This is really stupid and make no sense BUT i had recently discover some weird thing about diet and results last months.
i used to follow almost all year long the AR diet type and had great results but two months ago i was getting tired off eating the same thing day after day and started to felt depressed so i decided to take a huge break.
i am not eating 7 times a day anymore (maybe 4 now)
i am not doing gym cardio (i play tennis and roller-hockey insted)
i am not eating 1.5 g pro/pound per day anymore (maybe 0.8g pro/pound if i am lucky)
I am not lifting 4-5 time a week anymore (2-3 times)
I am now cheating 2-3 time a weak instead of one
two months ago i was shure that after 2 week i would feel like crap and get back on track but it is not what happened.
I almost never that much great for a while, in the last two monts i had take 9 pounds and body fat have stayed the same. I feel stronger and bigger. Everyone is telling me thta my shape has improved.
I now i am not doing things the right way and will get back on track in september. But i have learned alot from this experience. I do not see the relation beetween diet and results the same way now.
This experience i had gained and the understanding i made about diet though this break will help me alot in the future.
BTW - do not buy this book