 50mg amps of prop and 40 ml of winny. i can afford some more fina (20ml) of about 20 ml of prop thats about it. i was thinkin pof doin this:
    1-8 100 mg prop eod
    1-6 75 mg fina eod
    2-8 50 mg winny ed
    novla 10 mg ed
    500 mg b6 ed
    clomid 3 days after last shot. or
    1-8 75mg prop ed
    1-6 75 mg fina ed
    2-8 50 mg winny ed
    novla 10 mg ed
    500 mg b6 ed
    clomid 3 days after last shot

    The second one seems to be the better of the two, but preferably the tren atleast 8 weeks and I would run the prop past the tren, thought b-12 was better for tren.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I like the second one bro,but up the test to 100mgs ed.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    You will probobly see better results with ed injections but if you dont want to do ed then do eod.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    I like the second one bro,but up the test to 100mgs ed.
    I disagree, depending on his cycle experience, I would not suggest 700mg of prop a week, I think as a low dose cycle option 1 isnt too bad. However, your experience as far as anabolics goes into the decision making process far more than a cycle laid out for us to read and pick from. I'd do option 2 with an additional few weeks but that is me, tell us a little about what've run before so we can help further...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    In da Lac ridin on dubs
    Quote Originally Posted by unhcj
    i would do 100 ed but i dont think i can get enough prop for it thats why posted these two cycles
    Oh I didn't notice the 100 eod and 75ed

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    In da Lac ridin on dubs
    Quote Originally Posted by unhcj
    i would do 100 ed but i dont think i can get enough prop for it thats why posted these two cycles
    Oh I didn't notice the 100 eod and 75ed

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    well i have done a few cycles first one was deca and test 200, then i did a cycle of qv decca 300 and prop, and my last cycle was sust and decca so i have a few under my belt so far. my previous cycles i was injecting every 3 days. so this would be my 4 cycle. im currently 5'10 195 and about 16%bf...ive been dieting really hard and doind eca stack and im lossing lots of fat...u all think till i should wait to trim down more to start this or will the fina help me?

  12. #12
    Swellin Guest
    Soemthing smells rotten here bro. I'm 5'9.5" and I weighed 210 before ever doing my first cycle. You have done four and only weigh 195? This means either you started WAY too early and/or your diet and training are not in line. Give us some more info on you...including your age.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    im 24 and i started when i was 21...i put on about 30 lbs though

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by swellin
    Soemthing smells rotten here bro. I'm 5'9.5" and I weighed 210 before ever doing my first cycle. You have done four and only weigh 195? This means either you started WAY too early and/or your diet and training are not in line. Give us some more info on you...including your age.
    hey screw you! ive done plenty and im only 5'9 180 right now!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    central nj
    Quote Originally Posted by swellin
    Soemthing smells rotten here bro. I'm 5'9.5" and I weighed 210 before ever doing my first cycle. You have done four and only weigh 195? This means either you started WAY too early and/or your diet and training are not in line. Give us some more info on you...including your age.
    yeah, but you're a fat f*ck

    j/k kidding bro, that was a little harsh

    no, f*ck that, drop the twinkies, tubby

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2003

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