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Thread: Importance of diet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Importance of diet

    In an email from EF (AR is a FAR better site) they promote this book by Nelson Montana "The body building truth" the book looks good to me except for:

    <<Article 14. The Food Fallacy - The Truth About Nutrition

    Get ready for a shock...

    Your diet has almost nothing to do with the way you look.

    Yes, it's true. Trying to alter your appearance through diet is the most misinterpreted and misguided procedure toward obtaining a better body. Obviously Montana's not advocating that a meal plan of donuts and potato chips is just as good as any other. But you don't really need another book to tell you to eat wholesome foods, do you?

    The simplest dismissal of the overestimation of food would be to look at men in prison who lift weights. Some of them are ripped! Yet, they eat slop. How can that be?

    Read this next line carefully:

    "A bulldog doesn't get to look like a greyhound by eating like one."

    In The Bodybuilding Truth, Montana dispels the bodybuilding diet myth that can keep you from making the gains you want>>

    Not sure why a PRO BODYBUILDER would say Your diet has almost nothing to do with the way you look?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    the only people diet doesn't matter for is those with the best genetics ever.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    yeah I would think diet is one of the MOST important factors?.. Ive been following the advice on this site and its giving me good gains.. just seems strange that the guy writes that, unless hes trying to create bit controversy for the book

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Vin10

    Not sure why a PRO BODYBUILDER would say Your diet has almost nothing to do with the way you look?


    Too hilarious! Bwahahahah!!!!!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    this is terrible.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Too hilarious! Bwahahahah!!!!!

    ~SC~>> end quote

    .. Sorry, I assumed the pic alongside article was of him.. but I reread and I must be wrong..

    dont think Ill buy his book anyway cause of his strange belief on dieting..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    somewhere in reality
    oh boy, krispy kreme here i come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    SUre there may be big guys in prison but they would be alot bigger if they got out and got on a proper muscle building diet..

    This guys logic is bad its like saying people in prison dont have access to suplements like creatine, glutamine etc. but there are still big guys in prison therefore supplements dont work.. really crap logic

    Its scary the bad information thats out there and actually gets published

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    This is really stupid and make no sense BUT i had recently discover some weird thing about diet and results last months.

    i used to follow almost all year long the AR diet type and had great results but two months ago i was getting tired off eating the same thing day after day and started to felt depressed so i decided to take a huge break.

    i am not eating 7 times a day anymore (maybe 4 now)
    i am not doing gym cardio (i play tennis and roller-hockey insted)
    i am not eating 1.5 g pro/pound per day anymore (maybe 0.8g pro/pound if i am lucky)
    I am not lifting 4-5 time a week anymore (2-3 times)
    I am now cheating 2-3 time a weak instead of one

    two months ago i was shure that after 2 week i would feel like crap and get back on track but it is not what happened.

    I almost never that much great for a while, in the last two monts i had take 9 pounds and body fat have stayed the same. I feel stronger and bigger. Everyone is telling me thta my shape has improved.

    I now i am not doing things the right way and will get back on track in september. But i have learned alot from this experience. I do not see the relation beetween diet and results the same way now.

    This experience i had gained and the understanding i made about diet though this break will help me alot in the future.

    BTW - do not buy this book

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004
    In the woods
    Quote Originally Posted by J-F
    This is really stupid and make no sense BUT i had recently discover some weird thing about diet and results last months.

    i used to follow almost all year long the AR diet type and had great results but two months ago i was getting tired off eating the same thing day after day and started to felt depressed so i decided to take a huge break.

    i am not eating 7 times a day anymore (maybe 4 now)
    i am not doing gym cardio (i play tennis and roller-hockey insted)
    i am not eating 1.5 g pro/pound per day anymore (maybe 0.8g pro/pound if i am lucky)
    I am not lifting 4-5 time a week anymore (2-3 times)
    I am now cheating 2-3 time a weak instead of one

    two months ago i was shure that after 2 week i would feel like crap and get back on track but it is not what happened.

    I almost never that much great for a while, in the last two monts i had take 9 pounds and body fat have stayed the same. I feel stronger and bigger. Everyone is telling me thta my shape has improved.

    I now i am not doing things the right way and will get back on track in september. But i have learned alot from this experience. I do not see the relation beetween diet and results the same way now.

    This experience i had gained and the understanding i made about diet though this break will help me alot in the future.

    BTW - do not buy this book
    Holy crap that was hard to read\ understand.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by )(PimP JuicE)(
    Holy crap that was hard to read\ understand.

    what he said

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    ahhh, sorry guys... but as you can probably see, english is not my first langage


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    Quote Originally Posted by J-F
    This is really stupid and make no sense BUT i had recently discover some weird thing about diet and results last months.

    i used to follow almost all year long the AR diet type and had great results but two months ago i was getting tired off eating the same thing day after day and started to felt depressed so i decided to take a huge break.

    i am not eating 7 times a day anymore (maybe 4 now)
    i am not doing gym cardio (i play tennis and roller-hockey insted)
    i am not eating 1.5 g pro/pound per day anymore (maybe 0.8g pro/pound if i am lucky)
    I am not lifting 4-5 time a week anymore (2-3 times)
    I am now cheating 2-3 time a weak instead of one

    two months ago i was shure that after 2 week i would feel like crap and get back on track but it is not what happened.

    I almost never that much great for a while, in the last two monts i had take 9 pounds and body fat have stayed the same. I feel stronger and bigger. Everyone is telling me thta my shape has improved.

    I now i am not doing things the right way and will get back on track in september. But i have learned alot from this experience. I do not see the relation beetween diet and results the same way now.

    This experience i had gained and the understanding i made about diet though this break will help me alot in the future.

    BTW - do not buy this book
    There is a very HUGE paradox in your say you discovered thru experience that eating has a lesser role in making gains than u thought...but the fact that you have relaxed your eating and thus feel bigger and stronger is the most potent evidence that nutrition IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR. The fact that you are feeling "stonger and bigger" is indicative of a few eating related facts:

    1. You were never eating enough to support your muscle mass to begin with.. your body is probably needing more calories to grow now compared to a few months ago (assuming u have been putting on some lean mass). You need to re-assess your BMR and daily caloric requirements.

    2. relaxing your eating has probably increased your fat/carb consumption, prompting water rentention in the muscles, making u feel fuller. ..this also means you probably were semi-carb depleted before relaxing your diet...i think ppl tend to be over-conservative with most carbs because its such a bodybuilding no-no, esp during cutting

    3. If you were to go back to eating the 6-7 meals and carefully plan out your nutrient profile so that the total calories match your current haphazard consumption, your gains would probably come twice as fast!!

    just my two cents
    Last edited by InsaneInTheMembrane; 08-03-2004 at 10:22 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by PecDec
    There is a very HUGE paradox in your say you discovered thru experience that eating has a lesser role in making gains than u thought...but the fact that you have relaxed your eating and thus feel bigger and stronger is the most potent evidence that nutrition IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR. The fact that you are feeling "stonger and bigger" is indicative of a few eating related facts:

    1. You were never eating enough to support your muscle mass to begin with.. your body is probably needing more calories to grow now compared to a few months ago (assuming u have been putting on some lean mass). You need to re-assess your BMR and daily caloric requirements.

    2. relaxing your eating has probably increased your fat/carb consumption, prompting water rentention in the muscles, making u feel fuller. ..this also means you probably were semi-carb depleted before relaxing your diet...i think ppl tend to be over-conservative with most carbs because its such a bodybuilding no-no, esp during cutting

    3. If you were to go back to eating the 6-7 meals and carefully plan out your nutrient profile so that the total calories match your current haphazard consumption, your gains would probably come twice as fast!!

    just my two cents
    whoa, after reading this is sounds pretty logical, since the same thing kind of happened to me. once my girl started to live with me we always ate out and ate bad. my work outs weren't quite as long as they used to be, but they were still good. point is, with no real change in cardio or workouts i had lost 5 pounds over the month eating out at the taqueria, pizza hut at night, jamba juice, just a bunch of crap basically. i don't know the reason......maybe not enough cals in my diet before, but i plan to start eating healthy again, if not for better results then for better bodily health.

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